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I hope Barbie is black

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She's not even"bodypositive" (:marseychonkerfoid:)



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I want to vomit. Nikki Minaj would been legit better casting as Ryan Gosling looks ironic like he tries hard to look like a good looking young guy but that Harley Queen actress legit looks like Barbie. With Nikki the movie would looked like a good parody movie

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No way Mattel licenses a movie that would shit all over its toy, or a studio greenlight a movie that doesn't play to it's obvious little girl barbie fan demographic. They'll make just enough tongue in cheek jokes to keep give the parental chaperones a sensible chuckle or two and keep themselves from roping while they sit through it, but that's about it. They have to make an allusion to Ken's peepeeless status though, no way around it.

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Now I am sad, I thought the movie would be so r-slurred it gets a cult classic status

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