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Are cops really that bad in US as shown in internet.? : TooAfraidToAsk


Another brave redditer asking the real questions

Two of my relatives are police officers in a major city. One I believe is a decent person. The other is abusive and controlling to his own family so I shudder to think how he tested people on the street.


That we know of

It doesn't matter where you fall on the political spectrum in America, we've all got our statistics :marseysaluteusa:

I think one of the biggest problems is that the profession attracts many people that should not be in a position of power. I grew up in a small town where everyone knew everyone else. The people that were bullies in school became cops. They could still push people around but now they had the power of the law behind them.

Agreed, AJAB :marseyjanny:

Some "ex-journo"' redditer's worthless opinion about one bad apple spoiling a bunch

At Least here in India we just get beat up with a stick.

Good morning :marseytunaktunak:

I’ve always wondered how it would go if we were to take a few of the police from a country with typically favorable opinions of their police and supplant them in a few of our cities throughout the US. I’m very curious what their impressions and perspectives would be. I think it could be quite telling.

Dutch police would probably end up being shot to death or having a nervous breakdown after a month. In big city/high crime areas, that is. I definitely prefer our police over some of the US police, but US police do have way more to deal with.

I tell this to Europeans constantly. There are many things European cops don't have to worry about over US cops. Western European cops are overall probably better trained, but European cops in US cities would also find it a very difficult time

This chain generated a ton of sneed, worth a look :marseyagreefast:

I'm a mixed black woman. I've had guns pointed at me twice. One there was an active shooter with the description white male and I was so scared I was holding my laptop as a shield. The cop said, "Put the weapon down!" And aimed at me. A white woman said quietly, "That girl doesn't match the description at all." I ended up having to throw my laptop in the grass and after the whole ordeal picked it up later.

Definitely happened

Of corse not. That’s like saying all minorities are thugs and terrorists.

False equivalence. The cops are an institution, it’s a system. And it’s hard to disagree that the american judicial institution is bad.

When bad cops don’t get fired, the institution corrupts. A corrupt institution is inherently bad.

And it’s like saying that all whites are fat, ignorant, gun toting hillbillies who don’t bathe properly and are ridiculously entitled. Oh wait…


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Anybody who's a cop that's not near retirement after Ferguson is a complete r-slur or bad person.

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You haven't seen their pay, overtime, and pension programs.

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Just looked at indeed and the average base is $55k so with OT maybe $70k being generous.

Not worth the abuse and scrutiny. Your coworker gets a little trigger happy and you then get spit on by purple haired zirs who think you're the same as him.

No thanks.

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You can't use average then talk about big city problems. Small towns pay nothing.

Columbus cops start at 73k and max out at 90k. Overtime and hazard pay for literally sitting in a cruiser watching construction. Then they have the drop program which is just stupid amounts of free money for the final few years of employment.

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Yep still not worth it.

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The idiots that are cops aren't making that somewhere else.

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Making money doesn't mean you ain't a dipshit.

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In Baltimore cops are pulling in over $200K with OT.

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I would say US cops are by far the worst in the western world, but not for reasons people would getting everything via reddit or media coverage of shootings would think.

Being a cop in America requires a low level of education and minimal training - and the salary isn't that bad in many places considering the price of entry.

It also gives you authority over other people. Combine these and you have a recipe for disaster.

The job just attracts some of the worst people in the country.

Ironically the solution is to abolish police unions, increase officer pay, and also increase the requirements/training.

It's kind of like the jannie problem.

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most countries don't have to deal with you know who's and have media and self hating mayos who immediately take the side of the career felon

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It's a combination of both.

A nation of violent r-slurs with easy access to weapons will obviously have a harder time dealing with crime when you send even more violent r-slurs to do it.

When did you wingcucks forget rdrama is a radically centrist website?


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Having easy access to weapons is the most dramatic political position.

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As if fentanyl americans lynching blacks for jogging are any better than pimps

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Being a cop in America is a death sentence. At any given moment every man woman and child can be strapped with a pistol. The turnover for cops is insane in America because most are too afriad to do their duty. If they did what you said the cop shortage would be immense. I don't even disagree with you but it's just unfeasible. There's like a 40% chance a cop quits after the first time someone shoots at them. People really can't take it.

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Ironically the solution is to abolish police unions


increase officer pay, and also increase the requirements/training.

Yea I agree. Like if being a cop required a criminology course in college or whatever wouldnt that solve a lot of problems? I get you need a lot of cops and thats why they have such a low bar to entry but come on. I’d rather take 20 holmesian body builder cops over 1000 fat r-slurs any day

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People b-word about having to take gen ed courses completely unrelated to their field of study. Why does a cop need to take a CSI class to pull over drunks?

Unless this is to weed out the absolute r-slurs who can't pass a course more complex than "shooty end towards bad guy"

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Unless this is to weed out the absolute r-slurs who can't pass a course more complex than "shooty end towards bad guy"


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Why are redditors physically incapable of realizing how massive the United States is and that hundreds of millions of people live outside of the shithole states/cities that make the news every day

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No one cares about incest creek, Montana, Daryl.

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No one should give about Baltimore either but here we are.

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The 40% isn't even true. It included yelling lmao

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I knew a couple people who wanted to become cops and they were the biggest buttholes out there. Fortunately they didn't make it, but whenever someone says the career attracts the wrong kind of people I have to agree.

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Like 3 decades ago a study came out about how 40% of police are abusive in their home life. Problem was, they counted a singular time of raising your voice as abuse, they based it off one department and extrapolated, and now police refuse to partake in any study since then. So people continue to repeat the 40%

I live in a terrible part of LA and I witness some gruesome and disturbing realities, routinely. I’ve had to call the cops hundreds of times, because my conscience won’t let me ignore what I’m seeing and hearing. I imagine that what these officers go through makes them cynical as frick and in worst cases gives them literal ptsd. So that number seems high but I can also see why that is. Cops are only human and though I personally have loathed cops all my life because they were getting me in trouble and they are honestly buttholes, I never felt the reason to disregard their humanity because I know what they’re up against. Bring the downvotes yuppies

That study considered raising your voice to be abuse. All that the study means is that 40% admitted to raising thier voice at their family, it means nothing

That is abusive. Why are so many people apparently okay with abusively screaming at their family? Y'all telling on yourselves.

Are you saying that you have never raised your voice at someone?

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You made the allegation...so you get to provide the proof. How much of tool can you be?



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Only a filthy dramapig would be STUPID enough to read that sentence and think that the problem with it is the idea of the burden of proof, and not that they have the concept of the burden of proof reversed.

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His post history:

I love this. You are very clearly being disingenuous. But look at that the homicide rate article from wikipedia you cite. And ask yourself why you think it is some sort of gotcha when you are comparing Honduras and El Salvador to the United States.And you know we can see your post history right? Can you be any more stereotypical than a libertarian crypto bro anime lover who thinks the WEF is the great villain?

This simply isn't true. Why can't we have an honest conversation? If it was really about protecting a life, then those same people would be arguing against the death penalty, they would be arguing against wars, and they would be supporting a vaccine mandate. If they really cared about protecting life, this would not be the hill they would be fighting for.

Yep, it is disappointing to read threads like this and see what the fanbase here consists of. It is a fantasy setting with dragons and angelic spirits and high magic and immortal elves...but apparently actors of different complexions breaks the immersion for some of us. sigh.

Who is asking for that? This is her sister, not "trans people" - whatever the frick that means. And the ask is for her sister to go to a wedding, not burn her life down. And this is where practicality comes in - over principle. Her family is acting on principle - it sounds like they are bigots and their bigotry is influencing their willingness to tolerate the op's sister attending a wedding - which is a very small ask of them. The practical approach is to go to them and say, "look, this is MY SISTER and MY WEDDING. She is attending." If they have a problem with that, that's on them, and they can COMPROMISE.

So saying masks are voluntary is absolutely being against masks. Not sure how you don't understand this. It's like saying "I don't think everyone needs to wear seat belts, I might choose to do it, but I don't think you need to do it."

STOP with this. The people responsible are those who VOTED FOR HIM. Stop blaming your fellow liberals. Just stop. If you want to get pissy, look at all those who voted for Obama but couldn't be bothered to come out for Clinton.

So this is AITA...literally the point of this sub is to judge. Its fine if you judge and then say you don't care. But to say that you won't judge the op...when that is the whole point of the post...and after you judge her sister an butthole (you voted NTA...)...well, wow buddy. That is fricked up on several levels.

Biden literally has nothing to do with that. On the other hand, a certain orange doofus worked to raise the price of oil during the early stages of the pandemic to help the oil industry. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/04/12/business/energy-environment/opec-russia-saudi-arabia-oil-coronavirus.html

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One of the finest heads of soycattle

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the “ex-journ*list”? yeah, they are neurodivergent, but it is “invisible” to other people.

I am neurodivergent and while that is mostly invisible, it still means I have to suppress a lot of natural behaviors and tendencies. Neurodivergent people are often harassed and/or abused by cops too, and if I weren't white, my interactions with police would be even more frightening than they already are.

Every. Fricking. Time.

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Hello i am a trans(portation worker) and am harassed by police and refused entry to mcdonalds and threatened daily by fourwheelers

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I can't believe people still buy that 40% myth

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I love when wingcucks trust their side to have any sort of moral decency. And I love even more when it’s always proven wrong.

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they're worse

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Police are jannies with guns and should be treated as such


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You and carpathianflorist are some CIA psyop, huh? Same training camp?

You literally just repeated the same argument word for word. You really need to learn to coordinate your soamming of disinfo better. At least write something different than him like "China is harvesting baby organs for boner pills" or something. It can't be so fricking difficult, I bet one of you losers has written an anti-Chinese bullshit generator at this point.

Please explain in more detail the little conspiracy theory you just wanted to push based on one random youtuber's meaningless personal anecdote that's probably entirely made up just like 99% of all anti-Chinese bullshit on the internet. I really want to have a good laugh at you thinking China asking people to stop spreading racial hatred and sinophobic disinfo is equivalent to a global campaign of war crime and terror and the total oppression of all opposition through war and the violent enforcement of one of the most murderous ideology in history (capitalism/liberalism/fascism, i.e. Americanism) to actively prevent global progress. Wow, you sure got China there, buddy.

Even the nazi-style conspiracy theories about China committing "genocide" are better than this, at least the NED is investing hundreds of millions into promoting terrorism and religious extremism in Xinjiang so it has a steady stream of "witnesses", but now that you realized that all the people spreading that propaganda are liars, THIS nonsense is your next best thing? A fricking whining youtuber spreading conspiracy theories nobody gives a shit about and that nobody - not a single person - in the Chinese government probably ever heard of?

The fact you unironically use the term "Wolf Warrior diplomacy" already shows what level of idiocy is driving you to write your comments. lmao

Edit: Half an hour later. Lots of Anglo losers responding with single sentences trying to derail the conversation by attacking me personally, not a single justification for the deranged anti-Chinese propaganda garbage they spread so far. Ever more conspriacy theorists and sinophobic losers attacking me personally without justifying their delusions or responding to criticism. I think we can once again see what kind of people oppose China. As ALWAYS when people on reddit criticize China: They are totally incapable of justifying their nonsense and stick to their lies as they personally attack those calling them out. 🙂


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Wtf is up with fahrners not understanding punctuation?

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