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OFFICIAL rDrama Celebrity Baiting Contest — 100 000 MBUX PRIZES

100 000 Marseybux if you can get any of these people to post here:

This contest comes to us by direct order of the Grand Dramacaliph Aevann the First and has been endorsed by his (((cabal))) of janitors. The MBux are guaranteed by the full faith and credit thereof, and presumably there will also be a badge if someone actually manages to pull this off.

:marseycapypharaoh: :marseyelonmusk: :!marseyminer:

Terms and conditions apply:

  • Prize goes to whichever dramatard or group thereof can make the best case for being responsible for the celeb joining.

  • In event multiple people collaborate, prize will be divided among them.

  • Prize disbursement conditional on jannies verifying who it is through some means—preferably a tweet on their main account with some pre-arranged codephrase arranged through modmail after they join.

  • Examples: One person personally befriends the celeb and gets them to join → gets 100k. A small group of collaborators work together to get the celeb to join → 100k divided among them however they like. Fifty dramautists hound their Twitter replies for a month and they begrudgingly join → each person gets 2k.

  • If possible for your particular plan, using a referral link makes it especially easy to prove it was you.

  • These rules are flexible and negotiable if one of you glorious retards somehow gets a real celeb.

General recommendation: probably conspire with a friend or two if you actually want to succeed, and try to be a bit more clever than usual. "Dude bussy lmao" on every tweet is unlikely to work; get creative. Feel free to organize in the comments.

P.S. The @xNotch we already have isn't actually him, in case anyone didn't know yet.
EDIT: [2315Z] Add Azealia Banks to list. [2325Z] Add Michael Burry. [2330Z] Recommend referral links. [0205Z] Add Tariq Nasheed.

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Who the heck is Michael Burry?

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Burry always deletes his twitter posts so the chance is really slim.

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droolcord words words words


Can't even read it without puking. :marseysick:

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