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Hmm I get the title is ironic but this doesn't look good chief

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It’s your duty to report it

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Are you at least in highschool yet?


Please be a fake honeypot please be a fake honeypot:marseybegging:

Im a girl

Also, i want someone who i can text back a forth with.

:marseypedo: :marseyfellowpedo:

i can be a friend if that's okay

Ill take that

and just like that :marseygroomer2:

i have a group of friends i met online, i’m 28 and they’re all like 18-21. we’re all in a groomercord together they call me β€œdad” as a joke because they come to me for advice and stuff a lot.

they even wished me a happy father’s day year i love them to death.

this all started because i was feeling super lonely in life and i wanted to socialize more so i joined a social 18+ groomercord where they video chat often. and i met some really cool people. but these 3 people in particular claimed me

The least pathetic :marseygroomer:

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No, that account's been reported several times. It is part of a group that co-ordinates to target specific moderators and users for harassment, and they rotate through sockpuppet accounts and throwaways in order to maintain activity under the admins' actionable threshold per time period.

They then sell that information about how to circumvent moderation, safety, and security to third parties in order to enable racially motivated violent extremism, ideologically motivated violent extremism, inauthentic engagement, etcetera.

The fact that they're in this thread is a way for them to mock /u/WorstNerd and the reddit security, safety, and anti-evil teams.

Reddit executives have been made aware of the existence of this group repeatedly for the past two years.

If you want to help motivate admins to take them seriously, report the comments instead of replying to them.


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