
EFFORTPOST :marseyimmaculate: Remember the "for LGBT youth" r/PrismaticLightChurch founded on reddit? The just resigned founder misused funds for strippers & booze + more drama inside :marseypikachu2:

For context I made a post 2 months ago when the "church" was just founded: https://rdrama.net/post/61593/marseyeggirl-wake-up-babe-a-new

Seven Tenets of the Church of Prismatic Light

Filed for tax-exempt status!

Board Members needed! Can you help?

Or if you have a kiwifarms account you can take a look at the founder's/church's thread that has a lot of insanity like the insane military ex-husband stalker and more: https://kiwifarms.net/threads/tiffany-holloway-wildfiresmile-wildfirepriestx.118809/

TL;DR - Single mom of 4 kids (1 is trans) with a Gofundme history starts a "LGBT church" in response to the Texas anti-trans bills, :marseysal:, misused raised funds for strippers and booze

Seems like the whole sub is in disarray now but I'm guessing this thread has the gist of the drama: https://old.reddit.com/r/PrismaticLightChurch/comments/vgydhc/these_are_screenshots_ive_saved_regarding_the/?sort=controversial

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1684135902422932.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/16841359028795464.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1684135903389966.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/16841359040028021.webp

https://i.rdrama.net/images/16841359045011463.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/16841359050177467.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/16841359054499002.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/16841359059492211.webp

https://i.rdrama.net/images/16841359065494618.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/16841359070554092.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1684135907568715.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/16841359080349717.webp

https://i.rdrama.net/images/16841359085953977.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/16841359090521815.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/16841359094862587.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/16841359100865524.webp


Congratulations I guess to the cynical ones here who called out her grift lol




I've been told that these are the interesting threads related to this drama but I'm too exhausted from IRL nonsense to take a look:









@InterGONEvention this would interest you a lot since you were the first one to post Tiffany's drama here :marseysmug:

@Frank_Williams :marseysmug:

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/u/wildfiresmile is Tiffany's (the founder) original reddit account which she deleted after Prismatic Light Church got viral: https://camas.unddit.com/#%7B%22author%22:%22wildfiresmile%22,%22searchFor%22:1,%22resultSize%22:100%7D

You can see the different stages she goes through on it which is both hilarious and sad

Late bloomer lesbian for a week -> Stalker ex-husband troubles -> Family troubles with her mother and brother -> Gofundme phase -> doomsday prepping phase -> trans youth rights phase -> strippers and booze

A couple of highlights I guess, one about coming out as a late bloomer lesbian and another about her teenage mum experiences while she was still at a Jesus type of church (which she pretty much used the same methods on the ones grifted here lmao):

Update: Tiffany's last statement :marsoyhype:

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1684136648191663.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/16841366493941855.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/16841366504649162.webp

https://i.rdrama.net/images/16841366515851831.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/16841366527223425.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1684136653830429.webp


BTFO by purity spiral :marseylaugh: :marseylaugh: :marseylaugh:

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The 'strippers and booze' supposedly was her using church funds for drinks at some NYC bar/restaurant while :marseygasp: using eggplant emojis while minors were in the groomercord. Apparently, she was also grooming others in the chat:


Also her was 9-year-old son was sexually abused and is getting therapy. She mentioned that a lot when the fire game down on her, so I'm guessing bullshit.


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She molested the kid, became a cyber lesbo, and blamed it all on the dad who simply wants to get his kids away from that pscyhopath.


I like my story more! :marseywholesome:

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I like your story more too :marseythumbsup:

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This really seems more plausible honestly

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Thanks for the summary there were way too many words in there :marseysmoothbrain:

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She's been called out for making up stories. She said her mom got evicted at gunpoint when evictions were frozen at the time. So I wouldn't be surprised if this is another story she spun in her head. I don't have a KF account though, so maybe they have proof of this? Police reports or a restraining order or something?

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I also just noticed she claimed her husband had a “registered gun”. That is a thing in NYC, but it is very much not in Oklahoma.

My bullshit pump can’t keep up with her.

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I am relatively sure that’s not a GPS. It’s got 12v, GND, and IG ON. There’s no visible part that looks like an actual GPS antenna. Notice as well that yellow and green have been cut - either the police cut the wires to check it out or she did. I am not sure what it is, it could actually just be a plug. There’s no inline fuse like I’d expect (though if her ex hated her, I doubt he’d bother to properly fuse it).

It’s a bit thin to contain a GPS antenna.

My guess is that she came in rambling like a paranoid person, the department called their resident gearhead dork to check it out, and he was like “this b-word is crazy, she just found some wires”. Then she got mad when they didn’t do anything (to further damage her car). At least in my state, she would not be told “this legal because you’re married”. That would still be illegal.

It’s not a great pic and it’s entirely possible I’m wrong.

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My guess is that she came in rambling like a paranoid person



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Assuming her post history is real, those early phases are kinda sad.

Just kinda though.

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She lied about her mom being evicted at gun point and legaladvice called her the frick out

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Good effortpost babe :marseyclapping:

I mean, I guess it’s a creative way to grift!I’m confused by all of them saying that it’s a real church though :marseyconfused: I thought they were just trying to troll rightoids or something

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I thought they were just trying to troll rightoids or something

Nah the whole thing's actually insane, too bad even my autism is not enough for me to finish up the thread on Kiwifarms but here's a video where she's boasting about coming out as a late bloomer lesbian

Kinda sad when you can hear her toddler in the background while she's camwhoring for the tiktok gibs

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It's a real church in the fact that someone took a smug reddit idea of "what if illegal thing was part of our religion so we could do it even though it's illegal" and actually ran with it.

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Brazil is absolutely filled with religious grifters of all kinds, afaik our very own James Randi, Padre Quevedo (RIP), a Spanish priest known for deboonking spiritual grifters, specifically moved to Brazil of all places because he heard among his priest friends that Brazil was the country where these pseudo-mediums from all places of the world had the most success in.

We also have this very popular psychic who de-facto controlled an entire city and then later turned into a convicted male feminist who scored over 600 (:marseysweating:) me too's, he was recently arrested, this would be like if Jim Jones was arrested for male feminism before he could make his entire cult city an hero.


And also Inri Cristo, the Dramanaut who claims to be Jesus since the 1970s (perhaps even earlier I think), at first he originally wanted to start a serious cult centered around himself, but when the entire media laughed at him and he became infamous for this, he pretty much embraced his meme persona for entertainment purposes, his entire life is a shitpost :marseyxd:


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Inri cristo is from my hometown kek. But a lot of the espirita people are actually fairly devout and it is quite old and ingrained in brazilian culture.

Do i think its real, no, but some ppl really do believe it. A lot of alternate relogions rise in brazil bc of our jesuit background beeing a more liberal catholic church, as well as because a lot of quasi christian religions were made by slaves

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Did the Dramanaut Deep State (DDS) put something on the water of Indaial for it to generate so much concentrated autism? :marseythonk:

Also Inri is the first picture on the English Wiki article for Indaial :marseyxd::marseybrasileiro:


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I live nearby Indaial, it's absolutely a meme town.

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Its the only thing there, also i should clarify, not actually indaial, but the place where he moved to, curitiba

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The Satanic Temple grifters made redditors think you can get around any law if you claim it's against your religion

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>The initial concept was that the Church could be used to claim religious exemption from laws targeting LGBTQIA people and likely needed those filings for such.

It was always bullshit.

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lol anyone dumb enough to support this "church" deserves to be grifted

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So many posts saying "It was never meant to be a 'church' church"


Defund the Police


Every time.

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“Kill all men” is one of the OGs.

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>So many posts saying "It was never meant to be a 'church' church"

Oh so it's fraud? Just call it a nonprofit next time lol.

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its another one of those /r/leopardsatemyface tier copes

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I'm shocked that this turned into a shit show. Positively shocked and appalled.

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A church promoting degeneracy is run by degens. This was destined to have infighting even if the stripper shit isn't true


My favorite part is the new person in charge making a thread "How can I help" and then responding with "I've been up all day, I'll respond after I get some sleep". Why make the post then?

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I've been up all day

Most people are

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Hey she probably has Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, it's very serious and very real

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They’ve rediscovered church corruption, at the very least.

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Nice lgbtqqa++ church you got there, be a shame if someone were to...schism it :marseyluther::marseyluther::marseyluther:

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This is a GOOD post.

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Thank you for the ![](https://rdrama.net/i/badges/94.webp) :#marseylove:

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Sincerity is a core ingredient in any successful cult or religion. I don't know why secular people even bother with these fake "faiths".


:#marseydisintegrate: :!#marseyflamewar::space::!marseyagree:

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Huh a church founded on degeneracy turned degenerate who would have thought

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It takes five seconds of thought to realize this shit wouldn't work. Religious exemptions cannot, in fact, just make any crime legal

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Unless those crimes are financial

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Im going to start the church of cocaine and hookers.

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Isnt that just universalists

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Big different is I wont allow in fedora reddit atheists and p-do Catholics.

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libertarian Catholics

i.e. all Catholic clergy (stay mad, Papists)

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Praise Gaysus!


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Bet money half the r-slurs saying they’re fine with her misappropriating funds and being an activist get super pissed whenever a Christian church fleeces their followers or attempts to influence politics.


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It's been two months already? What the frick where is the time going


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got me laughing my butt off at work. even my squishy moderate coworker thinks this is an inappropriate thing to be doing LOL

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glad to hear that!


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The money was just resting in her account

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Very nice post!

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Mfw a super high effort @chiobu -post (that isnt about females(male) 100% focused on females (male)) gets drowned by a billion posts related to jannies bannig TiA and SJiA

I think this was an orchestrated attempt by the jannoid cabbal :marseyjanny::!marseymerchant: to rob you out of :!marseycoin:

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It's ok babe I only buy cosmetic awards which are cheap


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She's like the Jesus of the movement, how can she just quit over something so small? Unstable white women

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Better than molesting kids I suppose

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:gigachad2: he grindmaxed

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heck yeah dude

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