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Most Homeless people are homeless for reasons they can change, but refuse to. - r/unpopularopinion


Jesus Christ. This isn’t an unpopular opinion it’s just an ignorant one.

It's just a weirdo using a sub to vent his petty issues

Like this isn't a opinion it's just a dude upset he tried to get cheap labor under the table and it bit him in the butt

weirdo posting his opinion on /r/unpopularopinion

This is an unpopular opinion because it's ignorant and flat out wrong.

your opinion is incorrect sweaty :soyjakanimeglasses:

Yeah? How many homeless people have you housed and or put to work only to be robbed and have your home destroyed??

Yeah honey how many have you? You said three earlier; there are thousands and thousands of homeless people, 3 do not speak for all of them.

you just haven't met the good ones chud

Most fat people are fat for reasons they can change, but refuse to.


This isn't an opinion yr just a POS


I like the lack of elaboration XD /lh

this!!! /lh /j /s

Wow you are complete bullshit.


Until you house homeless people and they rob you, stfu

Maybe don't house homeless people if your not a rehabilitation center eith actual help and a way tonrender necessary rehabilitation not just cash for work to save you some money


I thought redditors said all they needed was housing and they'd instantly do well once they got it

This sounds personal, if you're letting homeless people live with you and they betray you, it's your own fault.

:marseyhesright: imagine letting random addicts into your house and expecting things to go well

Same goes for poor and pretty much everyone else who cries. Poverty's a practice and a mindset, not a status.


Theoretically no one (at least in my country) has to be homeless. But there are homeless people, many of them. There are plenty of reasons for that, and often, it's not the fault of the homeless.

> I don’t have the energy to type out what has reaffirmed my belief (actually is proof!)

Translation: I have nothing to back this up, but trust me bro.

Actually, I hired them to do work. Payed for all supplies. They used my supplies to rebuild their trailer and ran out of flooring in the middle of my bedroom and kitchen. Destroyed plumbing and left mounds of trash in my yard

lol did OP hire random hobos to renovate his house :!marseylaugh::marseygigaretard:

In other words, you tried to get cheap renovations by hiring an unqualified person(probably paying under the table too) and are now upset that your shenanigans bit you in the butt.

Actually, I paid them very well. Fed them. Gave them clothes, household goods, even babysat the kid.

None of that makes them qualified to do the job you hired them to do.

And stealing building materials to fix their trailer, while shitty, sounds like the thing that may have been of the most help to them, which is what you were trying to do in the first place.

lol redditors justifying stealing

This is not a good answer, come on.

You help them by letting them rob you?

It might not have been seen as robbery. She's got a big pile of materials and is sharing stuff, you fix your urgent trailer needs, work on hers and realize you don't have enough. I've worked several jobs where taking stuff that's surplus to requirements is totally above board, and might even be part of the pay.

Some randos who don't know much about renovation could well think we have enough for everything, and then realize they didn't.

We are only getting one side of the story, after all.

they didn't know they were stealing bro

You’re right, this is an unpopular opinion because it is just flat out wrong. Sorry your personal experiences have given you such a bias towards people in need but most homeless people are victims of an environment that lets too many slip through the cracks. Still, this post follows the rules so here’s my upvote😜


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The conservative take on homelessness always seems to be something like "Round up all these shiftless layabouts and send them to the death camps!" while the liberal take is always "If you don't allow a homeless man to sleep wirh your wife and daughter, you're not truly compassionate!"

And I know most people aren't like these outspoken extremist idiots, but gosh, it sure would be nice if we had some politicians who had the guts to call out these r-slurs as a problem. If I ever run for office I think a major highlight of my campaign is going to be that I promise to hurt the people in our society (on both sides) who put out the dumbest extremist hot takes. Nobody likes these extremist idiots because they're human garbage who make the world shittier, but because our politicians are too gutless to take out the trash, this human refuse is left to grow and multiply unchecked, posting their dumb opinions online. I may be a sociopath, but I'm also an altruist, and I believe that the most valuable service I could provide to society is to attain power and then use it to punish the dumb human garbage who come up with these r-slurred hot takes, so that reasonable centrism can make a political comeback. I believe that I'm uniquely qualified for this role, and I would greatly enjoy doing it, because what could be better than doing what you love while making a positive difference in the world?

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All them words won't bring your pa back.

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I stopped reading after you said you would hurt people with extremist hot takes because 1. Anti-Drama and 2. This is an extremist hot take so you need to start with yourself

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We should probably keep an eye on this guy, he's been :marseyglow:posting lately.

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True pacifism doesn't exist because the true pacifist who renounces violence entirely will always be a slave to those who are willing to use violence against him.

Therefore effective pacifism when translated into practical terms will always involve a willingness to use extreme levels of violence to maintain peace through strength. The best way to maintain peace is by ensuring that war will have such horrific consequences for your enemies that they will never want to face you on the battlefield.

Extremism works the same way. Violent extremists can only be beaten by violent centrists. That's why extremist leftism or extremist rightism beats normal centrism, but radical centrism beats extremist leftism or extremist rightism. The extremist leftoids and rightoids make up only a small fraction of the population, so the only advantage that they have over the more popular centrists is that they're willing to leverage violence against their political opponents. But if you're a radical centrist (like me!) who is also willing to leverage violence against your political opponents, then you have a huge advantage against the pathetic leftoid and rightoid extremists because not only are you willing to play the game just as vicious and dirty as they are, but you will also have a lot more popular support for your much more reasonable political platform. A lot of reasonable people hate all these stupid loudmouthed left-wing and right-wing extremists who think that civility and rule of law doesn't apply to them because they're special and their cause is so righteous that the ends justify the means... so I think that there's honestly an untapped market for politicians who are willing to just make these narcissistic filth STFU, in a very subtle but painful way that the voters don't even have to worry about. It would certainly improve society substantially, that's for sure.

I think that's a pretty dramatic take, don't you? I mean sure, my political positions themselves are shockingly reasonable and great for society, but I'm willing to use wildly inhumane and vicious tactics to make sure no extremist Leftoids or Rightoids dare to attack me, so I think that there's certainly some dramatic potential there.

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Why does that mean it doesnt exist? By your definition it means it does exist and the consequence is being a slave.

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What I mean is that it doesn't exist for very long.

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