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Bait Sub Idea r/LiberateWisconsin :marseylibleft::marseyfedpostglow:


The idea is that we make a subreddit dedicated to making ideas and organizing resistance to subvert the state of Wisconsin by any means necessary to force an end to its 173 year old draconian abortion ban.


  • It’s a leftoid seethe farm which should be self sustaining within a couple weeks.

  • It’ll attract lots of glow posting and larp. A virtually endless supply of milk :marseylolcow::!marseytexan:

  • It will attract attention from seething rightoids fearful of the intolerant left :soyjakmaga:

  • I came up with it, and literally all my ideas are perfect so it can’t fail. :marseybigbrain:


  • I’m much too lazy to make it myself, and I refuse to janny it. :marseychonker2:
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Yes my fellow civilian citizen, this a very good civil idea


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BAIT IDEA: We all apply to 3 letter agencies and become ironic glowies and bait wingcuck into doing terrorism lmao


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