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Czarina Lee Slape, 32, allegedly pepper-sprayed the two in an elevator

What a galaxy brain. Why are fats like this?

"If you talk to me again I'm going to mace you,"

Oh never mind, it sounds like a terminally online redditor not used to social interaction. Totally understandable.

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maybe they were on meds trying to get their mental health under control- psych meds have a lot of side effects like weight gain and you call them fat. so theyve resorted to doing drugs now and this happens. its a darned if you do, darned if you dont sitch with you ppl. if theyre off meds theyll be maligned and probably jailed for being β€œcrazy” but they go on meds and you call them fat. why not be empathetic and understanding? and what do you look like? why hide it?

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