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HOT HOT HOT new USDA AAA-certified lolbeef grazing ground open for business


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We need to crowdfund a cruise ship and then tell all those people we'll drop the them at whatever country they want, no passports, visas, or skills required (they're morons, they'll believe it no questions asked). Then once they're aboard the ship we just set them adrift in the Pacific and let them resort to cannibalism.

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i prefer space daddy’s solution of just sending them into orbit to starve to death

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If Elon picks up the tab that might work, but it costs something like $100k/lb to get something in orbit. They're just too fat to make it economically viable, unless we just blow up the rocket on the launch pad with them already in it.

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this is just some drunk math here, but the web says ~250k a person, so if we factor in the fact that most of the people we send out are on welfare, and the average welfare cost per family is 60k for a family of 4, it wouldnt take that long to actually save money. Overall, good investment id say. Can we get this on shark tank?

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Would easily watch a show or movie based on that plot versus the current capeshit and wokeshit

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