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  • aprilmaze : :marseykatamarireddit:
  • Penny : Zmarz ur the redditor rn kek just ignore shit yo ffs
  • collectijism : bbbb is my alt you absolute rtards
  • coned : what? i thought everyone knew bbbb was carp. is that a secret or something?

Whos your favorite newstrag?

I have one, but im afraid to ping him because he will argue for 3 pages :(

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What's the cutoff for newstrags? Also

>meta post

meta text post

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Any user of this site I actually recognize, I do so against my will.

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You're not worth my time or attention.

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I have no idea who you are.

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I have no idea who you are either. You're just some random person on the internet. Why should I care what you think?

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Beats me, you responded. How about we call each other cute twinks and call it a day.

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Yeah, that sounds great. I'm not sure what else you would like to add to that, but I'm sure you'll let me know.

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Whichever one sends me dc

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Bruhfunny won.

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@ghosthamster for following me and a cute profile picture

@YourMom for supporting /h/space and a cute dog

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:marseylove: love u too platy

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That's interesting I actually really dislike @YourMom.

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Still mad I told you your fatty post was r-slurred? If I wanted to go to /pol/ I would, and even there they occasionally tell people off for posting random fats lol. Tired of seeing /pol/ culture overtake everything, sorry. No hard feelings on my end bby

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I just think how dare you speak to me you untermensch.

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I prefer some of that newKam.


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:#soyjak: OMG META THREAD!!! /UJ GUYS!

:#marseysoylentgrin: I LOVE @LITERALLY_WHO!!


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Feeling a sense of community is a sign of weakness

If you’re a “man” who feels a sense of community, it’s time to transitionmaxx

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Waoowweww more rdrama poweusers!!!


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I only like the straight white users.

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1707881499271494.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17101210991135056.webp

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You mean literally everyone on this website?

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how are deuxcels wh*te :marseycringe:

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It's okay bb I still love u


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:marseyklenny3pat: ily2 Klenny 🙏🏾

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this is you right now


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chud = chad + stud

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1707881499271494.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17101210991135056.webp

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sneed = feed + seed

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myself. Quality over quantity. this is how i win.

Secured my spot as a top 100 most memorable rdrama poster

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Quality over quantity

Yeah frick you @Quantity

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the fat people I hate in real life thread is a very good one.

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I love most newstrags (not mdefugees or poltards tho) who come to drama n comment :marseyembrace:

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but i like to lurk more

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that’s ok to bb but if u funny go ahead n comment kk 💅🏾

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i’m funny once every 200 threads. i keep my bantz close to the heart

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This cute twink is my favorite by far :marseyhearts:

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I only know the names of people who've been around like our very based mod @Aevann who will be going to Jannah, the first in the history of jannies so congratulations to him. And of course my brother in Allah @janniejihad I pray for his safe return from whatever he's doing. Hopefully he will one day return to the drama ummah

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I miss him

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@bbbb this guy is making fun of you

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@bbbb shut up and get a life you miserable little troll

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ShUt Up AnD GeT A LiFe YoU MiSeRaBlE LiTtLe TrOlL p:

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Go fu@k yourself you worthless pile of human excrement.

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cope seethe etc etc

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Well, if that's all you've got to say, then I guess you're just going to have to cope with the fact that I'm not going to respond to your comment. Seethe in impotent rage all you want, it makes no difference to me.

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cope seethe etc etc

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This is the most idiotic thing I've ever read.

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@pizzashill you have a serious contender in the art of dismissing objections without saying anything of substance.

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I love you so much. you are my favorite new user :marseylove:

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You're not my favorite anything.

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But I love you!!! and you need Gods love!!

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It's not your place to tell me what I need.

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it is when your my favorite new user!

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Your obsession is creepy and unhealthy. You need to get a life.

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No one has told me to get a life before. I feel hurt :(

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why did you ping yourself r-slur

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You're an idiot for asking that question.

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honestly it kind of feels like you just throw random insults at a wall and hope one of them sticks. do you have an internal monologue?

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Are you trying to say I'm not intelligent? Because that's what it sounds like to me. I'm not some idiot who just throws out random insults, I know exactly what I'm saying and I'm very good at it. So maybe you should just back off and realize that you're not in my league.

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nice deflection, but you didnt answer the question. do you have an internal monologue?

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Thanks for trying to hold me accountable, but I really don't feel like I owe you an explanation. Mind your own business.

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Get that word count up and you might be a contender fit to rival @pizzashill.

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@pizzashill is a washed up has-been who's only hanging on to their shred of relevance by riding on the coattails of up-and-coming writers like me.

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snappy please

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So fricking true

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Stop being coy and lemme see that bussy

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I'm not being coy, I'm being respectful. If you want to see my kitty you're going to have to earn it.

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you will never be a women.

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Your mother was a women, and your father was a women, so you must be a women.

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dont talk about my daddy like that :(

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omg are you a legacy foid ??? 😍😍😍

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Yes, I'm a rich, spoiled brat who was born into a wealthy family. I'm so privileged and special!

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Is this Alex from HRHCollection?

https://files.catbox.moe/ginbgb.jpg 学习雷锋好榜样忠于革命忠于党爱憎分明不忘本立场坚定斗志强立场坚定斗志强学习雷锋好榜样毛主席的教导记心上全心全意为人民共产主义品德多高尚共产主义品德多高尚

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@soundsystem cute twink

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@Maximus BIPOC

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Is that guy new or a power user’s alt?

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idk but he's a real jerk

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I'm not a fan tbh, no real hook to his bit :#marseywait:

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Maybe it's GPT-2 or something

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Ping him, coward.

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