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  • ErinInTheMorn : During Memorial Day Weekend in 2022, more then 50 were shot, 9 fatally
  • boosy : You are a cuckold, and you live in Portland
  • 2DBussy : crying about a dead foid, megastraggot
  • rDramaHistorian : Are you guys planning these shitty baits in some groomercord shithole?

Don't you get it? One of ours is dead because of extremist politics.

It's not that I don't give a shit about @FrozenChosen. It's that really, making a production about her death is probably what she would have wanted, so that's what I'm going to do.

I didn't know her, but you have to be fricked up to end up here. So she's cool in my book, is what I'm saying.

All over the world, people have this sense that things are falling apart, and they look at America, and they think: things are falling apart in America, too.

Things look bad, and it's entirely because we gave the country over to boomer misery politics. Get the boomers fricking out of power now.

Divisiveness for the sake of divisiveness was an intentional wedge in the heart of this country and now one more life is snuffed out because the more you are alllowed to treat politics as a joke the more life will become a joke.

Stop deliberately choosing to live in clownworld. Stop inflicting clownworld on the world.

If FrozenChosen returns from the dead tomorrow to read this lmao thanks for letting me use you as a prop sweetie. For what it's worth my money is on it being a hoax but the truth is someone's family is grieving right now so I'm going to make the serious point on July 4th. We deserve better as a country.

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This shooting seems primed to be politicized on a nationwide level in the United States. I think it should be noted that during Memorial Day Weekend in 2022, more then 50 were shot, 9 fatally, in Chicago shootings. During mid June in the same year, 37 people were shot, 7 fatally in the same city. For anyone who is curious, the bulk of these other shootings over Memorial Day weekend and mid-June took place mostly in the South Side and West Side areas of the city which are predominately black in population. By comparison Highland Park, llinois north of Chicago and part of the Chicago metropolitan area, is nearly 90% white.

Yup, I see why you're so concerned over this incident.

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You're fricking gross lmao.

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Why do you hate black people?

(makes sense, seeing as how you live in Portland and are a cuckold)

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Cuckolds love black people, what are you talking about?

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As lesser, gross beings. They get off the same way they would watching their foid frick a dog 🐶

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Idk thats true sometimes but /r/cuckold is full of "superior black peepee" and "all mayos should worship kangs" posts, you can go check if you want

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How do you know that

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I read all the degenerate subs regularly, I find their psychology interesting. When I was a young gay I wanted to be a s*x researcher to figure out what makes gays, I gave up on that but checking in on /r/gooncaves or whatever is fascinating in a disgusting way

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That one is definitely interesting. Very meta

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:marseypedo: makes gays, there’s your thesis thank me later

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How can you not?

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Have you not lived near them?


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he's got a point neighbor, you(/we as a society) only care about white people getting shot.

well, not actually, we care about shootings when they are interesting, and black people shooting each other is not interesting. Who cares? That's just what blacks do, it's a part of life. The reason people care about this is because it can be considered politically to either drive a point or fearmonger. Oh no, white people are in danger of getting shot? We'd better ban guns quick!

Same with car accidents, fires, improper cleaning of food, illnesses, suicide, etc...

The point I'm making isn't that you're wrong or that the incident isn't tragic. People did die, after all. The point is that we wouldn't give a shit if she had died in any of the other ways people die. We like interesting death.

Like you can say to @WeaponsShill that he is being a jerk for politicizing the incident, but you are also politicizing the incident by trying to drive a political point about evil republicans. A mentally unstable person that clearly longed for a connection to a community shot up an event? That must mean that the entirety of the rightwing is evil and that right-wingers are responsible for this event. Again, you probably wouldn't say the same about the several people killed by BLM in the protests, because you agree with them on an ideological level. They are the good guys, republicans are the bad guys.

(OBVIOUSLY my point isn't that the BLM protesters were bad either, there were clearly a bunch of factors that contributed to the deaths of the people involved and individuals are not avatars of an entire movement. But, like, that's my point.)

This is exactly the reason why I don't give a flying frick about pretty much anything that the news talks about. It's all just a giant game of chess between left-wing and right-wing, in which nothing that is discussed has any real relevance.

"Oh no, an unhinged person from group A did terrible action B, deduct 30 points from group A."

"Ha, smugtard, an unhinged person from group C did terrible action D"

"N-No, unhinged person from group C doesn't really represent group C"

"Oh yeah? why does unhinged person from group A represent group A?"

"Well that's what the ideological characteristic of blah blah blah WORDS WORDS WORDS special pleading"

Go ahead and tell me that I'm only saying this because I'm an evil right-winger, because I say this every time a leftist does a terrible action. (Or I would, if rightoids would actually read what I'm writing) I'm a radical centrist, probably the closest to radical centrism of anyone on this fricking website, that is, I am opposed to political ideology. Also go ahead and tell me that I'm a terrible person for not taking this seriously and accepting your particular narrative and conclusions at face value.

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dude it's just a frame bump. topic switch. you fell for it HARD though lmao

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WeaponsShill isn't making a serious point, or doesn't deserve to be treated as if he is making a serious point. it's a whataboutism. a distraction.

rhetorical judo

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"he doesn't agree with the point I was making, therefore, it doesn't count as a legitimate argument"

lol ok bud

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shitty listening isn't a legitimate argument, I can set the quality bar for what deserves serious consideration

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it sounds like you are just trying to dodge the question at hand. can I judge the entirety of the BLM movement because of the unhinged people in it that kill other people? Can I furthermore make the argument that any attempt at letting Black people have rights will eventually spiral into violence? Of course not, that would be absurd. However, you are doing the same thing by generalizing the entirety of the right wing to one crazed mass shooter.

Unless, of course, I missed the point of what you were trying to say, in which case, so also did OC. Maybe that isn't what you meant at all, but honestly I cannot fathom what else you meant.

Moreso, I am tired of this political game of tug of war and dunks. Stop it, it's boring.

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You know you're talking to Imp, right? He doesn't care about all that shit.

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lol I know, I gently argue with him a lot

He doesn't care about all that shit.

frick you imp always reads my words words words

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Black Lives Matter more than you standing on a dead mayo to try and push your agenda

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You realize boomers vote almost 50-50 for both parties right? I have no clue why libs blame boomers for not being able to do shit

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Because they’re r-slurred peepeesniffers

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Culling is good for one community, not the other. Water is wet. 💤


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