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All the "I liked it" posts are DV'd lol

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241526738973.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241426254768.webp

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I like how the MJ Space Jam is like seen as a 9/10 movie but a children's movie starring a Chinese Simp is a 3/10.

Why do redditors care about children's movies? Oh right because they are man-children.

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Anyone having strong opinion on children movies should be kicked in a head.

The second part of Death Note was too truncated tho.

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After the main love interest dies, so does my interest in watching anymore of that weeb shit

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I'm not going into Light x L vs. Light x Near shipping wars. I'm too adult for that.

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Was near the little cute twink with the White hair? he sucked, he made the end of the show unwatchable, literally after L dies the show sucks and I can't be convinced otherwise.

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Yeah to first part. Yeah for the second part, too. That journ*list setting herself on fire was cool.

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Not to serious post, but good frick emm, stop remaking the same old shit over and over and over, everytime a remake does poorly my peepee grows an entire inch

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If you spent as much time trying to get kitty as you do showing off your double down syndrome on the internet you might still have a chance of becoming a man by the time you hit your forties.


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This...is kind of eye opening.

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As an adult, this movie sucks. Im an r-slur but it was made for children.

My only real complaint is the rabbit isn't hot anymore.

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If you enjoyed this movie and are above the age of 10 see a neurologist immediately

Wow, a self aware manchild. Extremely rare on reddit

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When you are in your 30's the movie isn't for you anymore.

Only correct opinion on reddit

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I heard the new one is bad because they made the cartoon rabbit girl's boobs smaller. #G*merGate

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This was not as awful as I suspected it might have been, in fact quite okay for what they were going for, however it was very flawed and it was due to a lot of things they really could have prevented:

  • Very slow to start and pick up.

  • he setup to get him into the world was flimsy, at best.

  • hey tried to do too much with Cheadle’s, err, “character.”

  • he other WB ‘worlds’ were cool at first but they overdid that by having LeBron fly over them twice.

  • wasn’t sure about the kid who played his son at first and, frankly, ended the movie thinking I still wasn’t too sure.

  • think the Mad Max footage bit didn’t really work.

  • ichael B. Jordan gag was solid but, to be honest, just highlighted how much they really needed MJ for a legit cameo, in my eyes. Big miss that someone couldn’t make that happen/MJ refused/LeBron didn’t want to share the spotlight — the reason doesn’t make a difference.

  • feel very strongly about this: it tremendously failed in delivering a soundtrack that paired well and elevated moments of the movie, like the original iconically did.

  • liked the Toons art style after Cheadle changed them but it made no sense as to why he did that, really.

  • he Goons art style did not work for me, esp when contrasted with the Toons.

  • elated, the Goons were a huge miss to me. They did all those players’ likenesses dirty and gave them completely stupid monster characters that all ran together for me. Not nearly as ‘intimidating’ as the OG Monstars were.

  • he sideline WB characters were cool at first but were definitely a distraction because you just wanted to keep spotting different ones. Crazy to see the DeVito Penguin and The Mask! That said, no one worked harder then being fake excited for this fake basketball game then those sidelined extras, Lord.

  • nd half of the basketball game was the most fun part of the movie.

  • gain, like MJ, Bill Murray needed a real cameo.

  • was kind of surprised they leaned so heavily into the “**LeBron is soooo busy with basketball, that he’s a bad Dad.**” narrative because, he’s got his lovers and and his haters, but I really don’t think anyone has the notion he’s anything but a doting father. So, did they just go with that story because they knew they could redeem him in the film and you’d believe it because you never really bought he we was so hands-off as a Dad? Eh.

  •  Little surprised by their choice to kill off Bugs Bunny at the end but I get you gotta set up the trilogy

Overall, I had low expectations and it might have exceeded those a bit but, well, for how long we heard this person or that person wanted to get a sequel made, it was interesting that this is what they landed on.

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Mommy is soooo proud of you, sweaty. Let's put this sperg out up on the fridge with all your other failures.

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Wow, this lawlzpost sucks!

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