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AverageBen10Enjoyer's Saddest Subreddit of the Week: /r/IKEA


/r/IKEA is a sad subreddit. Everyone in it is a self-professed fan of IKEA, either posting IKEA memes or showing how they redecorated their lounge to look like the most generic IKEA lounge in existence. Let's look at some.

I got lucky and found an Alex drawer next to the dumpster. I took it all apart, cleaned/disinfected every corner and crevasse, and now it’s part of my game/work station!

In which a Redditor finds a filthy, abandoned drawer unit, takes it home and cleans it (hopefully no termites) rather than spending Β£70 on a brand new one. Bonus points for this being the same set of drawers that made me stop visiting /r/battlestations because it's in every third submission.


Well, I now officially live in an IKEA showroom

If I had to wake up in this bed and go to work 3 feet away at this desk (with a scenic hustler and bustler view) then I would assisted suicide myself.


One just finished, absolutely untouched by the hands of customers, room set at my IKEA. It'll never look this good again

Featuring an IKEA store designer who possesses all the interior design skills of a student housing landlord.


Newly assembled. What do you think?

My personal favourite. Initially I thought "well they must have built it for a child", but then I saw the cat and the cat curtains and noticed that the stuff on the desk didn't seem very child-like. I dug into the comments and was rewarded with the :!marseyaward: @AverageBen10Enjoyer Average Redditor Of The Week :marseyaward::

I’m 30 with 4 cats haha. My husband has his own set up, so I wanted to get one as well - and I always wanted a loft bed since I was kid!!! I finally made my dream come true. Haha.

She runs a small business in which she tries to sell Norwegian snacks to Americans.


So do have a look around /r/IKEA and you'll be sure to find some top quality Reddit content.

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She runs a small business in which she tries to sell Norwegian snacks to Americans.

Actually that's not a bad idea. Send random items from your country to muh heritage Americans with a large markup

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Yesterday i eas buying fish in a market and overheard some fellow monekeycells discussing wether or not some random turkish flower would work for tapioca


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America is the land of snack food. I dont want your roasted fish paste.

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I wonder if Europeans would pay for our snacks? :marseyhmm:

Not our chocolates though :marseyyikes:

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I’ve always wondered about setting up a Texas style barbecue restaurant in Germany.

They love meat, and they just don’t have barbecue over there.

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How could you not love a good Texas barbecue :marseyembrace:

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My brother has been to Germany a few times, and he mentioned American goods they don’t have. I think it was peanut butter they don’t have but went nuts for. It might have been something else too.

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Dude you can get peanut butter in every store over here lmao. Did he also tell you that they don't have fridges in yurop? :marseylaugh:

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Must have been something else :marseyclueless:

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Must have been affordable single family housing.

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i don't know for sure if this is true everywhere, but in canada everyone kinda goes wild for texas. like libs hate the politics etc but texas is SO COOL that if you marketed anything texas-style up here you'd get a ton of business. i can't imagine they'd feel different in krautland, cowboys and stuff are just objectively cool

one day i will go to texas and everyone here will be so jealous of me

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They love meat, and they just don’t have barbecue over there.

I've heard horror stories about what passes as a "barbecue" in Germany from acquaintances IRL

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Average French BBQ = put five different meats over flames until any one of them turns brown. Remove all from the heat immediately and serve, hoping that raw chicken is somehow safe.

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Most of your chocolate snacks are legally not allowed to be marketed as chocolate in the EU due to how little actual cocoa they contain

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Oh, I am well aware

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I imagine she eats into the profit margins (literally).

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Candies and snacks are already expensive domestically - add shipping and markup and they'll probably be 3x more expensive than American equivalents. Then again, bon bons and crisps that have slightly different flavours of sugar and salt and foreign writing on the wrapper might be like catnip for American consoomer hipsters. The target market group should be the same people who invest in loot boxes and nerd crates.

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I think a bunch of people already do it with weebs and Japanese food too

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askdfasdkdf these basic b-word chocolate cracker sticks are sooo good, and I only pay four times more for them than the japs do :soyjackwow:


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American snack food is absolutely vile.

With the notable exception of saltine crackers, those are great.

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I like Swedish Fish.

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They're just porous gummies. Surely you can find something identical anywhere :marseyquestion:

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They're not a million miles away from Haribo Tangfastics but the flavours are a bit different and they hurt my teeth less. I'm not in love with them, I'd never import them or anything, but they're nice.

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Hey buddy, how about you stuff your "heritage" up your butt. We're not your goddarn slaves, and we don't need your crap.

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I've had these before and they were pretty good. Also swedes love tubes.



https://i.postimg.cc/dVgyQgj2/image.png https://i.postimg.cc/d3Whbf0T/image.png

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neighbor it's cream cheese

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>Cirno smells like rotten fish and cheese left out in the north sea for 12 years


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