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Store clerk passes out. Instead of helping him youths find an opportunity to get reparations for slavery.


Massive PRedditor brain breaks down crime and racism in one fell swoop:


Repost so more people can hopefully see it:

As studies show us over and over again, its people without money who commit the most crime. Across racial barriers and nations. Poverty begets crime.

And there are reasons black homes are so fractured, arent there? Let’s not just say “culture” about that issue either because its lazy and pretty rude. Single mothers, rough neighbourhoods, lack of opportunity, these things all bleed into the issue. Why is that? Again poverty is the main issue, not culture because poverty came before this so called “culture”.

What kickstarted the poverty? What kickstarted this “culture”? The answer is systemic racism affecting housing, living, working… basically all facets of a black americams lives. And before that it was chattel slavery. So its pretty fricked up when other people in the comments are quick to look at a result of their ancestors racism, and respond with more racism as if this helps the situation in the slightest.

I always find it interesting when American kids talk about “poverty” - these kids seem to be shopping for sunglasses in a gas station so I’m presuming they have a car, they seem nicely clothed and fed. Is that poverty?

Seems like anyone who disagrees with the super brain are ignorant and don’t live science.

they don’t know what a peer reviewed study or research even is


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As studies show us over and over again, its people without money who commit the most crime. Across racial barriers and nations. Poverty begets crime.

There's more poor white people than poor black people. The poorest county in the country is 98% white. Something doesn't add up here

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There were studies that show blacks commit more crimes over every income bracket, and wealthy blacks commit more crimes than poor whites. Nevermind those tho, reality is racist :marseyblackpearlclutch:

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But why? Why commit petty theft when youre rich?

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Let me just put on my klan robe and MAGA hat, but why was it when I painted some stuff at work, it was just the two basketballs, both from different backgrounds, who came out and tagged up a random piece of cardboard? Why were they the only ones to try and get some Vicodin from me after my oral surgery?

It's practically engrained into their culture to the point of being instinctual

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Maybe it’s more than culture. Maybe they’re born that way.


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least subtle schizocel alt

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Lmao, @schizo this :marseybrainlet: thinks I’m you.


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I figured you out, biggest Chud around

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Frickin antisemite dealer.


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Unironically iss dey culcha

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Because frick whitey. Wh*tes really are the worst and deserve everything they get

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This but unironically. Mayocide now.

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Why commit petty theft when youre rich?

Because they're trashy r-slurs.

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Idk I'm not a negro

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To assert dominance over normie business owners :marseymao:

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Culture. People want to fit in

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Yeah you can tell these people are terminally online upper middle class+ libs because poor White communities are literally nothing like this. I work in CPS and while yes, poor white communities are obviously worse to live in than wealthier white communities, poor black communities are an entirely different realm. poor white communities are far better than poor black communities. The biggest problem poor white communities face is meth addiction, black communities don't have a specific problem, they have hundreds of problems they just act like complete pieces of shit degenerates, their altitudes are unfathomably bad. If this guy had a heart attack in a poor white community they wouldn't have robbed him.

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Ssshhhhhh don’t be rayciss.


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