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ATTN: BasedGod, for the love of all that is holy and good in the world, for the sanctity of discourse, for your own benefit and the benefit of others: PLEASE GET LAID.

I have this theory on rightoids.

They're cuck fetishists because they are aware of their own... weakness, as men.

There are a great deal of male feminists on the left, but Democrat core membership is made up of many happily married couples. This is why there isn't really the same worship of virility in Biden. (Also Biden's an old shit we need to evict along with the other old shits.)

The adulation of Trump was precisely of this slavish character. The cuck fetishist seems to think, "At least there is masculine virtue worth celebrating, even if I don't have it." This is the core of the cuck fetishism I see in rightoids, and in (De)BasedGod: the admiration of virility of another man, as if in envy. Mass betas thinking they can perform alpha and then surprise! turns out you're still fricking chumps, maybe because in your desperation for a strong male figure you picked a boomer reality tv star old frick.

It's not a novel observation that male resentment, of s*x, of women, and at society at large, factored into Trump's popularity. People who can't get laid lash out, it's not more complicated than that.

And I'll admit it: I don't think the left's hedonistic attitude towards s*x is 100% healthy.

It's just that the cuck fetishists like BasedGod are far less healthy, in their outlook, in their behavior. Because what's good about taking your sexual frustration and pushing it into being happy that someone else is getting laid? You're just degrading yourself for no reason.

So, BasedGod, if you're going to come back and harass me because you're flirting with a strong they/them who you need to look up to in order to improve yourself, I'm going to tell you: man the frick up.

Pay a prostitute for s*x.

Get fricking laid.

Because you're actually pathetic otherwise, and you're making a 'you' problem an 'us' problem and when men do that they don't get indulged, they get cut out of polite society.

Moids = disposable and that's a good thing.


Rightoids are degenerate because they are obsessed with getting cucked by the strongman they pick. It's a little gay I guess. At least leftoids get laid even if they go way out into sexual freedom land and generally have to rein it in. The repression of it is worse.

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Most midwits don't like to think. Rightoid moids want a single strong man to think for them, while leftoids want an executive committee of some kind to do the same. Both groups deserve subjugation.

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this is actually an incisive observation

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Rightoid moids want a single strong man to think for them, while leftoids want [a single strong man to steer] an executive committee of some kind to do the same.


At least, the communists and old school socialists did. Nowadays, I don't think they've really thought about it. It's as if governance magically happens with no need for any details.

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ehhhh... except that they tend to want the person in 'charge' to be mostly a rubberstamp.

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What do you have in mind? I'm thinking of historic rubberstamps, but Mao and Stalin don't really cut it. I can't recall of any communist / socialist state that had a rubberstamp dictator.... It seems like that would be a power vacuum that would quickly get filled.

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oh, see, I'm talking contemporary American politics. You're mindfricked because you think a post-revolution dictator is the same as the current left. Certainly BOTH SIDES should be dissuaded from revolution for the simple reason that revolutions tend to collapse into post-revolution dictatorships, but you gotta get it through your head that Democrats especially, the actual people on 'the left' who wield power in our society--not the paper tiger of Hollywood or the grifting credential factory of the university, the elected powerful, who have some role in defining how we live our lives--they don't want Revolution.

So stop being mindfricked this way because there's a difference between the big spooky scary COMMUNISM left that the rightwing is hyperventilating about constantly and the actual fricking elected left wing of the United States which governs like a vaguely left-of-center moderate party and will never defund the military industrial complex.

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>looking for examples of rubberstamp dictators

>none presented

>instead get...

>a long shpiel about Democrats wanting useful idiots because Jews in Hollywood or whatever


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ok so you illiterate got it

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I mean yeah, that almost goes without saying. It's why they love Lenin, who was an autocrat. But they fetishize the appearance of some kind of consensus.

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idk about 'they' loving Lenin tbh

the fetishization of consensus only happens among moderates. radicals know consensus is impossible in certain situations and keep their numbers small and tightly oriented for that reason.

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