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lmao frankie is back. I love it when he just posts his r-slur selfies and they get so mad just because he's a happy r-slur instead of running around reddit policing words and raging all day.

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241526738973.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241426254768.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17156480765435808.webp

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They're not even mad that he's gaming exactly what r/pics is designed for. They're mad that (i guess at some point) he said something mean about rainbow people.

The blissfully unaware are still baby talking to him like he's a dog or something

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Everyone likes to say they support r-slurs until they do something r-slurred.

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Leave it to reddit to get offended by something a literal r-slur says. I couldn't imagine being that fragile

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They’re mad he’s doing it better than they are. A balding r-slur doing nothing can get more upvotes than a foid intentionally sticking her tits out while fake volunteering. Dudes rock.

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Dudes rock.

Go back

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Tism isn’t reversible, sweaty.

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Frankie cute twink-posted? I really want to see this

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i guess at some point) he said something mean about rainbow people.

Link pls

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Frankie is way more high functioning than the average Redditer, and they can’t handle it

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So the guy is r-slurred right? Because I got my reddit account #425,541 banned for asking

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Better being an unironic r-slur than sperging out over politics

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I love seeing people call him a low-effort poster, as compared to amazing content that is usually posted to the sub.

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r/pics posts: “Wow look reddit I took a picture of my black friend reading. Isnt that amazing?”

r/pics comments: “oh my god he’s so smart! Looks like we got an Einstein junior on our hands. So handsome too!”

r/All redditors treat black people like r-slurs and the actual r-slur like he’s a black guy and theyre rednecks

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"uh sweety we get it you exist.... 😑"

g*mer girl gets front page with lownres BOTW screenshot: "YASS KWEEN SLAAAY :hump: "

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I don't know who this tard is. But he makes redditors buttfuddled, so he must be cool.

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The greatest Canadian, this is the average Cape Bretoner unironically.

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I remember when he was the darling of Reddit, each of his posts earning 100k+ upvotes. Amusing to see how quickly they turned on him; further proof that redditors are like rabid dogs and cannot be trusted. Also: do we think he takes/posts these himself, or is there a handler running things behind the scenes?

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The smile looks a bit forced, so I’m guessing a domineering mother with a spray bottle is involved. “I said fricking smile you chubby little disappointment, momma needs her upvotes!”

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Nah, Frankie the weather r-slur has been running his own YouTube channel for years now. Dude just yells weather reports at a screen and it's fricking great.

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We should get him over here and mod him.

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lol this guy again

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I love how people still act like he isn’t completely aware of what he’s doing and just oblivious to everything. I was at a funeral for someone who had an actual tard son who was an adult and people were speaking to him like he was a child and unaware of the fact that his dead father was right in front of him…

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Male sexuality is the root of all degeneracy and disorder.

Male sexuality is inherently pedophilic and inherently invasive. Wherever it is unwanted, it seems to appear and men seem to feel it is entitled to appear and be forced upon whatever context.

Men are responsible for the vast, vast majority of r*pes, sexual assaults, and child molestation. Women are not nearly as likely to be responsible for these types of crimes - s*x crimes. See, contrary to what most men like to say, they don’t just want to have a wholesome relationship with a woman where s*x conservatively interspersed. They want to sleep with everything that moves and they want their peepee any place they can put it. They’re obsessed with s*x. Women cheat on and divorce men because they’re not being provided for to an extent acceptable to them - because they see an inadequacy. Men cheat on and divorce women over s*x.

They do not have interactions with women or girls where they do not sexualize them in their minds or consider them for s*x. They want s*x everyday or every few days, not something reasonable like once a month or every few months. They consume and seek out sexual content constantly and they worship peepeees. They feel the need to make people pay attention to their sexual organs constantly; women don’t draw their vags everywhere from childhood to adulthood, women do not send unsolicited vag pics to as many men as possible, women do not decide to reveal themselves to strangers in public or in chatrooms. No. These are things men do with their peepees.

In fact, when women do behave grossly, it is usually - if not always - because they’ve had some male’s sexuality forced upon them. Often in childhood. And, as male sexuality does, it distorts and perverts them into something disgusting; prostitutes, e-thots, generic sluts, weaklings who will tolerate domestic abuse and the abuse of their own children, drug addicts, sjws, attention whores, etc....

Regarding male sexuality as pedophilic, most men seem unconcerned about the age of their object and more concerned with avoiding social stigma. It doesn’t matter to them if their object is a child so long as they’re above an arbitrary age threshold. It doesn’t matter to them if their object looks like a child as long as they’re above that age threshold. You would think that people just wouldn’t find children attractive, right? But, the fact is that most men do find children attractive and you will see them meticulously trying to find loops in anti-ped laws. You would think that if you have to ask if someone is an adult, you wouldn’t find them attractive in the first place, but unfortunately most men do. And they will do whatever they can to put their peepeees in them, from waiting around and grooming girls until they turn 18, searching for obscure laws, etc... because they feel entitled to s*x. Women don’t have this problem en mass.

Most men seem indiscriminate and unconcerned about who sees their debauchery and the repercussions of it. As long as they get their peepee touched or got somebody to look at their peepee, nothing matters to them. As long as it is not their immediate family being victimized, male debachery doesn’t matter to them. No matter how serious the penalty, they still persist, in significant numbers, in these kinds of behaviors. They will fund anything that arouses them, they will trick and coerce women into participating in it, they will make sure as many people as possible see it.

Women, generally, do not behave this way at all. Female sexuality does not express like this; it is not invasive. So, it seems obvious to me that this has something to do with male sexual expression, specifically.

Maybe it is a consequence of The Fall; maybe, framing it this way makes it more palatable for you. But, male sexuality is, in fact, the source of societal sickness and many mental illnesses. That’s a lot of why society sucks right now; because you have too many messed up sexual assault victims running around being unfixably and obnoxiously mentally ill. The cause of this? A bunch of men molesting them as children.


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this but unironically

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this has been happening for months lol. plebbitors mad some guy posts selfies for op reason

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Will upvote every time

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