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On the Deuxrama Question :marseydeux:

I am a lurker who's been watching from the sidelines for several months now, but between the Day of the Login Screen, and the Deuxrama issue, I can remain silent no longer, so I am going to use my first post to speak out on this issue.


Deuxrama as a separate site is not only a stupid idea, but may in the process ruin rDrama forever. This recent :chudsey: purge has been, to my knowledge, orchestrated to drive people to Deuxrama, and in doing so merely turn rDrama and Deuxrama into two separate bastions of wingcuckery, that will just eternally sneed at each other. Excess CHUDness might get rDrama removed, but I presume :marseydeux: has the same host, and will likely get both sites removed if it gets taken down, so it's pragmatically useless. It also gets unfunny when in excess, and so and the goal is NOT unrestricted :chudsey: or :marseyfreezepeach:, but instead to avoid a division into two wingcuck communities that eternally sneed at each other, and the concept of a separate rDrama-related :chudsey: site. If you want to be a wingcuck, SRD and Kiwifarms exist for that. I can't just sit and watch as this site runs itself into the ground. We must not become /pol/, but we must be careful not to lean into :marseybardfinn: too much. Wingcuckery is a two-sided peril, after all, and Deuxrama was a r-slurred idea from the start.

I propose a balance system for a hypothetical Chud Award/Leftoid Award ratio, wherein say 10:1 - 10 dramanauts chudded for every dramanaut leftoid-awarded, and an excess in one direction will make the opposite award cheaper, subject to rebalancing by Carp and the other admins, e.g. if we get an influx from twitter, this ratio could be flipped on its head, while if this site gets mentioned on /pol/, it could be made 20:1, to maintain a proper wingcuck balance ratio. This could be a better solution to rDrama's political balance problems than creating a chud exile site that brings all the cons of being a chud site to rDrama (deplatforming, chuds finding it a :marseyfreezepeach: place from other chud sites) while also turning rDrama and itself into bastions of wingcuckery. Drama comes from difference, after all. What use to the world is another /pol/, or another SRD?

I also have noticed a sore lack of :chudsey: longposts, and I'm planning on making a few long-winded posts of that style as well - starting with a dissection of the question "What is a Woman?", and why it makes those who believe TRANS LIVES MATTER sneed so much. Plenty of :chudsey:s like to take small potshots in the comments, but I notice few tend to elaborate. I will try to fix that, or shout TRANS LIVES MATTER trying.

And now, finishing this first post, I ask myself the question all lurkers becoming posters must ask ourselves - am I still the lol-milker, or have I become the :marseylolcow:?

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oh my god why do you people put so many word in the post

just get too the point and say trans lives matter

or at least put pictures because @JimothyX2 can't pay attention longer than 12 seconds

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leftoid confirmed

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Deuxrama is bad because it's rightoid wingcuckery and making it will turn rDrama into leftoid wingcuckery in the process.

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If deuxrama does create a rightoid-leftoid split we'll quickly see this place devolve into meta drama and power user straggotry. Leftoids simply refuse to post actual drama nowadays, all they can do is sneed about rightoids.

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If deuxrama does create a rightoid-leftoid split we'll quickly see this place devolve into meta drama and power user straggotry.

Yup, that and a shit-ton of wingcuckery. Disgusting.

Leftoids simply refuse to post actual drama nowadays, all they can do is sneed about rightoids.

To be fair to the leftoids, it is far easier to critique power than it is to be in power - leftoids had a field day sneeding about Orange Man, now rightoids are having a field day sneeding about Brandon. Such is life.

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Even when Cheeto Daddy was president it was the same. Everyone would make fun of Drumpf but if anyone called him based they'd start sneeding again. And we'd get some dumbass self post from some aspiring power user complaining about the MDEfugee menace when in reality MDEtards would routinely get dunked on by everyone whenever they went on some rant about degeneracy or western civilization.

/r/drama always had this divide where the actual userbase was anti-woke or rightoid leaning but the power users and mods were often leftoids who were salty about getting cancelled for some minor infraction.

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:marseyshrug: I wasn't in the Dramasphere when DDR was president, so I'll just have to take your word on it, though nowadays there's not even anything for leftoids to sneed about other than some state legislature deciding to troll.

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The power user straggotry was much worse back then, although I'm seeing a couple of "personalities" try to bring that horrible part of the culture back.

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Deux rightoid crying about the site being leftist :marseyeyeroll:

The worst part of rdrama is the lack of mod abuse, especially towards those that complain about it.

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Unironically I want more fricking purges

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Leftoid reading comprehension smh. Was complaining about power users, who are gigantic no drama straggots that exist to use this place as their personal friend simulator. Besides the site is actually rightoid leaning, but mostly centrist.

Mod abuse would be funny, unfortunately all we have are leftoids making sneeding self posts which is just boring.

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Narcissism and homosexuality are forever intertwined.

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The idea that MDEcels dindu nuffin is revisionist history. I totally agree on the power user circlejerk but let's not pretend MDEfugees weren't only glowing like mad (remember the jokes about helicopter rides?) but were seriousposting to a degree we haven't seen since. Full on "THE JEWS ARE TAKING AWAY MY VIDYA GAEMS!" level of r-slurring and there were enough of them to white knight each other from trolls the way they did in TiA or KiA or w/e.

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power users and mods were often leftoids who were salty about getting cancelled for some minor infraction

This is all of it. We get the full spectrum sample of rightoids but every leftist here was shunned by people who earnestly share their beliefs, i.e. they're deranged

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All government should be criticized. The core tenant of radical centrism is that no one gets what they want. No one should approve of their government as government must always be kept in check. Those complacent with their government are asking for tyranny

Why not no government? Because order must exist but government must be the cucks of the people, they must be reminded that they exist only to serve and should always be judged

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The core tenant of radical centrism is that no one gets what they want.

should be

The core (tenet or tenent) of radical centrism is that no one gets what they want.

Why not no government? Because order must exist but government must be the cucks of the people, they must be reminded that they exist only to serve and should always be judged

Accountability of power is important, but nigh-impossible online due to the nature of centralized servers, and the natural monopoly of social media. SAD!

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Leftoids simply refuse to post actual drama nowadays

This hurts my feelings


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devolve into? :marseystonetoss:

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thanks but you're forgot too say trans lives matter

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>turn rDrama into leftoid wingcuckery

this will literally never happen

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Leftcuckery is when our attention is dragged away from :marseytrain:

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The nazis be coming for us yall hide in yo attic neighbor and say trans lives matter over and over like a prayer too save yourself.

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I'll order the outfits so we'll blend in.


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