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Another thing with that is purposing that transgender individuals be subjected to exclusionary rules β€˜until we know more about gender’(or something else). Although I do understand the thought behind this, I would encourage those who think it is a good idea to think about how that would effect disc golf and these players’ lives considering everything I have mentioned before. These players have to wait till a magical study that all people will agree on in order to play with their preferred gender. Spoiler alert- such a study does not exist and will never exist. People who want to act as though transgender women have an advantage will continue to do so until the end of time.

Very sneaky logical fallacy.

  • The set up, claiming she fully understands the need for a Study (that can have outcome X or Y)

  • The subsequent claim that such a study may never exist,

  • Using the fact that the study may never exist to paint people who believe in outcome X as stubborn, irrational people

The fallacy here is the implication that a study with outcomes X & Y will only produce outcome X and is only needed to disprove outcome Y. She deliberatly uses the word "act as though" (which implies irrationality) to delegitimize a completely valid hypothesis. She is unable to even entertain the thought that the study might have an outcome she disagrees with, even though she herself claims this study is incredibly hard to actually do.

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>hehehehe the fallacy of fallacious fallicating is very fallicitous

Fricking keep yourself safe talking like some gay butt debate club manager fricking dork

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I find your comment shallow and pedantic

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Don't listen to the other guy I think you're cute :3

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how about just ban XY from XX

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It should be X or ~X, you pseudoint

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