Seattle literally has an active subreddit dedicated to their homeless population :marseylaugh:

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@schizo you’re the resident hobocel guru, are basically all cities’ hobocels schizo meth addicts nowadays? where did the people who are legit down on their luck go? (assuming they’re in shelters but just wanna check)

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Depends on the city, but most homeless are not junkies, it's just the visible homeless

And there is a junkie spectrum of shelter usage

  1. So people really fricked up and too addicted not to smoke meth in the rooms or always fighting with people will generally live on the streets because the shelters have too many rules/aren't junkie friendly enough or they have severe mental health issues

  2. The moderate junkies/alcoholics or people with moderately severe mental health issues will generally use the shelters

  3. The sober/mostly normal/working class homeless will generally avoid the shelters because the shelters are too junkie friendly, or also cuz of the rules like shelters are only open at night and they work night shifts

Population 1. Is visible in parks, begging for change, etc. Population 2 congregates with population 1 during the day (almost all hobo shelters close during the day) and are also highly visible.

Population 3 is actually the largest hobocel population. You don't see them at all because they prefer to keep out of sight to avoid the stigma of being lumped in with 1 and 2, and also because they don't wanna get robbed/assaulted by 1 and 2.

In Vermont we have housing first, so 98% of our hobocel population has housing (most are staying in hotels, not traditional shelters).


From my ballpark estimates/personal observations (not backed up by The Science idk what the official stats are on this), almost all of that 2% unsheltered is from population 1. I'd guess In the hotels 30% are population 2 and 70% population 3. Of population 3, I estimate that around 60% either have jobs or are on SSI they just can't afford housing.

Tldr 2% of hobocels make up 50% of junkiecels


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That was a mistake. You're about to find out the hard way why.

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:marseynotes: so then where do the sane hobos go? they sleep in the alleys/tents? do the schizo druggie hobos ever bother them or do they typically have different areas?

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Most of the working homeless/many of the pretty normal homeless have cars that they sleep in. Some sleep in tents too, but usually far away from other people. Also most shelters don't have a place to park or allow cars, so that's another reason for them to avoid the shelters.

They generally try to avoid the druggies. most crime is between people who know each other so as a hobocel it is advisable to avoidmaxxxx the junkies. Plus they don't like the stigma and don't want to get confused with the junkies and harassed by police.

Also amongst the drug using population, there is a spectrum of sanity/addiction. It's very hard to sleep outside (or even just cope with the stress of being a hobocel) without drugs. So many hobos (even population 3 and the working homeless) use drugs to cope, but aren't addicts per se, and their drug use isn't the reason they're homeless.

Like I don't think I've ever met a hobocel who doesn't smoke cigarettes. But no one becomes homeless because theyre addicted to cigarettes lol. Same thing with moderate alcohol/weed usage.

That isn't to say there aren't people who are homeless because they're addicts (many, many such cases), but not every hobocel who uses substances is using those in a destructive manner.


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hobocel population has housing

Then they are not homeless. And before you say it, if we count all the renthogs as homeless, although true, it would reflect in stats very poorly.

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idk what the official stats are on this

Homeless industrial complex is entirely uninterested in this distinction so you'll never get any numbers, thanks!

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In places like Seattle, 95% of the homeless are junkies with zero potential to improve. The problem would go away if they stopped giving them gibs and started enforcing laws against theft and assault.

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