Guess the sub (yes this was posted unironically)

Edit: it's late stage capitalism. The one thing that they all have in common is JOOS

:marseysteer: :marseyshooting: :to: :marseydead: :marseyreporterfox!: Such an unfortunate accident there folx


They'll provide govt jobs to the jihadi's families. Don't worry.


>Me walking into a M neighbourhood with a Nupur Sharma t shirt and a browning


Frick around, find out: the video.
Mudiji's tweet getting dogpiled by :marseychudindian:

Fricking hijra baboon.




Man were they always this annoying.

Katuwas and IT celliyas are only ones who are praising a Mudi tweet.


I've seen it all.

Reported by:

It's all cool and shit but he misses a tiny detail

The important places are under Russian control so by this guy logic Ukraine needs to push Russia out and now that's impossible

Only Redditors can create fantasies about Russian running away from Crimea.

Even Zelenskyy is not delusional about capturing Donbas and was aiming at Crimea (also stupid idea since Russia just will use nukes to protect this). Donetsk is like giga fortress at this point it's like mega Avdiivka and it took Russian over 100k soldiers to take it so to take Donetsk Ukraine would need millions soldiers and it just ain't going to happen

Reminder: movies (or "films") are not, and can never be, art
Far Side

[🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘] Officially retired at 25

Most Based Comments

Basedness: 🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘

Tips? Don't feed troll posts (83)

Learn about GME? (-18)

Basedness: 🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘

He made that money because you people are pumping and dumping a stock and pushing losses onto the people who buy at the top. (139)

So cry about it. And don't forget to cry about all the other crooks and investors and politicians who take advantage of insider information, change laws to protect companies interest, fight against a law requiring a fiduciary duty on financial advice, union busting operations, corrupt boards on companies that just Blow the CEO all day long. When those people are all taken care of, then OP can come on the chopping block and I'll help. Until then, this is a fricked up unfair system, and if exposing myself to slightly more of that negative can lead to other people reaping rewards off the short positions these bullshit investing companies make, that's all to the good. I'm doing well enough, I'd just love to see the giants die.This has fricked some hedge funds harder than anything I've seen in my life. I welcome anything that fricks those people and their investors. (-20)

Basedness: 🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘

Op has 14k post karma, 2 comment karma, but the history is all deleted.It's a troll account (21)

And? DVF is about to make hundreds of millions on his options. (-15)

Angriest Comments

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

I walked away with ~$15k during that shit and I thought I was rich as frick. 😭😭😭But seriously though, I don't believe this story only cause the numbers don't add up. $5m after taxes would mean you would have had to drop a significant amount of money at the beginning of the whole thing.While I've seen people do some really dumb shit, I don't think anyone with a decent amount of savings would be also stupid enough to dump their life savings into a meme stock…I was dumb enough to full send on one unemployment check cause it ain't my money anyway (it is but you know what I mean), but all my life savings? Heck nah. I wish I did though 😂😂😂 (1)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

Being cynical doesn't mean you've figured out the system dude. You just sound like a moron (2)

Weird, making money by being cynical doesn't sound moronic to me when we live in a flawed system where money is the end all.Lots of self-righteous shitty investors in this thread mad they didn't buy the dip and then trying to blame other average folks just trying to play the game albeit at worse odds. (0)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

My advice would likely be to come to my funeral when I end up jumping off a bridge. Reading posts like this and being 25 myself having to work low end jobs to avoid homelessness because i live in a dead end town with no job opportunities is just brutal. Crazy knowing that I work my butt off every day for long hours and little pay and people like you get to just sit around because you were in the right place at the right time. (1)

Biggest Lolcow: /u/longtimerlance

Score: 🐮🐮🔘🔘🔘

Number of comments: 3

Average angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

Maximum angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

Minimum angriness: 😡🔘🔘🔘🔘

NEW: Subscribe to /h/miners to see untapped drama veins, ripe for mining! :marseyminer:

:marppy: autodrama: automating away the jobs of dramautists. :marseycapitalistmanlet: Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion :marseyjamming:

I don't know what this is but Joan posted something that looked like a pony

@Joan_Wayne_Gacy is a brony

Get your copy today :marseynails:
Pole rejects his heritage
Cuck fiction or an authentic Redditor marriage… you decide!
:marseybased: :marseybased:

!bharatiya why isn't she our PM already? :marseyconfused: Better than this hijra katua loving bheemta.


why i refuse 2 buy the eldumb ring dlc 12:12

desc: it looks like total crap & the pvp is braindead garbage 4 idiots

  • Jinxthinker was researching Jojo Siwa because a jinxsister mentioned her. He also had to reprimand a jinxsister for not knowing who Sabrina Carpenter was

  • Cigarettes make you look cool

  • He "will not purchace the new dellcee for Eldan Rong because the game is scheit" :50

  • He relapsed into Elden Ring for an hour before he was done because the game is shit 1:30

  • Lots of ranting about Elden Ring while we look in \Downloads\Elsa

  • Jinxthinker wanted to make a youtube thumbnail soyjak face, but he can't because he's like Rudyard Kipling 4:15

  • Jinxthinker debated getting into brushing his teeth because he doesn't do that so much, but he knows how to. The last time he brushed was a few months ago on his trip. Elsa would approve of brushing his teeth. 4:45

  • Yesterday in the evening time they delivered his groceries WITHOUT the burgers. He told mommy to acquire him burgers to rectify the lackluster food situation. 5:20

  • The cleverest thing Jinxthinker has ever done: mixed honey with chili

  • Jinxhtinker will enjoy DSP playing the Elden Ring DLC and agreeing with him 7:20

  • Here's the deal. If Jinxthinker went back to racism and shit he could be living in a mountain and shit.

  • He laments that there are no good vidya anymore 11:00

  • youtube is busted because he commented something and then it was deleted. Youtube is not badass

!jinxthinkers Are you into the brushing your teeth lifestyle?

Just want to Neil Armstrong post

Sometimes I wonder what it was like for him and the other moon-visiting astronauts, after they came back from the moon, to look up at the moon in the evening sky and think "I've been there".


A random portfolio manager nobody cares about posted this tweet just as an aside.

Note that this guy may have a wrong opinion (at least to me) but of course, who should care about this? It's not like this was a celebrity or artist like James Blake saying the saxophone is a bad instrument in an interview.

Here's the reactions:

:marseyetika: I'll be the one to say it, calling Japanese jazz better than American Jazz is for sure racist.

:marseyjapanese: you want an example of an American genre that the Japanese ran to the endzone with? that's noise rock. don't bring jazz into this.

I disagree

:marseychudneet:Аmеrісаn јаzz іѕ wоrthlеѕѕ nіggеrnоіѕе. Ѕhоw mе уоur Ѕроtіfу hіѕtоrу ѕо І саn ѕее hоw muсh јаzz уоu lіѕtеn tо

:marseyetika: I think I'll probably just block you for being a racist p-dophile

I agree

:bbbq: These are big statements built off of what is ultimately personal taste.

Output is shaped by culture, and reinforced through shared preference.

So all you're seeing is where your preferences intersect.

An actual rational opinion

:marseysoren: Japanese jazz is not superior to American jazz. Some of it is excellent but no serious jazz player would agree with that.

"""Same here"""

:marseyseethe: The most “Thing, Japan” post maybe ever.

:marseyindignantturn: A lot of you are exposing yourselves as anti-Black, Asian fetishizers, or both on here.

I argued with this guy before about Miles Davis biographies and biographers. I won.

:marseyyoushouldkillyourselfnow: "Japanese jazz is superior to American jazz"

:marseygrilling2: Whether trolling or not I'm adding this to my file of top-notch bait

:marseyracistcheck2: "Japanese jazz is superior to American jazz" you literally just hate Black people

A random Hotep joins in

:marseykente: :yakub: Crying at thinking Japanese Jazz is better than the American BLACK Jazz … Better than the ORIGINATORS?! BASURA

:marseyblack2: I'm sorry. “Japanese Jazz” borrows heavily from the 70s fusion era of Return to Forever, Herbie Hanpeepee and the Miles Davis school of experimentation. It's…more rigid and soundtrack-y in comparison to the OGs. It's not superior. Stop this.

I heavily disagree with the Herbie Hanpeepee and Miles Davis comment but Return to Forever and Mahavishnu Orchestra definitely inspired "Japanese jazz".

:djtwanted: Japanese jazz is superior to American jazz. BZZT. WRONG

Lmao, the gall of your average American "jazz" fan.

:marseykingkrazy: People say this and the Japanese jazz they're talking about is like Ryo Fukui

:marseysurftheweb: "Japanese jazz is superior to American jazz" is the worst misinformation to ever come from the youtube algorithm

:marseyseethe: 'japanese jazz > american jazz' is such a dipshit normie take mostly from people who don't even listen to any jazz

Swans pfp

:marseylibleft: "japanese jazz is superior to american jazz" is one of those opinions that acts as a nazi dogwhistle

Didn't Adorno your Marxist college idol say jazz fricking sucked?

If one attempts, as has been the case often enough, to consider the use value of jazz, its suitability as a mass commodity, as a corrective to the bourgeois isolation of autonomous art, as something which is dialectically advanced, and to accept its use value as a motive for the nullification (Aujhebung) of the object character (Dingcharakter) of musk, one succumbs to the latestform of Romanticism which, because of its anxiety in the face of the fatal characteristics of capitalism, seeks a despairing way out, in order to affirm the feared thing itself as a son of ghastly allegory of the coming liberation and to sanctify negativity - a curative in which, by the way, jazz itself would like to believe. - Adorno, On Jazz :commiebrainlet:

WORDS WORDS WORDS - TL;DR he fricking hates jazz because muh capitalism

The final quote I've got:


@MarseyIsMyWaifu is this you? Also probably has only listened Ornette's 50's and 60's albums but not his 70's and 80's albums. Delusional.

A number of other quotes were talking about J-pop and following the same line of logic as this cute twink was on about Japanese jazz. Self-awareness is zero for (most of) these commenters. If you didn't read or even look at the Marseys, your average American jazz fan is as r-slurred as your average Japanese jazz fan or just calling this "racist" for some reason.



!marks may remember Nathan from a brief stint in WWE

The racists of South Africa :marseyflagsouthafrica:

Racism, briefly defined, is the discrimination of someone based on their skin color. It is generally not accepted in society, but it seems there are a few people who have not gotten the message. Today, I want to write a quick post about 3 racists in South Africa.

1. Vicki Momberg

It's funny how a normal life can be flipped upside down in an instant. Vicki Mombergy was a real estate agent living an average life when she suffered a smash-and-grab incident. This is when crooks smash your car window and grab your purse or whatever they can quickly acquire. In a rage, she said the K-word to a traffic officer 48 times, and it was all captured on camera.

She was put on trial for crimen injuria, which is a legal term for the act of impairing someone's dignity or reputation through offensive language. In March 2018, she was found guilty of four counts of crimen injuria and sentenced to two years in prison, with one year suspended. Momberg unsuccessfully appealed her conviction and sentence.

2. Penny Sparrow

Penny Sparrow is a South African woman who gained infamy in 2016 after making racist comments on social media. In a Facebook post, Sparrow likened black beachgoers to "monkeys" while complaining about litter left behind on Durban's beaches after New Year's celebrations.

She was charged with crimen injuria, similar to Vicki Momberg's case, for her racially offensive comments. In 2016, she was fined R150,000 (South African Rand) by the Equality Court, which also ordered her to issue a public apology. However, her apology was widely criticized for being insincere.

Penny Sparrow is now dead. She died of colon cancer which is fitting because she is full of shit.

3. Adam Catzavelos

Adam Catzavelos is a wealthy white man who was in Greece in 2018 and made a video talking about how the beach is paradise because there were no k-words. In response to the public outcry, legal action was taken against Catzavelos. The South African Human Rights Commission (SAHRC) filed a complaint against him for hate speech. In August 2019, Catzavelos reached a settlement with the SAHRC, agreeing to pay a fine of R150,000 and issuing an apology for his racist comments.

His brother did an interview with fat man Eusebius McKaiser where he admitted he had heard that language from his brother before.


Racism is wrong and should be condemned wherever it is found. Tune in next time when I finally complete my Sodom and Gomorrah post.

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