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EFFORTPOST rDrama Featureset [last revision 8MAY23]

Hello! Welcome to rDrama! What follows is a brief rundown of key features and mechanics of the site to help ease users into their time here. Whether a dry, enormous wall of text is the best method of providing that is debatable, but at the very least it should serve as a handy reference material for some parties. There are no jokes or wit to be found on this page: this is strictly dry documentation.


The economy of the platform, built on a pair of proprietary fiat currencies. This economy is the foundation of the platform, and virtually all user actions are taken out of a desire for personal enrichment.


  • Dramacoin (dc) - The primary currency, somewhat analogous to karma. One (1) dramacoin is awarded to a user for every vote they get on a post or comment. Upvotes and downvotes both pay 1dc, except during "double xp" events which are exactly what they sound like. Other methods of amassing dramacoin include, but are not limited to, Marsey submissions, the casino, the lottershe, hat commissions, betting threads, user exchanges, treasure chests.

  • Marseybux (mb) - The premium currency. Marseybux spend exactly the same as dramacoin, with the only exceptions being the Grass Award. Marseybux are given out in tiered monthly stipends to paypigs (among other benefits) of rDrama's Gumroad. Marseybux are also the usual currency for payouts of site contests, events, and coding bounties.

The Shops

rDrama has two shops, which will be discussed in this section.

  • Award Shop - The Award Shop is divided into three aisles: Graphical, Status Effect, and Profile Upgrade.
    Graphical awards make obnoxious graphics appear on posts. Each item includes a description of its effect, but, for example, the Wholesome award will make the Marsey variant of the Reddit Wholesome Seal (Tene) float around the screen and bounce off the walls. Applying more Wholesome awards to that thread will add more wholesome seals. All graphical awards stack (with the exception of Confetti), usually up to 5. Graphical awards also pay the recipient (unless self-awarded) 10% of the award's cost.
    Status Effects apply a status to the recipient for a set duration of time, also explained in the item description. The Ban award bans the recipient for 24 hours, the Pizzashill award requires the recipient to make their comments a minimum of 280 characters for 24 hours in honor of our long-time incel longposter @pizzashill, the Marsey award only lets the recipient type in Marsey emojis for 24 hours, and so on. Each House also has 1 House-specific award at the time of this writing, though that number will increase in the future.
    And, finally, Profile Upgrades are expensive, high-end items that will permanently improve the recipient's site experience and give them an animated profile badge related to the upgrade. This ranges from admin-tier powers such as permanent Unblockable status, the inability for people to unfollow the recipient, an unmuteable profile anthem, the ability to see users' alts, to view private profiles, and more. All dramacoin spent in the Award Shop is recorded and at certain intervals, profile badges are awarded and each tier grants the user a permanent 2% discount at the Award Shop.

  • Hat Shop - The Hat Shop is an inconveniently large collection of user-submitted, Carp-approved hats that users can buy to wear on their avatar. Static hats are 500dc/mb each, animated ones are 1000dc/mb each. Hats are equipped after being purchased by pressing the "Equip" button, and an unlimited number of hats can be worn. It will cycle through them at random with each pageload. Hat designers receive 10% of the sale price for each sale of one of their designs. Purchasing hats also drives up the hat collection tally on the buyer's profile, and at certain intervals (capping at 250), users are automatically granted hat collector profile badges.

The Casino

Marsey's Palace, rDrama's very own digital casino, has four games at the time of this writing. Total winnings (or losses) are tracked on users' profiles, and daily as well as all-time leaderboards are found on each game's page. There are plans for more in the near-ish future, including Marsey racing, peer-to-peer poker, and craps, as well as an in-casino shop that will allow for unique skins for slot machines, custom decks of cards, and more.

  • Roulette - Users bet on a variety of outcomes upon which the roulette wheel can stop, with variable payouts based on odds. Unlimited bets can be placed. Results come in every five minutes and are constant across the site.

  • Blackjack - Get closer to 21 than the dealer without going over. Dealer stands on 17. This is not pure RNG; we use four decks and they are literally shuffled. It is not rigged and it does not learn from you. It is pure math.

  • Slots - Slot machines don't require an explanation as far as I'm concerned. Odds are fixed and each spin is entirely random based on those odds, with a variety of possible combinations and payouts. A jackpot feature will be added.

  • Lottershe - The lottery. Buy tickets, make the jackpot increase. One lucky user will be awarded the entire thing every 10 days, along with a profile badge indicating their immense skill.

Miscellaneous Economy

  • Every comment a user makes has a 1:100 chance of generating a treasure chest or a mimic. Treasure awards the user 1-1000 dramacoin, mimics will steal 1-500.

  • Every approved Marsey submission pays 250 dramacoin to the artist. Marseys are discussed later in this document.

  • Administrators will occasionally host betting threads for sporting events, spree shooter racial identities and victim counts, election results, and drunken whims. Bets are a flat 200dc each, and all users who voted for the winning choice receive the total amount bet divided equally among them.

  • Every profile has a "Send Dramacoin" and "Send Marseybux" button and users frequently solicit goods and services in exchange for currency.

  • There are, somewhat obviously, other minor ways in which currency is earned and spent, but those are relative edge cases and will be mentioned as necessary throughout this document.

User Experience


Users have robust customization options, for both their chosen outward "aesthetic" and for their own personal site experience. This section deals with the first tab of the Settings Page.

  • Theme - Users can select from a number of starkly different and visually pleasing themes, from the retro Win98, to the retrofuture Tron, to the simple yet elegant Coffee and Dramblr to 4chan and beyond.

  • Background - Users have the option to set a background to fill the whitespace should they so choose, either one of many preset backgrounds, or, for paypigs, the ability to upload their own. These can be either static or animated.

  • House - Users have the option of joining one of four rDrama Houses, which will be discussed later in this document.

  • Profile Picture - The user's avatar or "pfp" - self-explanatory. This can be animated or static.

  • Banner - Also self-explanatory. The banner at the top of a user's profile and the popout module when their name is clicked. Static or animated.

  • Username - Users have the ability to change their username at any time and at no cost. The original username is always reserved to them. The next field allows for customizing the color of one's username.

  • Pronouns - In the interest of maximum inclusivity, rDrama allows for users to set any pronouns they desire in this field. Pronouns cap at 5 characters each, but if one has a specific neopronoun that is longer, administrative exceptions can be made.

  • Flair - A short message that appears beside your name, maximum of 100 characters. Site emojis and regular emojis are allowed and encouraged. The next flair allows for choosing the color of one's flair.

  • Profile Anthem - A song that autoplays on a user's profile. This can be done by simply inputting a YouTube URL, or via direct MP3 upload.

  • Bio - Self-explanatory. Tell the website about yourself, or insult them.

  • Friends and Enemies - Perhaps even more self-explanatory. Tell the world who you love and hate. Users are notified if they are listed as a friend or an enemy.

  • Signature - A paypig-only feature, and a throwback to the forums of yesteryear.

  • Private Mode - Hide your post history from both search engines and other users. Users with the All-Seeing Eye profile upgrade can see through this.

  • Spider - A friendly spider will crawl across your screen when you are browsing rDrama.

  • Filters - Users can disable both slurs and profanity should they so choose. rDrama shibboleths will also automatically replace a number of words and terms with the Slur Filter enabled. Both are enabled by default and disabling them is discouraged so as not to take the internet so seriously.

In-Depth Experience

  • Advanced Settings - Users also have access to a number of customization options for browsing and off-site links via the Advanced Settings Page, such as Reddit and Twitter replacers (i.e. reveddit, unddit, nitter, etc.), the number of threads per page, the ability to disable the flashier graphical effects here for lower-end hardware, and so on. Each option is explained in full on the Advanced Settings Page and will not be repeated here.

  • Custom CSS - From the CSS Page, users can add custom CSS to both their profile for all users to truly make it their own, and edit the site's CSS itself for their local viewing experience.


rDrama users have a particular fondness for collecting Profile Badges - small graphics indicating an achievement, contributing art to the site, highly visible bait, being featured in news articles, participation in an event, an admin's lust for them, and other such things. A full list of badges can be found here. New badges are issued relatively often and displayed at all times on the popout profile module, and user profiles themselves.


The Leaderboards can be accessed via the Trophy icon in the topnav on desktop, or bottomnav on mobile. Users can see where they stack up against their digital peers in a growing number of categories. There is currently no benefit to Leaderboard placement beyond bragging rights, but this is planned to change in the future.


Users have a number of options to visually spruce up their posts as well as adding interesting mechanics to them. These can be found under any comment or thread entry field by clicking "Formatting help". This document will provide an overview of common actions. Users familiar with Reddit markdown will be aware of a number of these already.

  • Bold/Italics - Surrounding text with ** on each side will make it bold, and * on each side will italicize it. For example: **bold** *italics* would show as bold italics.

  • Linebreaks - Users can add extra linebreaks to post with standard HTML by typing <BR>. Pressing the Enter/Return key will only result in a single linebreak.

  • Hyperlinks - Links can be added to a thread or comment via HTML, or with markdown like this: [This will link to Google]( will appear as This will link to Google.

  • Media - Pictures and videos can be included in threads and comments as well, in two different ways. The simplest way is to just upload the media directly to the post via the Photo icon underneath the text entry field. Third-party media can be embedded with markdown as follows: Note the exclamation point in the beginning, the empty brackets, and the image hotlink in the parentheses. YouTube URLs and Imgur URLs will automatically embed the media without any markdown, however.

  • Patting - Users have the option of giving a reassuring fondling to their peers. For example, if one wishes to pat the writer of this documentation, one would simply type :@carpathianfloristpat:. It is always just colon, at sign, username, with pat at the end, followed by another colon. This will appear as :@carpathianfloristpat:.

  • Polls - Users can include polls in their threads and comments by surrounding poll options, each on their own line, with either && or $$. The ampersand is single-choice, the dollar sign is multiple choice. Poll option formatting would be $$Choice A$$ and so on to allow for users to choose "Choice A" along with other choices, or &&Choice A&& to restrict users to only one choice.

  • Headers - Users can include headers or large text of varying sizes by including one or several hashtags/number signs at the beginning of the line, followed by a space. Sizes range from 1-6, with 1 being the largest, 6 being the smallest. So for a very large header, one would put the following text on its own line: # Large header whereas for a smaller header, one could do ### Smaller header or ##### Even smaller header.

  • Spoilers - Spoilers can be hidden by surrounding text with two absolute value signs on each side. The author of this document was going to include an example, but codeblock markdown doesn't play nicely with spoiler markdown.

  • Pings - Users can ping one another in the expected manner, by simply typing @username which will notify the user as well as link to their profile.

  • Ping Groups - Ping Groups are groups of users who can be pinged by typing !pinggroupname to notify everyone in that Ping Group. Existing Ping Groups can be joined or browsed from the sidebar, or by clicking here. So, for example, to ping every member of the Chuds Ping Groups, one would simply type !chuds which will appear as !chuds and notify every member that they have been mentioned. Pinging Ping Groups which one is not a member of costs 5dc per recipient and pays it to them in order to minimize spam.

  • RNG features - rDrama has taken and improved 4chan's greentext and #fortune commands, while also adding #roll and #factcheck. Users can get their fortune, roll a four-digit number, or factcheck a post by adding the requisite command anywhere in their thread or comment.


Holes are rDrama's equivalent of subreddits, and the author of this document has a tremendously low opinion of them.

  • Cost - Holes cost 50,000dc to create.

  • Expiration - If a Hole has no new posts in any 7-day period, it is automatically deleted. There are no refunds. The creator is, however, granted the rare Hole Neglecter badge.

  • Subscribing - In order to subscribe to a Hole, users must navigate to the Hole itself (/h/toomanyxchromosomes, for example) and click "Follow Hole" at the top of the page. This will notify the user when a new thread is posted there. One can then unsubscribe by pressing the Unsubscribe button that it will change to.

  • Restricted Holes - Some Holes are restricted by default, meaning one must opt into them (above) for their posts to be visible. All Hole owners have the option to restrict their Holes, though some such as /h/chudrama, are both restricted and gated behind a 1488 Truescore (total votes received) requirement.

  • Aesthetics - Hole moderators and owners can change everything about their Hole, from the CSS for all users, to the Marsey at the top of the page, to the sidebar image, and more. A battery of custom @Snappy quotes is available on request.

  • Moderation - As would be expected, Hole owners can appoint moderators, and these moderators can exile people from the Hole. Un-Holed posts can be moved to the Hole by reporting them with /h/HOLENAME, and posts can be removed from a hole by a moderator reporting the post with /h/.

Holigays & Events

rDrama has events, both recurring and one-off, which change the site in varying ways. These include, but are not limited to, double XP (2x coins per vote received), event-specific banners, forced themes and soundtracks, limited time cosmetic awards, a badge for all existing users commemorating the event, and more. A list of some rDrama Holigays follows.

  • Homoween - rDrama's first ever Holigay, runs throughout the month of October. Homoween is a big deal. A sitewide playlist plays on every page, the layout is completely redone with a dynamic banner that changes as the big day draws near, there are around a dozen seasonal awards, new badges are everywhere, and as of Homoween '22 there is the beloved ZIPOCalypse game in which Zombies battle the Vaxxmaxxed.

  • Fistmas - Christmas! Another big one, similar to Homoween in terms of temporary features, although Christmas-themed instead of horror-themed. Runs throughout December.

  • New Queers - Immediately following Fistmas is the New Queers bash. User-submitted yearly banners, double XP, and discounts on celebratory graphic awards.

  • Donkey Kong December - Runs every year from April 2nd to May 9th. Browse rDrama with a custom Donkey Kong playlist, special awards, DK-specific art and more.

  • Black History Month - Users who aren't confirmed Black are required to buy an N-Word Pass from the Item Shop in order to be able to say nigger. N-Word Pass proceeds are paid to confirmed Black users at the end of the month as reparations. POC-themed banners also replace the usual roster.

  • rDrama's Birthgay Bash - Every year in May, rDrama celebrates its birthday. New, permanent celebratory awards are released, a commemorative badge is issued to all users, and Double XP coupled with shop discounts ensures visual chaos.

  • The Gaythering of the Juggalos - rDrama proudly stands with los and lettes around the world and is down with the clown until we are six feet in the ground, ninja. Expect Double XP, Dark Carnival-themed usernames, and clown banners.

  • Future - Future Holigays are planned to be added to the roster as available man hours dictate. These include, but are not limited to: a week celebrating /u/Bardfinn's birthday, Ramadan (Ramranchadan), Thanksgiving (Spanksgiving), May Day (May Gay, an LGBT-themed communist event), and an unnamed Fourth of July event.

Art As A Feature

The full rDrama experience is built on user-submitted art in three primary categories. This section will address that content.

Marseys - Marsey is that adorable orange-and-white cat you have surely noticed all over the place by now. There are over 2,000 variants of Marsey in emoji form usable across the site, and countless hundreds of others in our banners and sidebar images. Artistically inclined users are strongly encouraged to create their own Marseys and submit them via the Marsey Submission Form with a name and tags (in order to be easily found when using the Emoji Picker). Marsey Artists get a profile badge for their first, tenth, and hundredth approved Marsey. Holigay-themed Marseys during their respective events also earn a unique badge for that event that year.

Banners - The long, horizontal image at the top of every page announcing where on the internet the viewer is: Users are encouraged to create and submit their own banners by uploading them here. Note that banner artists receive a profile badge for their first approved banner, and rDrama routinely hosts events soliciting banners around particular themes in which users can earn a limited time badge and/or Marseybux payouts.

Sidebar - Each page also has a fun image in the sidebar. As with the above two items, sidebar images are user-generated and submit here. A successful sidebar submission earns the Sidebar Artist profile badge.


rDrama, while a self-proclaimed โ€œfun speechโ€ rather than โ€œfree speechโ€ platform does seek to allow established members to express whatever legal opinions they desire. Upon reaching 100 truescore, /h/chudrama is accessible and can be added to a user's main feed and notifications via the Unblock button at the top of the page. In Chudrama, any opinion goes. The slur filter is disabled, the Chud Award and admin-imposed Chud status effect both do not apply and users cannot be labeled chuds via content in Chudrama. Viewer discretion is advised.


As with the Wizarding World of Harry Potter, rDrama users have the chance to join one of four unique Houses. These are, in no particular order: Vampire, Furry, Racist, and Femboy. At the time of this writing, House functionality is fairly limited although there are plans to significantly expand it. Current features and a few upcoming ones are detailed below.

  • House Icon - Members of each House have a small icon beside their username indicating their allegiance. Founders of each House (i.e. all of the original members at inception) have the same icon but with a crown above it. Changing Houses removes the crown.

  • House-Specific Awards - Each House currently has access to one (1) award unique to that house which will cause a thematically appropriate status effect to the recipient for a period of time. More House-specific awards are planned, but ihatecodersihatecodersihatecodersihatecodersihatecoders development is on hold due to a temporary manpower shortage.

  • House Cup - Borrowing further from the Wizarding World, the rDrama Houses will soon be locked into a fierce competition for seasonal supremacy. Details to be announced as development time permits.

  • Sorting Ceremony - A Sorting Hat-style quiz is in the works for users upon account creation which will automatically sort them into the most fitting house.


rDrama has a native chat feature in development and currently in a usable, though user-neglected state. Chat is accessed via the chat icon (topnav on desktop, bottomnav on mobile), or by visiting Occasionally, during big real-world events such as sports championships and high profile court cases, chat will be converted into an Orgy in which the event in question is streamed and as users watch and comment together on events as they play out. Contrasted to regular chat, Orgies typically see triple-digit turnout. New features are in the works for chat as a whole, although at present, this requires a dev proficient in React, which rDrama lacks.


While rDrama is by no means a free speech platform, it does strive to eradicate the contemporary internet-wide problem of incompetent and abusive moderators.

  • Modlog - All moderator actions are logged and publicly visible to all members, accessible at Users can sort by moderator, by action, and by action taken by a specific moderator. rDrama prides itself on holding unpaid internet janitors accountable for their actions.

  • Banned Users - A full list of banned users can also be accessed from that page, including username, date of ban, duration of ban, and the moderator responsible. Unban Awards from the shop lower the duration of both user- and moderator-imposed bans by 24 hours each.


A record of all historical posts in some of rDrama's subreddits pre-migration can be accessed at Currently, this consists of /r/drama, /r/deuxrama, /r/dosrama, /r/zweirama and /r/dtama along with the full logs of the 2021 NNN Reddit powermod Discord server that rDrama compromised and leaked. Additional subs can be added provided there is sufficient interest.


rDrama is free and open source and a staunch supporter of open source software in general. After being banned from GitHub, the repo was moved to rDrama's own Gitea instance at Users are welcome and encouraged to submit their own changes and to peruse the source at their leisure.


It is recommended that users visit /h/changelog and press the bell button at the top to follow it, as substantial updates and changes are logged there for user visibility and as a means of soliciting feedback from the community.
As of 25 April 2023, changelog entries are now recorded in this thread, to which users can subscribe for realtime updates. Less substantial changes are logged here, contrasted to the former /h/changelog Hole in which only fairly large updates were posted.

Mass Casualty Event Events

rDrama leans heavily into coping with the incomprehensibly tragic absurdity of modernity by making sport of it whenever possible. Mass casualty eventsโ€”typically spree shootings and their inevitable rapid politicizationโ€”are thus the subject of routine administrator-hosted betting threads as to the identity and/or motive of the perpetrator, allowing for users to profit from the tragedy while chronicling and later ridiculing the wild speculation across social media and the American news cycle in the immediate, chaotic aftermath of the event. The default template of options and a brief explanation of the rules can be accessed here, for reference.

This is to be considered a living document and will be added to and updated as needed.

v1.06 | documented the changelog restructuring, corrected event dates, updated Marseybux limitations to only be Grass Awards; minor formatting changes


This one's really really weird. Something feels incredibly off about his situation or at least the way he talks about it. Please post your opinions because I'm at a loss.

Personal Details -

  • 33 y/o Virginian

  • Lynchberg

  • Job - "Large Tech Company" "Manages Account Managers"

  • Father was a Pastor

  • Eight siblings growing up, spends a little too much trying to give his kids opportunities that he didn't?

    • issues when trying to save that isn't directly for a thing he wants to buy
  • Married for 10 years

    • Caleb suggests couples therapy per usual :marseyeyeroll:

Job Status - (He's getting laid off)

  • $33k equity every year vests every 3 year?

  • 115k 10% bonus half performance half company performance

  • 7.5% last year

  • "Company is doing well" holding margins and growing a little

  • 1.1 billion a quarter revenue? There since 2018

    • Net 200 million
  • Company is laying off 8% of workforce

    • Rolling layoffs

    • Found out March 1st that he's getting laid off, but begging him to stay until May 1st

    • Volunteered to be laid off if they were laying off someone at his level?

      • Asked Jesus if he should volunteer to be laid off or not and I guess Jesus said yes?

        • Also he wasn't doing much there? And had gotten complacent? He said this later
      • Cousin says he'll pay 120k at a director level role in a different company

      • Given 3 months Admin Leave

      • Cousin's company decided he was not qualified so this is all down the drain

        • Will be going to get a real estate license instead
      • Other cousin has offered him a real estate job (he is going to try this)

        • plans on bailing if he can't sell something within 3 months
    • They are working on some sort of important legacy system migration but still getting cut? :marseythinkorino:

    • Wife's 'cap' is 40k

    • Severance -

      • ~30k including the Admin leave thing?

      • 35k 2 weeks for every tear there

      • 10k retention bonus for staying

Expenses -

  • Donations

    • $800 a month to his church

    • $170 a month to missions

  • 6k per year for two kids in private school

    • Hybrid school, home schools 2 days a week
  • No mortgage

    • Bought a house for 265'000, sold it for 575'000

    • Some weird stuff with the grandfather giving him money or something? I lost track of the plot

  • Lots of going out to eat, the wife takes the kids very frequently instead of cooking them food? Timestamp

    • Weird stories from the wife's childhood something is very very wrong here. Timestamp for anyone willing to help me parse this. I feel like I'm missing something.
  • Fast food expenses are appearing on the recurring bills credit card. Timestamp

  • Recurring payments for whole organic milk for "allergies" - This turns into "store bought milk is not as good for you"

  • Budget - income is equal to expenditure

Savings -

  • 20'000 savings

    • 10k cash in bank

    • 10k in Bitcoin

    • Only has that 10k cash in the bank because he watched the videos

  • Wife and him have 3k in checking account (4%):

  • He has 5500 in Etrade (3%)

  • Had 36'000 emergency

    • All spent?

    • Can't name where he spent them

    • treated as a slush fund :marseyxd:

Debt -

  • 401k loan

    • Needed 10k, had 15k on him but needed more

    • For a legal situation 5k retainer, 10k refundable in a year?

    • Portfolio Value $39'000 (including the loan)

  • Has gone through cycles of consumer debt in the past?

Credit -

  • Credit decimated by a Coles credit card with a balance he forgot about for 6 months :marseypoor:

Caleb seethes about some book called "Rich Dad Poor Dad" for a minute or two Timestamp

"I don't know where my money's going" :marseythinkorino:

EFFORTPOST Auberginegate - The Phillip Schofield Drama Continues

Sorry for the lack of updates. I know each and every one of you have waiting for the next episode of the saga. It consumes your every thought. It's the first thing you think of when you wake up. Let's get to it!

Recap: Phillip Schofield was a presenter on British television. He had spent his whole life in media, and most notably hosted This Morning with HOLLY WILLOUGHBY.

Phillip Schofield came out as gay a few years ago, and he left behind his wife of several decades and his two daughters. Brave! Recently, Schofield admitted he had an inappropriate relationship with a young man on ITV. He had also gotten this man a job. Though Schofield insists that the sexual stuff only happened when the boy was of age, there is evidence that they knew each other since he was 10. This has given rise to rumors that even if it was legal, there was some grooming involved.



Lets begin with Auberginegate. Journ*lists hounded the head of ITV for comments on the Schofield saga which has gripped the world. The response? "Do you like Aubergine?" For Yankees, aubergine is eggplant AKA the PEEPEE EMOJI. What did he mean by this? Is it code for something? Trolling? Who the frick knows!

The response got the attention of British parliament.


The heads of ITV were grilled by MPs in parliament. This is an event that will dictate the future of our species. It will affect Holly Willoughby's career!

During the meeting, ITV chief executive Dame Carolyn McCall told MPs the affair was "deeply inappropriate", but that she had not had evidence until recently. ITV director of television Kevin Lygo told the MPs: "He looked me in the eye and promised me that there was absolutely no truth whatsoever in this, in the rumours of this relationship."

>Dame Carolyn added: "We asked multiple times of both individuals, both formally and informally. Because we had no evidence, no-one brought us anything tangible, either on the production floor or from the outside... there was only hearsay and rumour and speculation."













































>"We want to be confident that ITV is not letting star power and favouritism damage the lives and careers of people working there - and, more importantly than that, we want to be confident that when mistakes have been made, ITV will be making changes rather than making jokes about aubergines."

>That was a reference to a recent remark made by This Morning editor Martin Frizell when he was asked by a Sky News reporter whether his programme had a toxic workplace. "I'll tell you what's toxic and I've always found it toxic. Aubergine," he replied.


Holly has returned to her rightful throne as the queen of daytime British television. Unemployed brits on benefits, stay-at-home mums, and folks waiting in dentist offices can once again rest assured that Holly Willoughby will be on that screen goddammit.

While she has returned, it is just not the same. Without Pip beside her, there aren't as many cute giggles from her. She has had a few co-hosts, but it seems Dermon is destined to be Phillip's replacement.

Will schofield off himself? Will ITV survive this scandal? What the frick was the aubergine comment about? What about Holly?! Stay tuned for more updates. Please like, share, and subscribe, and don't forget to hit that bell icon to be alerted as soon as a new video drops. Patreon and link for merch in the comments below. Peace.

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EFFORTPOST Letting children starve to death

If there's one thing we all share in common, it's that we need food to live. Food is our sustenance and without it, we perish. Some of us eat too little and become skinny. Others eat too much and become fat. Regardless, at the end of the day, we're all eating.

Children, especially young infants, cannot obtain their own food. Hence, it is the job of the parents to ensure that the child receives the sustence they require. Unfortunately, this isn't always the case and there are some parents who abandon their responsibility. Today I'll briefly discuss two cases of parents who let their children starve to death. My writing won't be all too animated, and you'll find out why in the conclusion.

The Deadly Vacation

Who doesn't like a good vacation? It's a chance to get away from the stresses of life, see new places, and maybe even enjoy a holiday fling. But what if the stressor is your own child? Suddenly, a vacation becomes a dark deed.

Kristel Candelario wanted to go on vacation. But her pesky 16 month old child Jailyn would take the fun out of it. So, she decided to leave the child in the crib while she jetted off to Detroit and Puerto Rico for ten days. While Kristel was on the beach, Jailyn defacated all over herself and ate the waste as her only source of sustenance. Of course, this turned the situation deadly and the child perished. After the ten day long holiday, Kristel returned home to a poop-covered dead child. She changed the child's clothing before calling 911, claiming to have found the child not breathing.

Of course, upon investigation, it was found that she had abandoned her baby who starved to death. Upon receiving her life sentence, the judge described Kristel's actions as the ultimate act of betrayal. Do you agree? What do you think was going on in Kristel's mind?

The Dirty Home

Seth Welch and Tatiana Fusari had a child named Mary Welch. They did not treat the child very well. CPS found traces of THC in the child, suggesting that the parents were blazing around the infant which is no laughing matter.

Mary was heavily malnourished but the parents refused to seek medical assistance, citing religious reasons. They say God dwells in a cleanly home. Their house must have been the domain of Satan because it was found to have roaches and vermin and mould. For unknown reasons, the parents witheld food from the baby. The likely cause is that they were too wrapped up in their drug-fueled life.

Eventually, Mary succumbed to malnourishment, and the pair were charged with negligent homicide and were sentenced to life. Prior to sentencing, when Seth was told he was facing a life sentence, he made the soyjack face.

This is no laughing matter however.


I can't sleep. I've stopped taking benzos and I feel sick. My head is pounding, I feel like puking and I am constantly moody and agitated. I feel like I need benzos like an infant needs breastmilk. I started playing Red Dead Redemption today. Very cool, but also very slow-paced. I like Bonny McFarlane and walking around the ranch. I think it captures the "Western" aesthetic better than its successor.


Donna Peepeeens was a pop culture writer covering mostly Star Wars. Her Twitter was until banned in 2018. Basically your typical goober-gate era online feminist.



Donna's not writing much, instead spending her time spreading conspiracy theories on TikTok under, with 95k followers. She's talking about how the Roman empire is an invention of the Spanish Inquisition, Alexandar the Great was a womxn, Pompeii never erupted, blacklights were ancient technology, etc. The conspiracies are often centered around white supremacy, fasciscm, or other leftist concepts. She uses a lot of stupid TikTok filters, is very condescending, and overemphasizes her movements like an anime girl. I also have a feeling her glasses, hair color, and messy hairstyle are an attempt to appear older or more scholarly.

TikTokers have confirmed she never graduated with any degree, despite her TikTok profile.

Examples of the Roman history conspiracy

Rome didn't exist

Source materials to prove existence of ancient Rome can be dismissed because of eugenics and fascism

"Ancient Roman architecture" was built by Nazis

Actual historians (Roman history and otherwise) aren't happy

Proxmaxwell's response

Stakuyi's response

Meredithancret's response

Batdoeshistory's response

Matta_of_fact's response regarding a piece of art <-- great example of how Donna makes stuff up & responds to people

Maklelan's response regarding Torah

Batdoeshistory's response regarding Pompeii

theaidanmattis's response

The main event (Aidan Mattis) has spent more time responding to Donna's videos than anyone. This led to her making a video calling Aidan a white supremacist based on this college article. She also said followers of Aidan tried to dox her, so she called the state police.


In context: Aidan, as a founding member of the campuses's TPUSA chapter, was quoted in response to a student's (from a different college) request to rent space at the uni to have Richard Spencer give a talk. Aidan appeared to be uninvolved in the event but stood for freeze peach.

In response to the defamation Aidan is going to file a cease and desist on Donna.


Lastly, Miniminuteman is pressed enough by Donna's behavior that he's going to consolidate all the TikTokers into a single Youtube video to take her down.



The OG user momllenial (no underscore) is also pissed at Donna


Reported by:
  • Lappland : First is guilty second is guilty but this is America's fault for not allowing post-term abortion.
  • rDramaHistorian : Wtf is this stalker award doing :marseyxd: reading this after homoween only
EFFORTPOST Did these women kill babies? You decide.


In the following two cases, we have women who have been accused of ending the lives of children. In both cases, the women were found guilty, though their cases continue to be hotly debated. It is up to you to decide whether the evidence points to guilt or innocence.

Amanda Lewis

Amanda Lewis was a mother of two living in Florida. Her life was never easy, and she had already lived through the loss of one child. She had a son named AJ and a daughter named Adrianna. It was known that Amanda had a tough time raising her children, especially Adrianna who had ADHD and could be a handful.

On August 8, 2007, Amanda was indoors while the two children played in the backyard. There was a raised pool in the backyard that was too tall for the children to climb into.

Suddenly, AJ ran into the house telling Amanda that Adrianna is in the pool. Frantic, she runs outside and finds her daughter face down in the pool. She drags the child out and tries CPR while phoning the police.

Unfortunately, when emergency services arrive, there isn't much they can do and Adrianna is declared dead. Drownings happen all the time, plus there was a toy truck found next to the pool which seemed to explain how the child got in (used the truck as a step). Things took an unexpected turn when AJ started talking to his grandparents.

According to AJ, his mother's story isn't true. He claims Amanda was angry with Adrianna and wanted to punish her for spraying glass cleaner all over the house. So Amanda held Adrianna by the face and repeatedly dunked her in the pool until she drowned. Alarmed, the grandparents called the police, and the boy was interviewed.

What ensued next was one of the most important trials of the century, as a 6 year old's testimony would determine whether a woman would go to jail for murder. There are several factors that make Amanda look guilty. First, there's the testimony from the boy. Children lie, but this wasn't a normal kind of lie. Secondly, hand marks were found on Adrianna's face which squares up with AJ claiming the child was held by the face. Lastly, the home revealed that the children may have been abused or neglected. It was dirty, smelled of urine, and there were no toys for the children to play with.

There is also evidence in Amanda's favor. She did a polygraph test and passed it when asked about Adrianna's death. Secondly, AJ's story never remained consistent. Sometimes it would change and dip into fantasy, with AJ claiming he had a gun and shot at his mom. Other times, he would claim Adrianna told him to dial 911 while her head was underwater. So how much weight can you give a 6 year old's testimony? Lastly, Amanda was offered a 10 year plea deal. She refused, claiming she was innocent.

There was a long trial where AJ was called to testify. It's kinda sad because he cries when he sees his mom. Amanda was found guilty. She is still in prison today, professing her innocence. She never saw her son again after seeing him in the courtroom. Did she kill Adrianna? Is AJ lying? How does AJ feel about all of this now?

Emily Defries

Emily Defries was a young woman with one child when she met Mr Belle, who had two daughters named Anna Belle and Emily Belle. They moved in together, which Emily liked because it meant the children could play together more.

One day, Emily was home with the three children. As far as she knew, 20 month old Anna was asleep while her two children were playing in their room. When she walked indoors, she gasped when she discovered Anna unresponsive at the bottom of the stairs. She called the police but when they arrived, they declared her dead.

An autopsy was done, and it was discovered that the child did not die from falling down the stairs. She had extremely severe injuries including a long gash on her back, a fractured skull, a bleeding stomach, and a broken arm. Emily was arrested, and she was accused of killing Anna. Emily denied this, claiming she had never hurt any child. Shockingly, she blames the older sister who is 8 years old.

In court, the defense argued that all the bruises and injuries were caused by the rambunctious 8-year-old. The big sister did have a history of being emotionally explosive, but you have to remember just how severe the injuries are. The big sister was questioned in court, but she answered "I don't know" to most questions. The prosecutors claimed that Emily hated Anna because she didn't want Emily to marry her dad. Furthermore, relatives stated that they had never seen bruises on Anna until Emily entered the picture.

Emily is found guilty of second-degree murder. Like Amanda, she was offered a plea deal which she declined. Emily still professes her innocence. So where do you like? Did Emily do it, or was it the big sister?


As you read this cases, consider how many drowning cases may have been frustrated mothers who got tired of their children. Though these women are wicked, we should acknowledge that mothers are often asked to do the impossible, and they sometimes fail.

Tune in next time when we discuss Lucy Letby.


Elise, 24, Houston TX


  • Cashier HEB

    • Spending a lot at HEB :marseyxd:

      • says she spent on water bottles
    • $1'348 income

    • been doing this job for 5 years timestamp

      • :marseywtf2:
    • HEB only lets her work up to 35 hours

  • "I've been looking for jobs that are like salary paying jobs but I don't know where to look" timestamp

Personal Life/Education:

  • Mentions she got pell grants, scholarships and some other stuff for undergrad timestamp

  • Studying for LSAT

    • Future Lawyer :marseyjudge:

    • "I want to go to a good law school but it's debatable what's good" timestamp

      • Mentions UT and Michigan as ones she's looking at?
    • Father says she has to go to law school or move out

      • He got several degrees blah blah blah, has a hundred thousand in student debt?
    • Father wants her to just take out loans for law school? She wants to wait a few years and pay off debts?

      • :marseythinkorino:
    • Poli Sci Degree undergrad

  • Lives with her dad

    • Moved back home after graduating college in May 2023
  • Claims she found his channel last month and has only then changed her spending

  • Didn't work from January to mid-March

    • Exhumes grandfather's body to defend her timestamp

    • Revises this later to not working for 5 months this year timestamp


  • Credit Score - 640

  • Multiple overdrafts

  • Missed payments on multiple debts

  • Carrying balances on cards (still spending on them)

  • Lots of eating out

  • "Why is all going to 'frick you' spending?"

  • "This was your most recent statement though, so this just happened

    • Justification for only just changing spending timestamp
  • Synchrony (Card 1. $1216.73 => $1280.56 timestamp

    • Missed payment

    • $77 minimum payment, next is $117 due, normal is $40?

    • $23 in interest added

    • $40 of fees :marseyxd:

    • Totals for 2023 on this card:

      • $189.00 in fees

      • $195.27 interest

      • $284.50 interest paid?

  • Discovery Card (Card 2. $773 => $697

    • $38 minimum payment

    • Made $93 in payments

    • $17 in interest charged

    • Totals for 2023:

      • $30 in fees

      • $137.76 in interest

  • TDE Credit Union (Card 3. 2'608 => $2'558:

    • $58 over the credit limit

    • $25 fees

    • $29 interest

    • 2023 total:

      • $125 fees (5 missed payments)

      • $264 interest

  • Car 2020 Toyota Corolla $23'812 remaining 17.17% interest rate

    • $563 payment

    • $28.18 late fee :marseyxd:

    • Probably worth about $17'000

    • Got car May of 2022

    • Went full r-slur at the dealership out of laziness holy shit she's a born mark

    • Storytime - timestamp

      • So I just let the dealer run my credit and told him I wanted whatever I was approved for

      • Why didn't you like go with someone?

        • I was trying to hide it from my parents
    • Why have you not sold it?

      • Attempted justification timestamp

      • Underwater 8 or 9 thousand dollars

  • AT&T (1150?) timestamp

    • Past due $506, says she's caught up now though

    • Normal payment is $230 (includes cell service)

    • Phone, iPad, Apple Watch

      • "You're not even wearing it!"

        • "I left it in my car"
      • Nothing owed on the phone ("trade-in value")

      • $286 on the watch

      • $900 on the iPad

    • Tried to return the watch (failed) :marseyxd:

      • Caleb tells her to sell it
  • Freedom(?) (Card 4. 1365 => 1233

    • 165 payment made

    • $33 in interest

    • $45 minimum payment

  • Student Loans: 27'000 timestamp

    • in grace period right now, extended from November to next May

      • "You get another one if you request it"
    • Planning on deferring them again when she goes to law school

  • TDECU Checking Account timestamp

    • $5 balance

    • Spent $12 on a car wash :marseyxd:

  • Affirms ($300) timestamp

    • around $40 minimum
  • Checking Account -$11.69 timestamp

    • she got another car wash from this one :marseyxd:

Budget Segment timestamp

  • $1070 total minimum payments

Avery, 26, Austin, TX :marseyclown2:


  • 44k at some car company "building cars"

    • paid hourly, thinks it's fairly stable 40 hours a week - 10 hours a day 4 days a week, sometimes 11 or 12

Personal Life:

  • Wasn't her first choice to move to Austin, she moved here because her friend already works at the car company

  • 800ish rent

  • Most of this section got lumped into financials


  • Checking Account

    • Overdrafts
  • "I live above my means"

  • Credit Card 1 ($369) timestamp

    • Paid $45 on it

    • Made $116 in purchases

    • $10 in interest added

    • She tries to explain why she hasn't paid if off - she divides her payments between her paychecks???

      • Mentions at least 5 other credit cards :marseywtf2:
  • Credit Card 2 ($450) timestamp

    • Disney Rewards Card

    • Minimum payment $40

    • because she used to go to Disney but hasn't for a very long time

    • Sally Beauty $50 purchase "on a whim" :marseyconfused:

    • Also some eating out

  • Credit Card 3 (2051) timestamp

    • $73 minimum payment

    • $53 interest charged

    • $30 in new purchases

      • "I needed an outfit for a concert"

      • Actually she went to Taco Bell and a Boba Tea place

    • "I'm still making my payments, that's all that matters" :marseyindignant:

    • Mentions that she will be going to see a couple more concerts. 21 Pilots and a band whose name I can't make out

    • Claims the food purchases are justified

    • Some weird explanation about how she couldn't use her card to get a protein bar and water so she went to get taco bell instead? (I assume she means the vendor didn't have a card reader?)

  • Credit Card 4 ($492) (Walmart) timestamp

    • 28 minimum monthly payment

    • No new purchases on this one?

    • She usually uses it but didn't this time?

  • Credit Card 5 ($5'004) (Discover) timestamp

    • She bought a computer on there?

    • Minimum payment $125

    • Interest $104

    • She doesn't really understand how interest works and has been trying to pay slightly more than minimum on all her debts? timestamp

  • Credit Card 6 ($136) (Hot Topic) timestamp

    • There's a $3 fee on it? "What do you mean fee" :marseyemojirofl:

    • $30 minimum monthly payment

  • Student Loans timestamp

    • Something about her mother taking out student loans too on her behalf and she's paying for those as well? I didn't really understand this one

      • her mom's loan is on deferment but she's still paying it while on deferment (she really doesn't understand how interest rates work)

      • Later clarified that her mother used her brother's credit to take these loans out? He knew and approved it

    • Some talk about family situation, nothing super interesting she mentions that she likes to give expensive gifts, sees that as a need not a want

    • Didn't catch how much she's paying off for the mother but she herself has $5'162

      • Was paying it off while in school - went to school for theater, got degree
    • Going to go back to school for "advanced manufacturing" - her job is covering it? Community college (ACC)

  • Caleb stimming timestamp

  • "So what do you do when you are low on money on your checking account but only have your credit card to survive?" :marseybrainlet: timestamp

  • Car (Toyota Camry) (31'972 balance) timestamp

    • $650 monthly payment

    • Storytime - weird ex-boyfriend story

    • Purchased March 2023

    • 6 year agreement

    • She thinks a 9% interest

    • Scratched on the side, damage to the windshield

      • Heat damage on the windshield? Apparently you want to roll windows down when it's very hot?
    • valued at maybe 21'000

  • Income 3617 timestamp

    • "I've never really checked my finances to be honest with you"
  • Checking Account timestamp

    • Highlights a nintendo charge, some eating out, google play, playstation network

    • 5 overdraft charges in a row :marseyxd:

    • She Klarna'd some tickets and a $100 Back to The Future Lego set

  • Other people borrow money from her??? timestamp

    • Her mother borrows money from her sometimes about $100? Not every month? Just rarely???

    • She overdrafts

    • "That's only once"

      • "No"
  • Funny drama confrontation about her future in society timestamp

  • Confrontation over phone finances timestamp

Finances Pie Chart timestamp

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