
AI generated some extremely accurate portrayals of Reddit moderators. Needless to say, Redditors aren't happy about it.

Here are the four AI-generated Reddit mods:

...and here are IRL Reddit mods:

EDIT: I found the original thread, which has even more of these:

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  • X : /h/leafland

If you don't follow intellectual midgets Noah S and Matty Y you are missing out on some of the worst takes there are.


If you for some reason use IBKR and not one of the 700 other brokerages, this may be a mild nuisance to your day. Truly we are witness an event of all time.

Here's some subreddit having a light conversation about the r-slur on the loose.

NEW SHOE VIDEO DROPPED: The War on Normal Guys
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Orange man is the new mlk


This isn't a troll post and I hope for a serious discussion. When I was younger and engaged in a sexual act with another man I would always feel a huge sense of shame and guilt afterwards. Before you ask, no I wasn't raised Christian nor was I raised to be against such sexual vices yet I felt guilty and shameful like I never did before. I think this guilt in itself is almost proof there's a god or greater being or force that engraves law into us all. The experience almost made me become religious. I don't think I'd ever do anything sexual with another man again.


It been posted 15 hours. No mapper reported any Ukrainian gains

The funny thing is that Russia burned through large numbers of critical reinforcements, armour, vehicles, artillery and ammo to open this new front. If they lose it they gained nothing except destroying more Ukrainian cities.

Redditor shows his high IQ

But this article proves that 18 brigades can't kick out 6 Russian brigades and even losing ground to those 6 brigades

Ukrainian troops have successfully stabilized the area, with analysts estimating that around 38,000 Ukrainian soldiers are deployed in this direction, compared to approximately 14,000 Russian troops.

Zelenskyy told a week ago that Russian at that front losing 8 men for 1 Ukrainian

And before it he told Russian losing 1000 men a day in that direction. So how come 14k men that lose 1k+ men a day fighting 38k men that lose 125 men a day and still exist after more than 2 weeks ?


This is Ukrainian KDA advantage being fabed and tos-2'sed hard and on top of it Russian actually build fortifications lines. When they pushed in Kharkiv they started building fortifications for 10 days without moving forward waiting for Ukrainian l'epic counter offensive so Russian bait actually worked

Let's look at more high iq Redditors

Jake Broe talked about it the other day, Russia has been trying to rush their summer offensive before the reinforcements from US arrived, and it has failed.


There was never pause in delivery of weapons to Ukraine and it was even proudly admitted

Wouldn't that also mean, that a concentrated force is a far easier target for HIMARS and artillery?

Of course they cope in 2024 about HIMARS and JDAMS

Like for real jdams were getting jammed before they were officially introduced in Ukraine :marseythumbsup:

We said from the beginning this was putin's last ditch Ardennes Offensive, before Ukraine received too much new military aid to overcome, and it was as doomed to fail as the actual Ardennes Offensive.

Homosexual also told spring counteroffensive

That is 38K highly motivated biolab soldiers versus 14K highly demotivated blyats.

It's interesting that neighbor don't even ask how 14k Russian are able to hold 38k Ukrainian with 8 KDA

And of course they don't ask how is Ukrainian not striking Russian soil with rockets launchers yet bomb Belgorod ?

And Macron admitted this event

On this paper blue is Ukrainian strikes and blue is on Belgorod

So Ukrainian were striking Belgorod with Czech rocket launchers RM-70 (that uses himars missiles), Ukraine also used nato tech on Russian soils with attack on Belgorod and even lost a black hawk before Russian attacked Kharkiv and now when Ukraine will strike Belgorod with himars (launcher). Think about it, it's a game changer. That will be forgotten in 2 weeks like 160 billions that Ukraine already received this year and Ukraine is asking for more now :marseyclapping:

Like what's wrong with them ? How can they live in such parallel universe ? And worst they telling about helping Ukraine yet they don't enlist and if this conflict gets bigger they won't enlist.

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Anyways on to the pondscum of 9strag


You know darn well he is the house "Help" :chudglassesglow: :chudglassesglow: :chudglassesglow:

"Poor kid. 12 and already part of a gang." :chudsoy:

"Poor kid, he lose his parents once, now he will lose his father again when he need something to smoke..." :chudsoy: :chudsoy: :chudsoy: :chudsoy:

You guys get the idea - racists and chuds spaz the frick out and nogposts like hooligans in the early moments of the post, and at first it seems like it's gonna be another Poltard thread.

Basically a torrent of racism which would make the liberals on lose their mind, when compared to the genuinely lukewarm chuds here on this site. Like really you guys are surrounded with reddit level civilized posts which are usually purged by jannies of all racism and chud posting, compared to 9strag.

Yet remarkably all of these racist posts are all controversial and downvoted into oblivion, whereas in usual circumstances the degenerates of 9gag would basically post endless 13/50 :marseywrongthonk: :marseywrongthonk: :marseywrongthonk: :marseywrongthonk: :marseywrongthonk: :marseywrongthonk:

Instead for today all the top posts are all remarkably positive!

one post making self-aware funny joke about how 9gag morons can't fit in their racism into this particular wholesome story.

even the negative comments are downvoted.

of course 9strag wholesomeness comes with its own caveats, and their own particular r-sluration.

@Aevann pin to prove you're not racist.

The west truly fell with this one

!germs how will Mannheim recover (it wont)

Changelog: Did this

I have played and beaten every 3d Zelda game (minus SS but I plan to get to it at some point) except for Tear of the Kingdom.

I have even done randomizer of most of them, so I'm very familiar with what make a Zelda game good.

I don't like Botw and Totk, and not for the reasons most people list. I think the weapon system and them breaking was really fun, the new artstyle is good, and while the controls are not great, they aren't a deal dealbreaker for me.

The reason I don't like modern Zelda is simply because they are too long. Sure, I can just do the main story and have a okayish 30-40 hour experience, but that is not what I play Zelda games for.

Other 3d Zelda games are perfect because they give you a satisfying 20-40 hour adventure, where the side stuff is fun distractions to do when you get bored of the main story, and not 95% of the fricking game.

Botw was a fun and innovative experiment with the Zelda formula, and while I'm not a huge fan of it, I can respect it for how ambitious, and how it made the world seem massive, even if in turn it felt less handcraft and interesting.

Then Totk tries to give you twice the amount of content to explore, but the same amount of NPCs and towns, and suddenly the once fun, detailed and lived in worlds of 3d Zelda games turns into mostly barren environments with the occasional bokoblin you can beat up for a slightly ok spear.

That my :marseyretard2: on why I don't like modern 3d Zelda, feel free to agrue with me in the comments.

EXPLAIN MISIA TO ME RIGHT :marseyhesfluffyyouknow: FRICKING :marseytom: NOW :marseytrollgun:

I don't get the injoke and it's making me sad :marseyretard2:

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