
All her tweets on the matter.

Redditoids react :soyjaktantrum:

That's funny because Joyce Carol Oates's Twitter feed, at times, seem like vignettes from Twin Peaks The Return


"she just doesn't get it bro. " :marseydisagree:

What's weird here is that a lot of her own work is surreal, has many layers of reality and people who question their own sanity, she uses satire in dark ways, she has been an English professor for decades so presumably knows how to analyze others' art and does so well with Lynch's other work. I'm just not sure what her payoff is in repeating the “brain damaged” line (which seems inaccurate and mean-spirited to me), and it is painfully obvious that she doesn't understand either melodrama or satires of melodrama.

David lynch hates words. Words are her element. Makes sense she doesn't like his dialogue.

If words are her element she should use them better.

These people genuinely think they're some sort of enlightened souls just because they enjoy David Lynch. :marseyeyeroll:

I think there are two kinds of audience (broadly speaking, obviously); the kind that see something that triggers their imagination and sends them into a kind of imaginative engagement with what they are seeing; and the kind that expect what they see to do the imagining for them. Both are valid modes of reception, but the first has the advantage of including the latter in what it can appreciate whereas the second constantly needs to be convinced to remain engaged, and therefore cannot appreciate anything that requires them to imaginatively buy into what they are seeing.

Another user thinks she isn't good enough to critique Lynch. :marseyglancing:.

I'm not just saying this as a TP fan, in fact I've avoided saying it because of how it looks, but everything I've seen from her seems to be on the level of a third rate Chekhov or a third rate Shirley Jackson, depending on genre. If someone like Ishiguro said what she said, I'd be disturbed, but I wouldn't pretend to dismiss their ability. Obviously I'm in a minority about her.

Multiple accusation JCO being Dull and Pretentious :marseysmirk:

Dull and pretentious is exactly how I'd describe the majority of these tweets.

Says the lady who exclusively writes pretentious slow dull excursions.

JCO is media illiterate as well according to these redditors:marseysurejan:.

The world is full of media illiterate people.


Serious question, who is this woman and why should I give a flying frick what she thinks of Twin Peaks? Her tweets read like a crazy old lady with dementia who should have had her phone taken away.

Old senile lady who posts bullshit opinions a lot. She posted her foot one time and it is truly gross


Anyway, lots of "literally who?" comments by the "media literate" intellectuals on /r/DavidLynch regarding JCO. Lots of seethe in the quote tweets as well :marseycope:.

!kino !anime !fellas



You are reminded this is real.



Edit: Some Reddit threads:

Weekly “what are you reading” Thread #43 :marseyreading:

To discuss your weekly readings of books, textbooks and papers.

!bookworms !classics

I started reading “Los Premios” by Julio Cortázar :marseyargentina: set in the 1950s it's about a bunch of porteños who won tickets to a cruiser ship to somewhere (they have no idea where). First chapter the passengers all meet each other at the London City cafeteria in Buenos Aires (that places still exists, it's located between Av de Mayo and Av Perú, they have a wonderful tea and deserts but are kind of expensive) then they're escorted by the police to the ship at the port, a ship called Malcolm, none of the passengers knows where they're going, the officers refuse to tell them at the first day and I'm getting some White Lotus vibes from the passengers and their companions. I'm also reading “ Tratamento de Água – Concepção, Projeto e Operação de Estações de Tratamento” a textbook on water treatment because of work related stuff.

The Books in Fred Hamptons Apartment

Has anybody every read The Books in Fred Hamptons Apartment, or even heard of it. I don't really know what its about but I have been researching the civil rights era and I need books about Fred Hampton. I have done cursory searches of the book and I'm having trouble finding any good information on it. Most of the big sites like Goodreads and Amazon don't have descriptions and the only copies I could find are really expensive. I found one NYT archived article about it but its just poo-pooing on the author for using black people or something and it doesn't really talk about the book, or it does and I cant decipher the writers r-slurred academia speak. I even briefly searched for it on a couple of pirate sites and couldn't find it. The article I did find made it seem like the title of the book has little to do with the subject but like I said, if that was the article's meaning it was buried under nerd speak.

Greg Heffley — The first truecel

!truecels Discuss Kino of a Wimpy Kid and how it personally kept you from roping

:marseysmug3: :!marseyderp: lol


Reported by:
Choose one: I have got Tuesday and Wednesday off and I'll complete the most voted one in 48 hours


I busted my chin open a week ago so I'm leveraging that and taking random days off

I'll complete the entire book and give you guys the essential notes as a blogpost

@neoconshill could you pin this to lit for 5-6 hours?

They turned James :marseymetokur: Bond into a flaming libtard :marseysoycrytremble: wtf :mjlol:

One soy milk please, shaken not stirred :marseycheers:

Taken from "On His Majesty's Secret :marseyglow: Service"

Do you feel you have to annotate when you read?

Have you ever heard of anyone who does this annotation crap outside of school? Is it a woman thing? I don't get it


Anything suspenseful, mysterious, and a bit creepy would be perfect!!

The last 75 or so pages had my heart feeling like it was about to beat out of my chest, I have never before felt that level of fear for such a prolonged period of time; it was like the feeling right after a near miss on the road, only it kept going. It was incredible and completely got me hooked on horror novels.

Weekly “what are you reading” Thread #41 :marseyreading:


To discuss your weekly readings of books? Textbooks and papers.

short story contest?

Word limit should be low, because of the average attention span of the site.

topic? topic free?

or maybe a monthly writing prompt thread, under 500 words, or over, idc.

I make constant new reddit accounts and dont have a reddit main, i always end up getting banned or cross banned so i dont use /r/writingprompts,and /lit/ sucks

i'm not a writer, not in the least, but it could be fun

i am anonymous, and i wont make fun of anyones poor writing. im sure mine will be shit, too. nothing to be ashamed of

Should I do a weekly Mahabharata Book Reading litbros?

The Mahabharata Saga came in today. For a $78 price tag it is huge holy shit.

10 volumes, almost 400 pages each, the last two volumes reaching 800 pages each

Also, fits in snugly into my little book rack

!bookworms !classics



!bookworms it turns out Meloni is a huge Tolkien fan, so naturally The Economist journos decided to write about it.

Here's the article text.

Youtubercels discuss :mussolini:


911roofer writes Jane Austen fan fiction
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