Homoween Writing Prompt:marseyghost:


Hello ghouls of !writecel and anyone else interested in participating. With Homoween officially upon us, it is time for SpOoOkY stories


The prompt is as follows:

Your protagonist is cursed and must pass the curse along if they want their soul to see peace in this realm or the next. :marseydevil:

Genre and minimum word count are your choice, maximum of 1.8k words. Deadline is the 31st of October

The cover of the original Dutch edition of the Hobbit


Me at the top right


To discuss your weekly readings. Be it books, textbooks, papers or whatever.



Cervantes was truly the ahead of his time. If Don Quixote was made today it would be about a delusional capeshit fanboy, who one day decided to dress up like Captain Amerika with the help of some hobo. He would go on “quests” fighting “nazis” who are actually just regular people, all while simping for some broad he never talked to.

Rdrama Bookclub Voting Thread (Round 3) :marseyreading::marseypunching:

!bookworms. Another 2 are gone as even if the 3 voters from Rules of Attraction selected Crime and Punishment it wouldn't be enough to pass another round. We are left with 3 options

Cormac McCarthy

Philip K. Peepee

Kazuo Ishiguro

If one of these reaches 50%+ of the votes by 20:00 E.T. It will be declared as the winner, if all choices fail to reach 50% we'll have another round with the 2 most upvoted ones. Once again, choose wisely.

:soyjackwow: Waow!
BrandoSando strikes back

I really don't know anything about this author (I read one of his books when I was younger and that's it) BUT I do know that a seething WIRED journocel wrote a very angry expose about how he is an autist and a total loser for various ill-defined reasons (didn't read). RDrama post here (if ur wondering why it says "heeheehaahaa" so much, its because the post author was chudded when he wrote it :marseylaugh:)

Basically, the WIRED journo hates the fact that BrandoSando...

  • has an air of confidence

  • made the author drive all the way from SanFran

  • is resistant to pain and refuses pain medication

anywho, BrandoSando fires back very gently. I thought it was well-written, if a bit mopey. It also makes the journo look like a complete butthole without focusing on the journo himself, which is amazing.


  • Brando relates his experiences as being an "outsider", due to his faith and general autism

  • Brando explains that his numbness to pain is probably a result of his autism

  • Brando says that he doesn't want sympathy for this.

  • He says he writes because he feels things when he writes.

  • He is against "gatekeeping"

The demiurge ?? :marseyshook: :marseywtf2:

As you well know, we are reading the first 7 chapters of The Master and Margarita in our recently created book club.

However the Friday threads are for non book club readings only, we’ll reserve “The Master and Margarita” discussions for Sundays.

I finished Lolita earlier this week. Humbert and Quilty chapter was basically :marseynoyou:. I’m glad both of them died, after finishing I went back to the prologue to realize Dolores was “Mrs Schiller” who died at childbirth :marseysad::marseyrain:

This book had a hard to swallow plot, and Nobokov managed to write an engaging story with it, he said he based Humbert Humbert on Lewis Carroll, probably because of his writing style but the funny thing is Carroll was probably a closeted :marseypedo:.

But I have to say that among Nabokov’s works, I preferred “Pale Fire” to “Lolita”.


!bookworms !historychads

I'm re reading "Sheldon Cooper Goes to Hogwarts" for the 5th time

Don't ask what has lead me to this point but it's been many years since I read it last :marseydespair: I used to reread it due to updates, to refresh my memory of the plot.

I wrote like 10 cringe paragraphs of why I connect so deeply with HPMOR but realized no one is reading all that, and if you did, I probably wouldn't want you to anyway :marseyannoyed:

I wasn't allowed to read Harry Potter at 14 (or any other age) so I read HPMOR instead, I sneaked it onto my ereader lol :marseyxd: :marseycry: :marseyveryworried:

I was an obnoxious hyperlexic nerd child. I haven't read Harry Potter to this day. I tried (when I first went to college), but it just wasn't the same. It felt like a weird fanfiction :marseysad:

The first part was really funny, but I'm finding HPMOR much more depressing than the first time I read it. Is it because too many of the characters are too flat, manipulative, and mean? or because I know how things end up? :marseyworried:

So anyway, I need recommendations on something else to read :marseyhmmm:

but no smug "I hecking love Science" stuff because it's usually not good :marseysad:

Most expensive book you own?

idk seems like an interesting topic, especially for boomers who've had years to find stuff.

The most expensive one I own is a hardcover of The Killing Star that sells for like $300 on amazon.

I got it for $30 last year :marseyderp:


Awful pervet injects his weird basic b-word politics into his filth.

Your most interesting second hand book find


My favorite charity shop is where I found

I found a book called Great People of the Bible and how they lived with multiple pressed flowers inside.


Today I'll be visiting a bookstore that always has free books that they can't sell. Usually it's cookbooks, Christian self help, and dime novels.


What's you're coolest find?

They turned James :marseymetokur: Bond into a flaming libtard :marseysoycrytremble: wtf :mjlol:

One soy milk please, shaken not stirred :marseycheers:

Taken from "On His Majesty's Secret :marseyglow: Service"

New Toss

Bookclub Nominations Thread

!bookworms, as you know we are supposed to have our final discussion of Master and Margarita on Sunday, so it’s time to select our next book.

Nominate your choices or upvote the one’s you find interesting. Tomorrow at 19:00 E.T. I’ll pick the five most upvoted ones and place them on a voting thread.

I understand many will not finish Master and Margarita by this Sunday, so I’ll wait a couple of weeks before beginning with the next book threads, and reduce the number of weekly pages from 100 to 70.

The Awful German Language by Mark Twain read by a German

This idea actually started with SBF going :marseyakshually: statistics shows us Shakespeare wasn't that good

I have never heard of this guy before but he seems very dramatic. He holds (held?) actual academic positions but then was cancelled for some allegedly white supremacist stuff he wrote when he was young and now he has a book about wokeness coming out, I guess he thinks that's more worthy of his time than writing something greater than Hamlet.

What are you reading?

Finally started Wisdom of Crowds, the final book in the Age of Madness series by Joe Abercrombie. The series is really good but I'm not sure yet how I'd rank it against his others.

:batman: Batman's a Freak :marseycoomer2:
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