head canon primarch voices :marseytedsimp2::marseysoypoint::prigozhinsoypoint::marseysoypoint2::vegetaleave:

I agree with everything, except the lorgar voice sux

Lorgar is supposed to be the superhuman incarnation of the priest of Age of Empires 1

No bait is too obvious

Give me your suggestions and I’m already going to have posted every shitpost so don’t bother

Happiest Apocalypse on Earth Again

If you’re confused consult my previous posts

The Mouse Corporation is proud to be on the cutting edge of genetic engineering ,and has been since the sixties, but such advanced do not come without consequences.

The living “dinosaurs”, bizarre patchwork creature made with DNA fragments recovered from fossils and a whole lot of guesswork, might be a major draw, but the public has not always been as accepting of the Mouse’s bioengineered children.

The Mouse men, living replicas made in the Great Mouse’s image, were called “creepy” “off-putting” and “oh God keep it away from me”. Giant rats, no matter how friendly and gayly garbed, are not popular with the public.

The Smile Dogs were the next attempt, and the public found them even more horrifying and upsetting.

On and on it went, as the public rejected living stuffed animals, Cheshire Cats, Dinky Birds, the Hummel Angels, the Eternal Children, and Moppets, and the labs eventually ran out of room to store them. So a decision was made.

The strange creatures were put to work, and the tunnels beneath Mouse Kingdom were expanded, and a city was built down there. It was called Wonderland, and it was Wonderful. The labs were never shut down, and so more and more creatures came pouring in as project after project was declared a failure and shuttered. Eventually the city was expanded, and OZ, Neverland, Narnia, Fairie Land, LoompaLand, Snerg’s Land, Fantastica, Middle Earth, North Pole, Arcadia, Labyrinth, and Bohemia.

Work and employment was plentiful as the Great Mouse realized he could shift production of souvenirs, merchandise, and pre-packaged food down below instead of outsourcing it to China and Mexico. Eight arms mean the buggy-wuggies, hideous giant insect men meant to be cute and cuddly, could do the work of six men at once and you only had to pay them the salary of one. (The f^€k!n& union found it’s way down here in the seventies thanks to one of the scientists in Future World labs.) The city fed itself and the Park with a great array of funguses grown in the damp soil of Florida . 2d animation was streamlined as the eggheads, strange egg-shaped celophax, had both the patience, skill, and lack of imagination necessary to do in-betweening. Money flowed in, the Great Mouse finally had Eli’s and his dream of a city under their control, and everything was good. They loved the Mouse and the Mouse loved them.

But naturally things went wrong. Fifteen years ago the Mouse Corporation moved it’s more…exotic laboratories down here. Not the genetics or robotics lab. Those are still upstairs in Future World. This one studied something humans might call “magic”.

Not a happy sort of magic though. You don’t need a secret laboratory in a secret city to study the field where it’s always the perfect temperature, the happy singing puppet and his wordless hymn of joy praising God and his parents, or the pizza box that gives everyone one free slice once a day. This lab studied a darker kind.

Cursed artifacts from all over the world were brought in, and the mad dedicated scientists and occultists were determined to warp their unholy powers to good.

The trouble’s began when the labs went silent one day, and the security teams sent in to investigate never returned. Then the March of the Wooden Soldiers began.

Wooden Soldiers are crude man-sized marionettes being puppeteered by an unseen force. No one in the company knows what they really are or where they came from. They kill without purpose or mercy. They attack like zombies and are a pain to kill, but the only reason they are a threat is that an unknown intelligence is directing them. Their attacks are crude but coordinated.

The war raged on for years. Gradually the Strange creatures were driven out of the city. Production was shifted to China and Mexico, and the utility network and employee nursing station was overwhelmed with war casualties. The city was sealed off, and the strange creatures took over the old Party Company Suburb. (At this point the company is way past the point of caring and isn’t even going to pretend it’s not continuously conducting horrible genetic testing with human DNA. If the government wants to sue they’re welcome to try to clean up the mess in the city Below.) The City Below has laid vacant for the past five years except for the wooden soldiers and a handful of holdouts waging a losing fight for survival. Then, last Week, the situation went from “barely contained” to “we’re fricked”.

Reports of strange people in Mr. Mouse gas masks sabotaging things in the park have been cropping up. Occasionally an employee goes missing in the utility tunnels and several security guards have complaining about “weird puppets” attacking people. I’d recommend the players be dragged down the rabbit hole by gas mask-clad marionettes and go off to Wonderland.

The puppets have a king. He awaits you.


I started browsing /tg/ again after a pretty long break, and noticed there's a lot of non-general threads in the catalog that are about random worldbuilding related topics ("how does your setting deal with XYZ", etc.) that are days and days old, despite there being very little activity in those threads. In some of them, someone would angrily respond to some random inane reply with "frick yourself bumpstrag". At first I thought bumpstrag was being used as a general term for someone bumping a thread, but after seeing it used quite a lot, it became apparent that there's a board boogeyman individual referred to as "bumpstrag" infamous for keeping threads alive for days and days by bumping them with inane replies.

Having nothing better to do, I decided to do some extensive research on the topic (and by that I mean I looked up "bumpstrag" on google and 4plebs).

Turns out there's multiple PDF files on this guy:

Another thing I noticed lurking on /tg/ is that apparently, recently the mods implemented a change to how autosaging works on /tg/. I was curious to what exactly they did, and looking through archives, I found the answer:

If true, it means this person is singularly responsible for mods first making all threads on /tg/ autosage after 14 days, and then going even further and making all threads on /tg/ autosage after 7 days. Which sounds hilarious to me, that a single autist could have such a massive effect on an entire board, and that the original solution they made was to autosage threads that are 14 days old, which implies that he must have kept threads alive for much longer before that. I wonder what's the longest he kept a thread up alive?

When some Tau player can't stfu about the Greater Good

I don't wanna spam people with my incoming torrent of 40k wallpapers, Imperial Propaganda and 40 terabytes of Sisters of Battle Hentai.

But i also don't wanna make a duplicate hole

What u guyz think?

40k spampost meme #1

Why are :marsey40k: so averse to bring good guys?

Whoops sorry, I'll turn off the followers notification next time


Y'all up for a dramapilled campaign?

Yo guys, what does traditional games entail? Does it include boardgames and cardgames or what?

Am I allowed to spam this hole with 40k Imperial propaganda?

Otherwise I'm creating my own hole

Yet more fricked up Happiest Apocalypse on Earth session ides

Confused? See here

I call this one “The Parent Deathtrap ; or The Final Solution to the Nonce Problem”.

I was going to get cute with this, but realized that a straightforward approach would be the best way to handle this: Mr. Mouse, beloved international corporate symbol, film star, and incomprehensible alien intelligence with powers rivaling a god, hates chomos. So he’s been luring them to the park, murdering them, and replacing them with parallel dimension equivalents who aren’t child molesters, and then altering the memories of their victims to make them forget “all those nasty things ever happened”. The players probably won’t object to this, and if they do you probably need to call the police, so here’s where the problem comes in: happy people in a good situation aren’t going to be interested in abandoning their life to slide into someone else’s and people whose lives are radically different from the guy they are replacing wouldn’t be able to cut the muster, so he’s mainly been recruiting from post-apocalypse earths. Only the last year there’s been a major upswing in the number of ruined earths. The Sideways House, a funhouse that has a multiversal monitoring station and multiversal portal i that eats about a day’s worth of Mouse Park’s power every time it’s activated in the basement, recorded hundreds of formerly healthy and happy earths experiencing catastrophic events all on the same date. This is unprecedented . Usually there’s one a week. The quirk with our universe, apart from having the Great Mouse be an awesome guy, is that it’s about a month ahead of most other universes in the year(don’t question it; the multiverse is weird). The date of the great catastrophe is in five days. If the players can’t figure out what’s going on the earth is doomed.

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Like what r-slur would ever do this, ha-ha. Surely anyone knows that all that sugar and periodic table of components make you feel like shit afterward, ha-ha. All that to make follow simplified rules and take turns slightly faster, ha-ha.


I don't really want Solar Auxilia tbh, I'll pawn them off onto someone else. They're cool but I don't want to spend a lot of time painting them, effortpainting is reserved for skirmish games.

The worst Happiest Apocalypse play session on youtube

Dude weed lmao

The Happiest Apocalypse on Earth - YouTube
An update to my idea session for the Happiest Apocalypse on Earth

Normally I’d just give myself a sticky award but I need to post here to keep the hole active anyway.

All my 4chans post on the Happiest Apocalypse on Earth

Each of my posts is going to be an individual post because lazy

Thought’s on this game? Basically it’s Disneyland if Mickey Mouse was the devil. I love the concept but I don’t think my players would go for it.

What would an rdrama tabletop game look like?

what kind of setting would it be???

what mechanics would it have

what would its classes be???

would houses be involved at literally all???

is carp a villain in world???

omg! would it devolve totally into an erpg???

um how neurodivergent would its character creation be???

whats marsey doing??? but its whatever

Today's Bolt Action Game :marseyembrace:

Finland, Italy, and Germany versus some bongs. Top of turn two. Gonna upload more photos as I drink.

The tubbo in the corner is not me. He's a fat friend.

Deal, cope seethe whatever.

Tg sucks now

fellas, is it safe to play a tabletop game without everyone involved first acknowledging their bigotry?

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I have decks for almost every format on Arena but regular Brawl because who tf plays that.

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