Snoop blazes Joe
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Quit reporting my posts! I'M NOT THE FAKE PIZZASHILLLLLLLLLLL :marseyraging: :marseyraging:
Blaidd love crimson flask
Heilung - Norupo

Europe before Christcucks ruined it.

History of Equestria - Chapter 4 - The Misrule of Groomercord

With the Pillars trapped in limbo and Celestia and Luna not of age there was no one to oppose the arrival of Groomercord, Lord of Chaos.

An emanation of chaos itself, Groomercord the Draconequus was a cosmic entity from a higher dimension that he referred to as 'Chaosville'. Possessing the sadism and selfishness only omnipotence could foster, after growing bored with affairs in his home dimension he landed in Equestria and began toying with its inhabitants using his reality warping powers. His chosen form bearing a deer antler on the right, a blue goat horn on the left, one long fang, different-sized pupils, a snake tongue, a goat beard, and white bushy eyebrows. He has the right arm of a lion, the left claw of an eagle, the right leg of a lizard, and the left leg of a goat. In addition, he has a bat's right wing, a Pegasus' left wing, a horse's mane, and a dragon-like snake's tail with a white tail tuft.

After a rather one sided encounter where Groomercord tormented them until he got bored, Celestia and Luna retreated on a quest to find something that could topple the tyrant once and for all.

Meanwhile Groomercord continued to play with the inhabitants, dominating Equestria "in an eternal state of unrest and unhappiness", taking no thought to manipulating his subjects mentally or physically for a cheap laugh, transmogrifying the landscape on a whim and hurling the astral bodies about like billiards, the moment immortalised in glass of his reign is tying ponies up in puppet strings and dangling them over a billowing inferno. Meanwhile Celestia and Luna wandered far and wide for several decades searching for their answer before discovering the solution had been beneath their hooves all the time; in a secret cave beneath their home had grown The Tree of Harmony, a crystalline structure bearing symbols of their rule at its trunk and at its head a six pointed star, with six branches bearing six gems of varying hues.

Naming these gems The Elements of Harmony they each contained the power of one of the Virtues of Equestria; Laughter, Loyalty, and Honesty for Luna with Magic, Generosity and Kindness for Celestia. Armed with these artifacts they returned to face Groomercord once again, however he had already perceived their plan and though the Lord of Chaos was confident as he had defeated similar powers in far flung corners of Equestria during his rule he was not a fool and had already laid a backup plan before they arrived to poison the bedrock of their power, the Tree of Harmony itself.

He mocked them assuming that even if they succeeded it would not be for long, laughing as they called upon the Elements to produce the Rainbow of Light which transformed Groomercord to stone assuming his confinement would be brief. However he had miscalculated; the Tree of Harmony even without its Elements kept Groomercord's poison at bay for over a millennia and he had not reckoned the strength of the Two Sisters into the bargain who would continue to wax in power and even when their connection to the Elements would be lost were able to keep him contained in his granite prison for several ages to come.

Primus - Erin On The Side Of Caution


Blood Money : raisedbyborderlines
Average Chud’s Google Search History

Rightoids sure have a thing for underrage interracial porn, dont they :marseythonk:

Indecisive Beanie featured by kangaroo court


TERFs can't help women, they can only b-word about trains

There are no comments and that's the best part. When it comes to helping foids outside of bitching about trains or haunting a womb, TERFs are useless.


Weird Thought Thinker
Forgot How to Appreciate Capybaras on Capybara Appreciation Day? Here's How!!(HINT ITS TODAY)



Group farting starts at 7:04 btw


Tag Yourself

I'm the red Yoshi

Some important rules for life and women
  1. Never value a woman more than yourself - If you got to choose between improving yourself or taking care of a woman always choose yourself. A woman may come and go, but you are stuck with yourself forever.

  2. Never ask a woman for advice on picking up girls - 9 out of 10 times she actually doesn't know what men do to attract her attention. Just like your dumbass could not figure out women apply specific makeup to look hot, which you only realized well into your 20's. You don't need to know what women think they want. You only need to know what women are agreeing to go for by the end of the day.

  3. Never trust a woman more than you would trust a man - It is called the woman are perfect halo effect where we naturally and more easily trust what a woman says, but women are not naturally more honest or more knowledgeable about things. Of course don't distrust them more than the average man either. Just never give them free trust, they have to prove it like any other man.

  4. Learn to handle rejection - This is one of your life priorities. There will always be rejection coming your way from one place or another in life. Learn to walk it off.

  5. Never let a woman's insults get to you - A woman's insults are the only true power she holds over you. Once you learn to stop giving a shit about a woman trying to pull you down in anyway, you can practically handle any non psycho woman in a relationship.

  6. It is reasonable to compare a woman to a child if she behaves like a child - How you treat a woman should absolutely be based on how she treats you. If she is treating you like shit then you have her frick off from your life. Ignoring you, cool, she can find other people. Being good to you? Be good back. But never ever let a woman freely walk over you and think you can fix her. Never try to fix a woman, that's you saying that over time you will get her to change for you. You are putting in extra effort and wasting your time. Of course you can tell her when you are not okay with something or when you like something. Give her a chance to change. But if she shows zero willingness to sync up with you and you aren't enjoying it, then walk away. If she acts like a child, then treat her like one irrespective of what she says. Actions speak louder than words.

  7. 9 out of 10 times you are just there for the s*x so act like it - stop trying to morally trick yourself into believing you are looking for a soulmate when you clearly are not. Be upfront with yourself as to what you are there for and set your behavior and expectations accordingly. First stop lying to yourself, then maybe stop lying to the woman because you no longer need to once you started following your objective honestly and changed yourself as necessary to attain it.

I hope these pieces of advice help. Good luck.

I accept dramacoin to pin my posts. Will mention your name in edits. Thank you!


Just a couple of the comments under her post

As a β€œblack politician” that’s sad πŸ€¦πŸΎβ€β™‚οΈ


We saw the RASH

Tariq's response

Also his last post to show he hasn't changed Does this man have on some Hoochie Daddy shorts, with some Mary J Blige boots?


5 over 18?

I have seen countless reports, post, and news from the brave women in Ukraine. On the news I watch a nurse in the basement of her hospital, keeping a newborn alive by hand pumping her oxygen.I was in awe of that viral video showing an Ukrainian woman confronting a russian solider, eventually telling him to keep seeds in his pocket so that when he dies & nourishes Ukrainian soil, they’ll be something pretty.

wow a woman used her female privellege to tell a soldier off and not get killed like the moids of war. so brave!

post history:

And I thought Bulimia kept you thin...


Nerd site seethe:

The College of St. Joseph the Worker forms students into effective and committed members of their communities by teaching them the Catholic intellectual tradition while training them in skilled and dignified labor. We teach our students to think, but also to pray, to love, and to build.


Sneed about it if you must.

Doyers fans in their natural environment

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