I am not a Normiephobe

In the past, some people have unfairly accused me of being a normiephobe, or an aspie supremacist. I just want to put these evil slanders to rest. I am not a normiephobe. "Phobia" is when you're scared of something and I am not scared of normies, on the contrary I have compassion for them. Their naive little brains have trouble comprehending context and nuance. Instead of analyzing things using critical thinking or doing their own research, they are forced to outsource their thinking about difficult topics to external sources like CNN or MSNBC.

I have great sympathy for normies. It must be very challenging not to be able to have complex thoughts on a subject and to be forced to reduce all your ethical and moral beliefs to short catchphrases like "SiLeNcE iS ViOlEnCe" or "LiStEn AnD bELiEvE." I don't know how I would be able to function in that scenario and I have great compassion and tolerance for the normies, or "wambs" as some call them. I hope to build a world where both wambs and normies are able to access all the resources that they need to be fully functioning members of society.

Anyway, I just wanted to set the record straight about that. If I were a normiephobe, why would I have so many normie friends? It just doesn't make any sense. The people who make these kinds of hateful accusations are almost always normies themselves who are struggling with their own internalized normiephobia and project it outwards onto the rest of the world. I want to encourage everybody here to be supportive and tolerant of their normie friends. It's not their fault that they're born like this, and they are just as valid and legitimate as any rdrama neurodivergent here.

Why Officers Are Leaving The Richmond Police Department : rva
DoorDash driver leaves a tip in the lobby
The angry rant of a bored architect. : architecture
So hire is my story how I got sick

So around 5 November my parents starting coughing and there body temperature went to 39 Celsius than around 7 November I also got that illness and the next week my body temperature was 39,5 Celsius and heart beat at 130-140bmt. I feel now better but still don’t have energy for a good work out. Getting covid test was a b-word and we managed only to test my mom and the results ware negative but the strange part is that our dogs are now coughing. We went to vet with one dog and the vet told that the dogs cant get sick from human. But that’s very strangely that booth dogs started coughing at the same time. Anyway looks like I am healing, I had big plans for those days. I wanted to play gta trilogy, blue reflection 2 and call of duty but all those game sucked in the end so I didn’t lost much. Also I did booth vax shot the second shot was in May so maybe the vax was to old or I legit got a new flu but I never had such heavy flu in my life.

🏀s are going to be very upset by this

>No idea but it’s horrible that garland is not treating this as a priority. This should be as big as 9/11

I think I found @Impassionata account.

Is it alright for me (a goy) to learn Hebrew?

I love languages and being the language from the smartest race, Hebrew fascinates me. However, i have concerns that learning it as a goy might not be allowed/encouraged. hopefully some Jewish kings among us can help me

Man Electrocuted While Trying To Save A Bird Trapped On A High Tension Wire - Health - Nigeria

The comments are good. Apparently "Village people" is slang for "hick."


the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the New York Police Department — had withheld key evidence that, had it been turned over, would likely have led to the men’s acquittal.

for tldrcels

Bong journo :marseyjourno: shines black light on cumskins benefiting from Affirmative Action :marseymayo: :marseyracist:

:marseymayo: :marseyrope:


They do it not for free, but a merger yet modest 500 dollarydoos.

“We’ve got $500 for the person that first successfully catches a public school teacher breaking this law. Students, parents, teachers, school staff...We want to know! We will pledge anonymity if you want.” End someone’s career, and collect a bounty.

I guess it isn't required that you be in state though? Time for some snooping on NH school teacher facebooks?

Zoomers DEMAND to be taken seriously

Might be millenials this seems kinda dated idk

The ments are mostly large seething walls of text that are too big to post here, but there are a few funny exchanges

And you know who that kid grew up to be? Einstein. No but for real, this is pretty cringe.

Nah. Your comment though? Yes.


That's true of every generation, though. It's not a phenomenon that's unique to our time.

No, there's always been intergenerational sniping. This is something different entirely. The older generation had a higher standard of living and has taken concrete action to deny that standard of living to their decedents. Further the older generation has created an existential threat to human survival that is going to be insanely expensive to solve, and they're still actively working to keep any action from being taken as long as they're alive and might have to pay some of the cost of fixing their mess. This is new and unique.

"No no, we're special guys"

Bless. I remember when I was that age and thought I was all grown up as well. You look back later with embarrassment at how you thought you were an adult and demanded to be treated as such without realising the child you still are.

Yeah, I also remember what it was like to have legitimate concerns brushed aside because I was "just a teenager".

"Legitimate concerns" yeah like you not getting a juice box you fricking dork

I love zoomers they dont play by the rules


It's absolutely amazing 👏 .


Funny because this letter could've been published in the 1950s and the content and sentiment would be the same.

Well that isnt true. In 1950 people were acutely aware of the fact that theyll always be poor and likely be alive to witness a mass extinction? Shut up.

????????neighbor its the 50's all they think about is mass extinction lmaooo

"Boo-hoo, I'm aNgStY tEeN, rEsPeCt Me!!111" Sweety, your pile of bubbling shit between your ears still has half a dozen years before it grows into somewhat functioning brain. Now shut up and go play your Amongus.

Responds with insults rather than trying to produce an actual argument. Who has the underdeveloped brain again?

They are very literally a Russian troll lol

Redditors discuss high European culture
Suspect in Seattle stabbing arrested after returning to shoplift, police say : Seattle
Herbert Grönemeyer - Männer Live 2003


Take men in your arms Männer nehm'n in den Arm

Men give security Männer geben Geborgenheit

Men secretly cry Männer weinen heimlich

Men need a lot of tenderness Männer brauchen viel Zärtlichkeit

Oh men are so vulnerable Oh, Männer sind so verletzlich

Men are simply irreplaceable in this world Männer sind auf dieser Welt einfach unersetzlich Men buy women Männer kaufen Frauen

Men are always electrified Männer stehen ständig unter Strom

Men dig like stupid people Männer baggern wie blöde

Men lie on the phone Männer lügen am Telefon

Oh, men are always ready Oh, Männer sind allzeit bereit

Men impress with their money and their nonchalance Männer bestechen durch ihr Geld und ihre Lässigkeit Men have a hard time, take it easy Männer haben's schwer, nehmen's leicht

Hard on the outside and very soft on the inside Außen hart und innen ganz weich

As a child, you are already calibrated to man Werd'n als Kind schon auf Mann geeicht

When is a man a man? Wann ist ein Mann ein Mann?

When is a man a man? Wann ist ein Mann ein Mann?

When is a man a man? Wann ist ein Mann ein Mann? Men have muscles Männer haben Muskeln

Men are terribly strong Männer sind furchtbar stark

Men can do everything Männer können alles

Men get heart attacks Männer kriegen 'nen Herzinfarkt

Oh, men are lonely fighters Oh, Männer sind einsame Streiter

Have to go through every wall, have to keep going Müssen durch jede Wand, müssen immer weiter Men have a hard time, take it easy Männer haben's schwer, nehmen's leicht

Hard on the outside and very soft on the inside Außen hart und innen ganz weich

As a child, you are already calibrated to man Werd'n als Kind schon auf Mann geeicht

When is a man a man? Wann ist ein Mann ein Mann?

When is a man a man? Wann ist ein Mann ein Mann?

When is a man a man? Wann ist ein Mann ein Mann? Men wage wars Männer führen Kriege

Men are blue even as babies Männer sind schon als Baby blau

Men smoke pipes Männer rauchen Pfeife

Men are terribly smart Männer sind furchtbar schlau

Men build missiles Männer bauen Raketen

Men do everything very precisely Männer machen alles ganz genau When is a man a man? Wann ist ein Mann ein Mann?

When is a man a man? Wann ist ein Mann ein Mann? Men don't have children Männer kriegen keine Kinder

Men get thin hair Männer kriegen dünnes Haar

Men are people too Männer sind auch Menschen

Men are a little strange Männer sind etwas sonderbar

Men are so vulnerable Männer sind so verletzlich

Men are simply irreplaceable in this world Männer sind auf dieser Welt einfach unersetzlich Men have a hard time, take it easy Männer haben's schwer, nehmen's leicht

Hard on the outside and very soft on the inside Außen hart und innen ganz weich

As a child, you are already calibrated to man Werd'n als Kind schon auf Mann geeicht

When is a man a man? Wann ist ein Mann ein Mann?

When is a man a man? Wann ist ein Mann ein Mann?

When is a man a man? Wann ist ein Mann ein Mann?


You're welcome.


Shows how many minutes / seconds someone has spent browsing your profile.

Ideally this would be used to see if your profile design + music is enchanting visitors


If the leaderboard is based on culmulative time, this could be abused by someone just logging and going afk on your profile, rendering these stats worthless. A mechanism that detects user input (e.g. mouse movement every X interval) so as to only count time on keyboard.

And/or base the leaderboard on a weekly average (not cumulative) that resets on a cyclic basis. A reseting leaderboard would be a good idea for users who overhaul their profile designs and want to see if new people take a liking to it.

Bait: Diabetes Mellitus and refuse to differentiate between the different types.

Can’t afford my account without deleting a lot of posts and moving moderatorship but somebody should create a diabetes mellitus general sub. Perks of this is that we can bring up Type I and Type IV without consequence of just blaming the obvious fatties.

Potential posts to sound somewhat smart on the subjects:

Pancreatic alpha-cell production in increased blood sugar leading to DMT2 progression. Doesn’t lead to a specific journal entry but general effects.

Role of insulin in transport across the cell membrane: Correlation to blood sugar A1C. Again, non-specific and can lead to dozens of articles proving fatties cause DMT2

Avoid DMT1 but I can try to find progressive DMT1 due to obesity.

Favorite is DMT3 causing Alzheimer’s. Mention APOE and obesity related links as it’s still undergoing research. If you get cornered, just say APOE4. if you get further pressed mention DMT4 and I can guarantee most redditors will understand nothing about that mice research.

Republicans tell peepeeless Cheney that she can't sit with them anymore.

Cheney will face at least four Republican opponents in the 2022 primary election. One of her opponents, Wyoming attorney Harriet Hageman, has Trump's endorsement.


The absolute state of the comics industry in Current Year-2.

Bonus Panel


Most of the comments are spam. Lol.

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