- Epicaricacy : Not flagged as NSFW
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Dramatards absolutely hate "/s", but meanwhile abuse the emoji. It's fricking cringe to limp-peepee a """joke""" comment like
Yikes sweaty, transectionalism and praxis
And then add a FRICKING EMOJI to the back. Like, c'mon, y'all are supposed to be the shitposting elite and the finest that trollkind has to offer and here you are no better than srdines worried some gibbon won't catch their obvious "satire".
Every single one of you should be feminize yourselves and then convert to ็ๅฑๅฎๆ you fricking wojack intellects.
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This site is anyway becoming fricking reddit tier but for post wall TERFs and shit with its dozens of rules and shit for no purpose other than satisfying a sense of power in the Jannie category and admiggers. There is no long term prospect for this site but for the short term at least I have to clarify the rules. What exactly are the fricking rules?
How many exact same comments can you do before getting banned by autojanny
How many times do you need to get with ban-evasions before you're shadowbanned?
@Joan_Wayne_Gacy and
@TwoLargeSnakesMating don't bother to answer. Fricking worst admiggers by far. Your moms deserve to be r*ped.
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hat threads suck and are CRINGE. stop spamming. no one should give a shit. they either arrive or don't, and when they do, if they do, they won't change much.
- Enrico_Motassa : users like this are why /h/braincels deserved to be neuteted
: Lewding the Eevee. Disgraceful.
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Appalachian Spring is one of the best pieces of American orchestral composition. Simple Gifts is my favorite section of it. Copland is a genius.
- DudeBussyLmao : Ewwww Grosss Disgustangggg
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