
HELLOOOOOO DRAMAUTISTS! It’s your favorite mascot again, Zombie Wolf! Here to wish you a happy hump day, and a merry first Zombie Wolf Wednesday which will now be held every first Wednesday of the month!



To commemorate this historic day I am announcing the first give away of 10,000 dramacoin!

:marseycoin: :wolfvaporwave: :marseycoin:

To enter all you have to do is make a Zombie Wolf and you’ll earn a chance to win!

For every Zombie Wolf you make you’ll earn a number to be picked in a random number generator. The more Zombie Wolfs you make the better your chances of winning! (I will not accept blatant copies of other zombie wolfs. Copies of Marsey replaced with ZW however are fair game :wolfmarseyhead: :marseyagreefast:)


The winner will be picked on the last Wednesday of the month with an announcement and a Display of their winning Zombie Wolf!

So get cooking up some good ideas and good luck!

:#wolfidea: :#wolfrainbow:

(I reserve the right to reject any Zombie Wolfs I deem unfit.)

Spots: 3

  1. Chiobu
  2. Chiobu
  3. Chiobu
  4. Dramarama
  5. Dramarama
  6. Dramarama
  7. conspiracy_theorist
  8. Marsey
  9. Dramarama
  10. Bartholomew01
  11. Dramarama
  12. Dramarama
Reported by:
Cats are horrible. Post them rootin tootin pupperinos and doggos instead!

Cats are literally vermin and will give you brain parasites if you get too close to them. They also hate you and only want to exploit you for their own benefit.

Dogs, on the other hand, are superior in every way.

Edit: thanks for all your doggos, woofers, puppers, floofs, pupperinos, etc. each and every one of them is a good boi and v. v. heckin handsome!

I'd like to condemn @Gigavaccinator for the ban award which prevented me from participating, because I was too poor to override it due to a gambling addiction.

Sincere thanks to @GovernorOfNewYork for unbanning me.

Very sad to see there's so much hostility towards doggos on this site. Y'all need to flush out these brain worms with a big dose of a miracle from the Lord and get your testosterone levels checked.

Pizzashill is the greatest dramanaut ever

Prove me wrong rdrama.neet


Nobody would be a better POTUS than him.


Cope seethe dilate. Where’s the gussy at it can’t just be @FrozenClaus


A proud straggot

Reported by:

Is that bad or good?

AMA: Ask a 26 BMI Chad with a 17 BMI Asian Stacy girlfriend anything

What's the asian equivalent of a Stacy btw?

What do you think about girls with glasses?

I find them extra cute, nerdy girls are my weakness


If you're a white asiansexual a lot of people will make fun of you for it and claim you couldn't find a white girl or call you a libertarian. I think that's really not okay

There is currently a bug where sending someone Dramacoins back doesn't cost anything. Send me 500/1000 dramacoins.

I send you back 700/1500 and keep the leftover 300/500 for myself. This way, we both benefit

This video is very funny share to your friends that love sports
Funny drama on DDD`S boxing event

Some black chick was causing shit during a 10 count for 9/11 victims. I have no video or anything

Reported by:
Mommy Marsey 🥰

In case you ever wondered where all the marseys come from.

Also if you want to know which soulless heretic commissioned this abomination (paid 1000 dramacoins for it): if the community (or some single dude) pays me 15000 dramacoin I will post the name of said 'person' for all to see.

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