
Whats up fellow drama neurodivergents!”??


I, like hopefully everyone else here, keep my participation on this site a closely guarded secret :marseyspy: that no one in my real life knows about, like listening to cumtown. I also recognize that Marsey is the cutest and best thing to come out of rdrama, and would like to use her outside of conversations where 40 people sneed about trains and redditors. I would just save them as photos, but them someone can possibly trace me back to this shithole. What i’m imagining is a emoji pack that has been purged of all the chud-marseys:chudsey::marseyhitler2::marseyswastika: like the autism marseys :marseytrain::marseydramautist::marseytrans2::marseyfemboy::marseyliathomas::marseybardfinn::marseypass::marseyautism::marseynouautism:, train marseys, and racist marseys :marseychingchong::marseycarpasian::marseyblackface::marseytariq: Then I can innocently “discover” this and claim no knowledge of rdrama and you losers.

Ideally we allow users to create their own packs with a variable level of chuddery. But thats a lot to ask for. Any ideas for how to acooomplish this? :#marseyconfused:


I could talk about my stuff on my podcast, why would I even need the hole?

I clearly made this for others.

I can also just wait a few months for the rest of the gay operations to continue, your belief in what I have done matters little, I can always do this on a bigger site that is about to have a change in management. I wanted to do it here for the people here, but they can also just go to the bigger site. You're not hurting me by doing this, you're hurting your long term members who wanted this and did not want to be the figure head for this exact reason.

I, however, I am stubborn.

Wrath: 2 : retributory punishment for an offense or a crime : divine chastisement. wrath.


Update To Inflate Hole's Ranking

I'm not gonna try to get people to stop stalking people, you clearly don't like those set of rules. I suppose I just have to let any potential serial male feminist just dox in secret since you all want to post your voice and other things that are easily traceable and not get the point that I was making to you.

1 hour.

Took 1 hour to raise the DC.

When has that happened before on your site I wonder, that someone just steps in and in over a week just opens up a thing to bring in a group of people that had nowhere to post? Maybe people wanted the rules like that for a reason, maybe they were tired of seeing the same old comments since 2016 in an endless circlejerk.

This is holes
Just a Lil Bit o Info

Just fricking slaps man



Not really drama but seeing smooth brains take the side that gig work is actually nice and then brag about pulling $200 ignoring all costs to their vehicles is just something else, especially in the top most comment thread

The gig economy is a scam. It is the modern day pyramid scheme.

>It's a great way to draw value out of something to give to yourself. Eg. my parent has gifted me a car, I can now convert that car to cash.

>How so? I earned $115 last night driving uber eats for 4 hours.

>Had a friend who was making enough money driving lyft during the pandemic that he rented a better car to qualify for the luxury service and was still making decent money. Exploitative though they are, ridesharing just has less overhead than a taxi service, and likely wont go away.

>This is it, I had a neighbour try it out one evening and absolutely CRUSHED, she was literally telling everyone she knew that this was the way out of poverty, then for two weeks straight did not earn enough to pay for her gas (this was long before the recent gas price scam). Feels very much like a casino vibe, they let you hit once and then you chase that for 6 months before burning out

Honesty pretty sad that someone could look to driving Uber and think this is it

Cowtown Update

At 24k currently, halfway there and this was the slowest possible time to shill. You cannot stop us, I am the figurehead of this movement.


Reported by:
Uh Oh Look What I Found: Mayo Hate Thread

I might be The Control Devil but I give it up for Black Men

White bois get the leash or the wall, dirty mayos been uppity too long.

White women? You cool. Soon as someone from rFoid starts hating tho we ain't cool no more.


Cowtown Update

So far at 13k based on the donations this will be a Black, Trans, Furry positive space so keep it up and I will just delete anything that isn't funny relating to those groups and humor is subjective sooooo I can just delete what I want if it's directed at those groups, BBC editors, get me these two with Spades ASAP!


Elliott Smith - Condor Ave
Mountain lion news today. (8/22/22)

Marsey’s gangster cousin valiantly attempts to patrol thot in magical underwear.


No; I never watched SNL, so no; I never saw this before.


Imagining asking bigger cut than all companies than increase the price by 10 buks kek ratchet and clank or demon souls wasn’t worth 70usd/80eur


Respect to Joshua and frick boxing fanboys with their “sportsmanship” bs, Joshua just lost 100 millions and those r-slurs expect him to come and tell “oh thanks usyk for beating me and fricking my career” + pro sport ain’t sport. Sport is amateur boxing. And pro boxing is entertament like WWE but a bit more realistic the whole respecting attitude came from weaklings virtual signaling to save their ego from defeats. Like in my gym I have to act towards everyone like equals and act like I can’t just frick them over.

Fat People Hate/Peak Poors collab vid

Bat Country - YouTube

Everyplace with drama is Bat Country but some don't realize that. Which is pretty funny.


Could it work? Potential bait opportunity? What do you think would happen in the NFL? Would anyone nootice? LMK in the comments what you think.

Fake Messiah



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