Opps pulled up on Cornelius’s crib.

So yesterday I got a call from Jim telling me to come to O-block instantly. I packed and went. When I got their, my partners was in a shootout with the Opps. Apparently the opps caught Cornelius lacking. I helped my homies out and we repelled them opps backed to the east block.

Plush Okapi
Okapi Skull
Okapi Trading Card
Okapi and Friend
dude incest lmao

I straight up soyjakked my pants when this came out in 2002

(L)olcows, G... Bardfinn... Trains?

What's the G for now?


If you don't know @Igor_Konashenkov, he's the resident Russian propagandist/liar and all-around simp for Russia. He claimed in his recent spamming of Russian garbage that the Russians destroyed HIMARS MLRS systems and a bunch of other lies. Well here's the video that Russia released to "prove" they took them out. Along with this lie, the Russia supporting r-slur also claimed that Ukraine dropped petal mines on Russian occupied territory in Ukraine's eastern region. Petal mines were created by the Soviets and currently produced by Russia. Since 2014, Russia has shelled Donetsk with artillery, claiming that Ukraine did it in order to justify its invasion into the rest of Ukraine this year. Despite Ukraine not having petal mines in their arsenal, Russia has recently claimed that Ukraine dropped these anti-personnel mines that are against the Geneva convention. But why would Russia and Igor lie? What else are Russian MoD and Igor lying about?

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Hats. Where tf are they?

Srsly. Where the hats at?


Chicken Huntin' (Slaughter House Mix)

[🤓🤓🔘🔘🔘] Vegan or Carnivore?

Angriest Comments

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

This is an utilitarian type of argument. Ignoring the problems pointed out by others, some vegans would argue that deontologically the intention also matters in a moral judgement. You intend to kill the cow. But you don't inted to kill any animal when harvesting wheat.Personally, I also think that in the utilitarian thinking you need to compare the levels of sentience of the animals hurt. It's hard to measure, but if you guesstimate that sentience is proportional to brain size, then accidentally killing a couple of mice and some crickets is perhaps still less harm than killing a cow. So that's a thing to consider as well. (1)

If we sit and think about it a little bit, the pouring of pesticides over crops is very intentional and it has one purpose, to kill all the pests that eat said crops. For the larger animals, deer and hog etc, farmers either have a crop protection permit or pay a hunter with a crop protection permit to prevent said animals from damaging the crops. So the intention is there for both sides kinda cancelles one another, what I would say is killing just cows, would still be just one type of animal rather than several types of animals. I don't know about that as I don't think sentience can be measured by brain size. Brain to body ratio would have to be considered, a bunny's head is smaller than a cows but when you look at the size of the body.... its just not how it should work. Sentience is sentience no matter the size of the brain. (1)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

Note that crop deaths aren't exploitation nor cruelty. They are more a form of collateral harm. Ethically, these sorts of harm are treated differently. For instance, we kill a lot of humans via the pollution we emit. But those deaths are treated ethically different from murders.You probably couldn't thrive on 3 cows a year. Even if you could, this sort of diet is completely unsustainable. We're talking about having the special privilege to be the sole benefactor of enough pristine pasture such that you can maintain a herd where these many are killed every year. So more like 6-10 cows alive at any one time. Beyond this, pastures aren't free of death. You may need to defend this pasture from predators and competing herbivores. Killing deer or gophers for instance. If you live somewhere where there is a cold winter, you will need to harvest your pasture for hay. This will kill animals. Finally, you very well may need to treat your cows for parasites and other nuisance insec... (1)

Crop deaths are of a lot more variety, pesticides/insecticides use, crop protection permits are given to hunters to exterminate animals that damage the crops, even when you plow the land you could kill animals from rabbits to mice. Now weather its cruel to pour pesticides on crops or not, it still kills a lot more animals than a cow feeding off grass. In the definition of veganism, health or thriving aren't mentioned at all. So as with a vegan diet if you can't get all the nutrients out of beef, liver, tongue and brain you should probably supplement. Let's not forget its not about health its about reducing or excluding the harm done to animals.Not all pasture need to do kill predators as all these could be prevented by either having someone guarding the cows with dogs or fencing and splitting the pasture land in several plots and just release the cows just with dogs to guard them. (1)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

If you run the numbers based on animal deaths per million calories it turns out beef (slaughter deaths only) is about about the same as fruit, less deaths than vegetables, and still more deaths than grains.So in the best case scenario you could still do better by just eating more grains and fruit and less vegetables and come out with the same impact but with a much more varied diet. Also keep in mind one liver per animal will only get you so far so you would struggle to get a lot of vitamins and nutrients with this grass fed cow method and of course it would not be scalable to any sort of large human population. These cows would not be able to live anywhere with winter (they would then need forage crops harvested with a combine), and would require much more land.Ignoring the rights violation, it still does not seem like a feasible solution.I'm sure there is some threshold where this idea would makes sense. If you could kill one animal and save the lives of a trillion other animals I... (1)

"Two categories of animal deaths were examined: animals slaughtered directly for food, and animals killed in the harvesting of crops. There are other possible sources of animal death associated with our diets, such as predators killed in defense of livestock, animals prevented from existing by the destruction of their habitat, and human deaths from food poisoning, disease, or accidents on farms or in slaughterhouses. It is likely that these other sources of animal death would increase the numbers of animals killed for animal-derived foods more than they would increase the numbers of animals killed for plant-derived foods, and would not significantly affect the conclusions presented here."As you can see they have only concentrated on 2 types of deaths (slaughter and harvest deaths) and simply ignored the animals killed using pesticides,(funny enough they've mentioned accidents in slaughterhouses) barely mentioned crop protection deaths so them numbers are well off.That's why I've sai... (1)

Biggest Lolcow: /u/StrangeButSweet

Score: 🐮🐮🔘🔘🔘

Number of comments: 4

Average angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

Maximum angriness: 😡😡😡🔘🔘

Minimum angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

:marppy: autodrama: automating away the jobs of dramneurodivergents. :marseycapitalistmanlet: Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion :marseyjamming:

TayTay is #1 in private jet usage. Poor ecofascists cope and dilate
Jazz Club: Whiplash- Don Ellis
A quick ICP song for those who aren’t yet down with the clown

I find it lands somewhere between Bob Dylan and George Carlin


My childhood best friend had kind of a shitty upbringing because his younger brother died as a toddler and his depressed parents spent his entire upbringing doing things in memory of his dead brother and replacement brother instead of concentrating on my friend, the oldest.

He’s always struggled with drug/drinking addiction issues as well as wigger issues but recently he got back from spending a few months in California, went off a bunch of meds, started ketamine therapy, smokes a ton of weed, and has become extremely, uh, spiritual.

It’s all new agey stuff about looking inward (lol n-word) and finding enlightenment - but, and this is the big stuff - he’s gotten really into how there’s not just one Jesus who has been controlling the world, but multiple Jesuses. Also there’s some new dude named Saint Germain who has bumped Jesus aside kinda like Elon did with the original founders of Tesla?


For some reason this is on HN

The rightoid Seattle sub discusses:

I'm too lazy to check the other sub since it didn't come up in search

Archive of article

Whatever happened to the GNAS

They used to be all over Slashdot in the early 2000s, did they die out? They were funny as shit

None is supposively going to add the Marsey emojis when Crunklord stops being a fricking idiot and missing my messages

This isn't even drama i just want to show you guys how influencial has been on the FEDERATED VERSE :#marseyarmy:

JS Free Link:

Is it just me or are tattoo sleeves getting less common

I'm at Venice Beach in LA and haven't seen any sleeves all day. Weird!


Really inspiring performance from rosie here


Just phenomenal. I wonder what lengths she went to prepraring for this role.

:marseybrainlet:"DURR IM SPECIAL DUHRP"

Amazing social commentary. Really got to me when the meanie bus passengers chastise her for being on welfare or whatever.


Truly a timeless classic masterpiece.

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