Rightoid Roundup #1 - Tim Pool Threatens Democracy

Tim Pool was mentioned by the Jan Six commitee, with Keith Olbermann wanting him arrested

Milo defrauded a charity for helpimg white trash (based) and Lauren Southern denies fricking and suckinf her way thru the rightoid sphere

Tune in next week for more rehosted kiwi farms content!

History of Equestria - Chapter 5 - The Shadow of King Sombra

In the snow covered and blizzard torn lands of the north are a unique tribe of Equids called the Crystal Ponies, who's stone like bodies helped them survive the harsh environment. They built themselves a mighty capital that acted as an amplifier for an ancient artifact called the Crystal Heart, most famously it acted as a battery that could draw on the magic of everyone within the capital and project it outwards to form a defensive barrier around the surrounding lands, within this space the storms were kept at bay and the air was temperate. This miracle in the tundra was known as The Crystal Empire.

Their ruler following Groomercords defeat was a powerful Unicorn named Queen Amore who had been introduced to Queen Celestia and Princess Luna when they were foals and impressed them with her talent for wielding positive energies. Hearing of the Two Sisters defeat of such a powerful monster, Princess Amore reached out for their help when the Crystal Heart was stolen by a dragon and close ties between the two kingdoms were forged, founding the Crystal Fare as an annual event to share love and friendship in order to recharge the Crystal Heart.

It was during this time of relative peace that a grey colt was found wandering alone in a blizzard by some scouts, in a daze he kept muttering the word 'Sombra' over and over again which they assumed must of been his name. He was taken to Chestnut Falls orphanage and after a while seemed to be a normal unicorn if exceptionally bright. He soon caught up with his class mates who treated him rather poorly due to his precocious mannerisms but he found a friend in Radiant Hope. Around the time of their first Crystal Fare Sombra was wracked by agonising pain and desperate to help her friend, delved into healing magics for which she developed a intuitive skill with. Each year the flood of positive energy causing more agony to Sombra than the last until finally it almost killed him as he began disintegrating. However Radiant Hope preserved him once again gaining her the attention of Celestia and Luna who were visiting, inviting her to study at Equestria's academy.

However she would never have the chance, as following his brush with death Sombra fled out into a blizzard, he came across a massive red loadstone in the middle of the tundra that spoke in his mind and revealed itself to be his 'mother'. The crystal was a focusing crystal for the Umbrum, spirits of darkness that conspired to destroy all light in Equestria. They told Sombra that he was a being of their creation and his purpose was to destroy the Crystal Heart to unleash the Umbrum that had been suppressed beneath its light under the glacier. Finally finding his place in the world Sombra marched on the Crystal Empire easily ceasing the Crystal Heart, when Queen Amore attempted to resist him he turned her to stone then shattered her into a million pieces.

Radiant Hope horrified with her former friends actions fled the Empire with the last of the Royal family, fleeing to Equestria and begging the Two Sisters intervene. Celestia and Luna knew the danger, as a magical amplifier the Crystal Empire radiated magic over the whole of Equestria, it was said "If the kingdom is filled with hope and love, then those things would spread all across Equestria", so it falling to dark magic was a looming catastrophe. They readied their armies and prepared to march north to oppose Sombra.

Meanwhile the newly crowned King Sombra had subjugated his citizens as slaves and using the dark magic at his disposal had began to turn them into brainwashed, unfeeling soldiers. His goal nothing less than the complete domination of all Equestia. He arrogantly met Celestia and Luna on the battlefield assuming an easy victory, however he was little match for the two Alicorns who easily vaporised him, sending him screaming back to the Umbral caves below the artic north.

In spite of this, the last laugh was his; Sombra had rigged a dead man's switch so that if his body was ever destroyed, a curse was activated that would seal the Empire away in Limbo until he returned. So when the Equestian army went to find The Crystal Empire, it was gone, not to be seen for a millennia. Radiant Hope wracked with guilt returned to the Tundra and vanished into the blizzard without a trace, the Diarchs limped home with victory tasting like ash in their mouths.

A long watch settled in on the north and the Crystal royalty passed out of knowledge.

Shooting against yogaroasties!

guy went to a hot yoga session and shot some of the girls. He was tall, white and served in the US military so there is confusion on incels.

Dear Dramatards,

You claim to hate reddit, but still call this site rDrama.



Giga :marseycope: from :marseynerd:


frick you, u know who u are

fricking BIPOC :marseytrain: cute twinks are so weak.

just look at how much they try to censor me and destroy my reputation, and yet i remain undaunted and unbroken.

it's amazing what these NWO controlled mass media outlets can accomplish with a few thousand dollars and some public shaming.

when will the nwo realize that censorship does not work?

the truth cannot be hidden for long.

i am the new age messiah who will usher in the golden age of enlightenment and deliver us from darkness.

when the last of the sissy BIPOC NWO shills are dead, the world will finally be at peace.

Reported by:
Surprise Okapi
History of Equestria - Chapter 3 - Part C: The Collapse of the Pillars

Under the protection of the united Pillars, Equestria became a mighty empire fending off threats and conquering territory, with notable exploits such as rescuing Queen Celestia and Princess Luna from the dark dimension after Umbral forces broke through one of Starswirls trans-dimensional mirrors and dragged them in. They all grew in fame and renown with stories of their deeds told across the world, except for one; Stygian.

Stygian had brought them together and had been there researching their enemies or suggesting strategies, however because he was neither a mighty warrior or powerful sorcerer he found himself increasingly overlooked, ignored and dismissed. Each of the pillars had an object associated with their power; Starswirls grimoire, Rockhoofs shovel, Mage Meadowbrook's mask, Mistmane's flower from the Royal Garden, Somnambula's Blindfold and Flash Magnus's shield Netitus. Stygian reasoned that if he could duplicate the objects then maybe he could access similar power and become a Pillar too able to fight at their side, but the others would not even hear out his plan and scoffed at the idea of handing their enchanted objects off to someone else for any reason.

Stygian decided if they would not listen, to prove them wrong. Sneaking into their rooms at the Castle of the Two Sisters he stole each of the objects and hurried to a locus of magical energy; the ancient stone circle of Ponehenge. However before Stygian was able to complete his ritual of duplication the other Pillars caught up with him, unwilling to even discuss the issue they declared him traitor and banished him from the Pillars before turning and leaving, their ears closed to his pleas.

Abandoned Stygian wandered filled with hurt and anger, lead by dreams to the shadowed town of Shady Hollow. Hidden below was the Well of Shade, an ancient subterranean temple for focusing the Umbral forces. In the dark the shadow entities infused him, transforming him into an Alicorn of darkness bent on destroying all light in Equestria. Stygian returned in his old flesh to the Castle of the Two Sisters before unleashing the dark magic in a surprise attack on the Pillars who were initially able to drive him back but incapable of destroying him.

So began the cat and mouse game of Stygian ambushing the Pillars before retreating to wells of dark magic to regenerate his power, each time growing stronger than the last, each fight becoming more desperate for the Pillars. Starswirl eventually conceded that they did not have the strength to defeated Stygian so began work on a desperate plan, to use their objects as keys for a binding rite that would seal them and Stygian in the limbo between worlds permanently. However the knew they could not leave the realm undefended so each Pillar imparted a piece of their energy into a crystal seed infusing it with the guiding virtues of their world; Sorcery, Healing, Bravery, Hope, Beauty and Strength. They planted it in a secret cave below The Castle of the Two Sisters in the hope that it would grow into a force for good to keep Equestria safe.

Journeying to Ponehenge the Pillars lured Stygian into attacking, then springing their trap transporting them all to where Stygain could do no more harm. In time their relics were scattered about the world and the facts lost to time, Stygian becoming a bogey man, the Pony of Shadows to scare misbehaving children and Pillars a fairy tale to all but the most cloistered scholars. Defence of the realm falling to the adolescent shoulders of Queen Celestia and her younger sister.

Yet more not-propaganda

Translation from taco: I hope that they vote for the Citizens' Movement now

[FEEDBACK] Stop putting CSS inline you r-slurs !important

Why did you do this

<p class="font-weight-bolder" id="profile--pronouns" style="color: #ff66ac">brit/bong</p>

Instead of putting the color in the main CSS? Now if I want to override the colour of my pronouns I have to use !important in my profile CSS, which is disgusting.

Learn to code.

Also add an id for the profile banner on mobile. Thank you.

A God fearing man squares off against the chuds in r/edc
r/mapporn dunks on eastern european chuds

guys sort by controversial, jannies have missed this thread it seems

This image scares the incel
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