
hes a fed ban himhes a fed ban himhes a fed ban himhes a fed ban himhes a fed ban himhes a fed ban himhes a fed ban himhes a fed ban himhes a fed ban himhes a fed ban himhes a fed ban himhes a fed ban himhes a fed ban himhes a fed ban himhes a fed ban himhes a fed ban himhes a fed ban himhes a fed ban himhes a fed ban himhes a fed ban himhes a fed ban himhes a fed ban himhes a fed ban himhes a fed ban himhes a fed ban himhes a fed ban himhes a fed ban himhes a fed ban himhes a fed ban himhes a fed ban himhes a fed ban himhes a fed ban himhes a fed ban himhes a fed ban himhes a fed ban himhes a fed ban himhes a fed ban himhes a fed ban himhes a fed ban himhes a fed ban himhes a fed ban himhes a fed ban himhes a fed ban himhes a fed ban himhes a fed ban himhes a fed ban himhes a fed ban himhes a fed ban himhes a fed ban himhes a fed ban himhes a fed ban himhes a fed ban himhes a fed ban himhes a fed ban himhes a fed ban himhes a fed ban himhes a fed ban himhes a fed ban himhes a fed ban himhes a fed ban himhes a fed ban himhes a fed ban himhes a fed ban himhes a fed ban himhes a fed ban himhes a fed ban himhes a fed ban himhes a fed ban himhes a fed ban himhes a fed ban himhes a fed ban himhes a fed ban himhes a fed ban himhes a fed ban himhes a fed ban himhes a fed ban himhes a fed ban himhes a fed ban himhes a fed ban himhes a fed ban himhes a fed ban himhes a fed ban himhes a fed ban himhes a fed ban himhes a fed ban himhes a fed ban himhes a fed ban himhes a fed ban himhes a fed ban himhes a fed ban himhes a fed ban himhes a fed ban himhes a fed ban himhes a fed ban himhes a fed ban himhes a fed ban himhes a fed ban himhes a fed ban himhes a fed ban himhes a fed ban himhes a fed ban himhes a fed ban himhes a fed ban himhes a fed ban himhes a fed ban himhes a fed ban himhes a fed ban him :chudsey: hes a fed ban himhes a fed ban himhes a fed ban himhes a fed ban himhes a fed ban himhes a fed ban himhes a fed ban himhes a fed ban himhes a fed ban himhes a fed ban him

who's moe

seriously whats this hole about


I actually dont argue with the fact fat actors are way better at being actors and at being fat guys than thin actors in fat suits but i also hate fat people


NASA, the European Space Agency (ESA), and the Canadian Space Agency (CSA) will jointly release the James Webb Space Telescope’s first full-color images and spectroscopic data during a live broadcast on July 12 at 10:40 AM EDT.

The trio of space agencies plans to release the images one by one and the broadcast will serve to kick off the scientific operations of the largest and most powerful space telescope the world has ever launched.

The photos will not be available to anyone prior to the live unveiling, allowing the entire world to enjoy the photos together unspoiled.

Live coverage of the image release broadcast will air on NASA TV, the NASA app, and the agency’s website. The public also can watch live on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Twitch, and Daily Motion.

It's over for Egyptcells
:!marseyreporterfox::marseynotes::marseyjourno: You read it here first, folks: Link :link: is a confirmed manlet! :marseymanlet::marseyreportercnn:

In an ancient Indian village lived a mighty old chief. He was a gigantic man, known everywhere for his lack of the ability to fart. One day this chief rounded up all of his advisors to discuss the matter. At the meeting, one of the elder advisors said he had heard of a great medicine man who lived many moons away. And so the chief called in his closest friend to send him on a journey to talk with this medicine man. His friend agreed and was off immediately.

He reached the hut of the medicine man many days later. He walked up and said, "Big chief, no fart."

The medicine man looked up and said, "Mak'em eat beans for one week and come back to see me."

And so the man took the advice back to the chief who, in turn, followed it. But still nothing. The man returned to the medicine man, and said: "Big chief, no fart."

And so the medicine man said, "Make'em eat beans for one month, then return."

So the friend of the chief returned, and the advice was taken. Still no fart. So the friend went back to the medicine man after a month and reported the same thing. "Big chief, no fart," he said.

"Mak'em eat only beans for one year."

And so the advice was taken back to the big chief. A year later, the medicine man was waiting for the man to return. On a sunny day he did, looking sad and dishevelled.

"Son, did my advice work?" asked the medicine man.

The man nodded his head yes.

"So, what happened?"

The medicine man looked up at the chief's friend, who responded: "Big fart, no chief."

πŸ’„πŸ’„ Reminder πŸ’„πŸ’„

Channel 5 Daytona bike week.

This guy's getting annoying. Zoom ups of people's mouths constantly. Generally rude. Use to be the internets funniest shill but it's getting worn thin...some drama in the comments but you have to look for it.

Behold an anti-Muslim product so bigoted that even I’m offended.

There has to be a line between City of Brass’s bigoted β€œIslam is literally a tool of the devil and Mohammed was a willing servant of Satan” and Al-Qadam’s ridiculous β€œNot-Islam enlightenment and slavery is great”. Also this is not an invitation to add more [data expunged] to games. The great Archfiend KY-L WrΓ―t-N-Haus drags the tainted souls of people who do that straight to heck in my games.

Dramatards on Montel Williams Part 1
Say hi
POV - You just discovered your inner femininity and it's fricking unstoppable
alex jones unironically right about efverything

ban me strags


captain mega cute twink nuked everything?

Vince McMahon exposed as based
Why has no one talked about the NBA Finals here?

Does no one here watch basketball?

Reported by:

My superpower is recollecting the names of people I met years ago over months of remembering.

The weird part is I only remember the women idk why.

Drag Queen insults Bey. Lolcow loses shit.

Lmao, look at the comments. Some psycho named /u/tastytapas is losing his absolute shit on nearly everyone in the Drag Race Drama sub.

What is this nonsense about this show being woke? : TheBoys

FF crisis core:

I was like 10 or 11 when that game come out and I played the Japanese version on my jailbroken psp, good memory

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