

Yes, I'm being lazy and using the SRDine write up (for the most part)

Doesn't identifying as a woman make you binary? If I understand it correctly, non-binary people do not subscribe to the man vs woman distinction, hence the term non-binary.

Careful with your questions, they don't like that

I just hope these people get help. I know one at work. She is one of those overweight, blue hair, self-diagnosed with a few mental illnesses (you gotta have one if you want to fit in the community), a lot of face piercings, horrible tattoos. I feel bad for them because they gave up to their insecurities. I mean this girl at work could've been absolutely a beautiful normal and healthy girl. One of my extremely attractive friends used to tell me beauty is discipline and I kinda agree with her. These people probably lacked guidance and parenting.


What does this person's hair color, weight, and tattoos have to do with anything though? I lacked parenting, have tattoos and facial piercings, and it has nothing to do with my gender or sexuality.


It has to do with mental and physical health. How can you be so blind? Don't you see how depressed these people are? Compare them to a young beautiful, healthy and fit girl? They are just at the bottom of society in terms of desirability and they are so desperate for attention they do all these things just to feel special or to get noticed it is just sad. Because there is a healthy way to be recognised, by achieving things, taking care of your body etc..Anyhow evolution won't pick people who cannot take care of themselves and it is just sad for them.


So tattoos and piercings equate to be mentally and physically unwell?


Come on now, don't be mean.

Is it mean to refuse to participate in someone's narcissistic delusion? I'm a pseudo-woman-Demi-goddess-young-boy-hybrid

Christ, didn't realise people in this sub were so right wing. Next you'll be telling me you identify as an attack helicopter yeah?

If right wing means “rooted in reality” then I guess? Yes, identifying as an attack helicopter is as absurd as identifying as a “non-binary woman.”You do realize that women can look and dress and feel however they want on a daily basis and it doesn't make them… not women? This is such a ridiculous argument. “Sometimes I don't feel like anything but sometimes I feel like a woman.” Ok, cool. “So I will now refer to myself as a non-binary woman, and you have to do the same. I will make sure you know how I identify, even when it's irrelevant, just to feel a little more special and unique.” Lol, nope!


SRDines discuss

“Subspecies” made me actually gasp out loud, omfg.


This person is a creep.

They're basically saying: "I want to help them... fit my idea of atttractiveness... Also, they must pass on their genes... They're a "subspecies"... I'm totally not dehumanising other people at all."

Maybe their coworker doesn't want to be attractive, or they have a different idea of what attractiveness is?

Ok, uggo.

Reported by:
don chudleoni sends his regards RIGGED

Several people are saying the elites rigged the recent vote against me.

I dont know if it's true or not but we need to both count some votes and not count others until an investigation is completed.

The investigation will not be fair unless conducted by members of the pizzabros.

Zero HP Lovecraft goes on sneedathon about women

Surely this is the caliber of man whom we can trust to provide bold, objective insights about the nature of reality.


reminder of who caused this in the first place

Reported by:
Attention :marseytedsimp2: dramatards @Box has admitted to being a 16 year old girl and is banned :marseyban: until 2026

!metashit !besties

>Im writing a horror novel but have never read one

Undelete link

Im writing a horror novel but have never read one and wanna get into reading horror to help inspire me and develop a stronger writing technique, any recs? I am looking for any form of horror really I just don't vibe with Stephen Kings writing style idk why! I could never get into his books, but please suggest any of your favorite horror novels and what about the writing and how they conveyed their stories stood out to you.


My autism detector is off the charts as OP fights anyone telling her to read a horror book before trying to write one. She later storms off and labels everyone "pretentious" before forgetting the whole thing and moving on to other matters.

Like managing her dread rot :marseybeansick: :marseybeansick: :marseybeansick:


One of the most popular artists on Tiktok is pumpkingentlemen, a user who got popular for drawing his pumpkin character in thirst traps. Most of his fanbase consists of girls who find his character attractive. In one of the pumpkingenlemen's posts, he shows a bright yellow kid character that is meant to represent his real life little stepbrother, the post itself was just some dumb "wholesome" comic of him talking with his little stepbrother. This is important because earlier this month pumpkingentlemen discovered a twitter post by a fan account called babyboopumpkin, in the post it shows artwork of his little stepbrother dead while being held by babyboopumpkin.

This is the post in question. This infuriated pumpkingentlemen and caused him to make a callout post to expose this person. The post was later deleted so unfortunatley but it still gained a bunch of attention, not just in his fanbase, but in the tiktok art community as a whole. Thousands of people made videos and went to babyboopumpkin's twitter until they made her go private and delete everything. This would seem to be the end, but no.

Later on, a tiktok account by the same name, babyboopumpkin, starts posting with the same oc and making the same kind of content. Her account has since been banned but her videos were usually either edgy posts about how angry she is about the hate she got and how you better not mess with her. The other kind was obvious ragebait, like posting herself curbstomping the pumpkingentlemen's brother or drawing her character as a chinese stereotype saying ching chong.

(the image in the right upper corner was one of the original posts babyboopumpkin made. unfortunatley the only things remaining of her posts are peoples posts responding to her posts)

This caused increased backlash to the point where people were making "fan"art where they would torture and murder babyboopumpkin in numerous different ways. This caused a divide in the art community as some people called out how hypocritical it was and that they were doing the same theing they criticized babyboopumpkin for.

(just one of the many numerous examples)

this lead to the pumpkingentlemen making a new updated post on the drama, and deleting the old one since it was outdated. Here is that video:

After this it brought more attention to the tiktok account to the point where the twitter account came out and exposed the tiktok account for being an imposter. She pointed out the different artsyles as proof and even made her own tiktok account to spread the word about the faker. Here is her video apologizing and exposing the tiktok account for being a fake:

After this, the imposter account was banned, but now there are more accounts claiming to be the real babyboopumpkin making the situation a lot more messier. That's all that has happened so far, but the drama is still ongoing. Thanks for reading.

:marseywtf2: is carp doing? :marseysquint: :marseyitsrigged:

Fish bet 8,453 on my lottershe post

He lost :marseysmug2:

But his coins didn't change

Then he deleted the comment



God hates trolls :marseyimmaculate:

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  • 0 : REMEMBER LADIES: Pick-mes get picked!


Anyway, countdown to the kid seeing this tweet since they get a tablet shoved in their hands before they can even walk these days. :boomer:

(plus Armored Skeptic on suicide watch lol)

goomblers... :marseyweeping:
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