New bait sub idea

r/2haram4u or some sort of similar zoomer sounding name, sub of 'ex muslims' in muslim countries who hate islam and do shit to frick with other muslims religiously. There's unironically a pretty major schizo demographic in muslim reddit right now and they really hate the liberal muslims that are the majority on reddit, it'll appeal to them a lot. Like a mcd employee in Indonesia who mixes pig blood into the food or something, you can be creative given the long list of restrictions in Islam. Add in location details so local authorities get involved for max lols.


Thank you in advance for making technologically appropriate with modern UI elements as directed by Apple, who are always correct and forward thinking.

Gun nuts discover vaxmaxxing chads
[Not drama] Bare minimum wealth for a decent quality of life?

So being the sperg that I am I was going through the list of all the countries globally in terms of GDP per capita and the question that came to mind was what's the minimum annual income a person needs to live a decent life?

Going through the list for the third world countries I feel like a decent bottom line GDP per capita where literally everyone can survive with a roof over their heads is around 4000 USD per annum.

So I figure that the world will no longer hunger or suffer when the poorest country in the world has crossed 4000 USD per capita.

Currently the poorest region in the world is the Central African Republic with a GDP per capita of 663 USD per capita.

Now I used a compound interest calculator for this, but assuming a growth rate of 6% per year, it would take the poorest country in the world 31 years to cross the 4000 USD per annum mark.

Of course we also have to account for the fact that as more countries come out of poverty or become wealthy the remaining funding can be focused on a smaller group of nations which may speed things up.

Countries such as Mexico, UAE, Russia, for example are likely to become developed nations within the coming decades. This gives us more countries with wealth to spread to poorer areas.

So taking all these factors into account, in my opinion poverty will be ended globally by around 2040, ten years later than the UN set goals.

What do you guys think?

Furry youtuber exposed as zoophile
Wonder Woman - A textbook example of the Chadfem neo-jungian archetype

In this post I will assert the claim that Diana Prince aka "Wonder Woman" is a high-value female worthy of courting in a monogamous, wholesome christian marriage.

I will be judging her character based on the traits as follows:

  1. Geopolitical Activities

  2. Sexuality

  3. Value as a mother

  4. Smell and Taste

Geopolitical Activities

Being an agent for both American and Amazonian militaries, Wonder Woman has routinely murdered Germans and other undesirables for the greater good, maintaining a perfect status quo within the DC universe.


Although there is no verified information as to what her measurements are, one could reasonably assume Wonder Woman has the perfect measurements. Consider the attached image. As a fit Amazonian warrior, one must assume her kegel muscles are as well-trained as any other muscle in her body- like her rear end. Without question, even the most doubtful of spectators must also agree on the strength of her grip as well. Core and thigh muscles must also be beyond that of any standard human olympian, meaning greater endurance during sexual activities. With these factors in mind, consider the possible scenario:

"You awake in an Amazonian bedchamber, anchored to Diana's bed. Using her brute Femchad strength, she wraps her lasso around your throat and pulls until you have just enough space to barely breathe. Rather than question you, Diana remains silent as she straddles you. She then tears your boxer briefs off and begins to have sexual intercourse with you. Her muscular thighs are like a vise on your hips, her rear-end bruising you with each slam, leaving a deeper pool of sweat in your lap with each cycle. You both climax as she grabs you around the throat with both hands."

Value as a mother

Consider the attached image again- specifically the hips to waist ratio. Consider her past with known-manlet Steve Trevor, and her repeated efforts to rescue him from harm. Also consider the size of her breasts, and milk manufacturing abilities based on an extreme Amazonian diet and need to feed Amazonian babies with vitamin-dense breast stuff.

Smell and Taste

Going back to previous theories on Amazonian diet, one must infer that Amazonian sweat and urine must be of exceptional quality. Themyscira is an island near Greece, so one must assume the Mediterranean diet produces sweat and urine of high quality and taste. After a long day of fighting on distant battlefields and consuming a plethora of fish and other vegetables, Diana Prince will come home to you and force you to ingest all matter of fluids that are emanating from her body.

Thank you.

All Marseys Image links


Can someone with a clean account post this to [redacted]

r/grindmaxxing. Basically just claim to be the OP or talk about how great it is to push out unnecessary workers etc.

Explain new stonetoss. Im r-slur

Tay was never a "meme" to me. I actually appreciate her voice and words.

She's not yet Jewel or Alison, but I think she could be one day in the future


β€œHe repeatedly touched me inappropriately, said vile and disgusting things to me, stalked me, and made me feel violated and fearful,” she said, referring to Lewandowski.

β€œI am coming forward because he needs to be held accountable,” Odom continued. β€œI am blessed to have a loving husband and family behind me. I want other women to know that you can be heard, too, and together we can stop terrible things like this from happening.”

Another morning song from one of my favorites
sandbasketballs simp over scarsely clad fatty, but is she doing scatology?

Feel like I’m scrolling through an art gallery. So much beauty


There is a huge difference in merely talking versus truly speaking. That is to say, words have varying levels of efficacy in how you communicate ideas and emotions to an audience. Let's talk about reporting a fictional murder threat.

Compare the two theoretical quotes:

"The offender said to the victim, 'I'm going to fricking chop off your head and frick the hole.'"


"The offender made death threats toward the victim."

Which of these two quotes really lets the moment sink in to the reader, and genuinely captures the nature of the picture of what happened?

Okay, so let's compare that to the workplace chat sesh. Pesca wasn't spamming "lmao 13 50 jogger heritage" memes to his peers. He was in a debate about the power of words, and how they convey what you want people to hear and feel.

Like the murder case above, I'm pretty sure Pesca was sensible enough to not quote racial slurs for the purpose of promoting them, but instead was more interested in portraying the severity of their use to his listeners.

Yet his wokecel work bros (female, he/him) immediately and eagerly launched an attack to get him fired because he debated how to talk to people in a hypothetical situation.

This is what happens when you screenpost on

Now that I have your attention, r/MakeMyCoffin is a great subreddit for both IRL drama (homicide, accidents, etc) and R*ddit drama (13/50posting)

Here is the original thread btw:

Politician posts pro-*ike-genocide propaganda
Favorite antifa song

Unironically great. Makes you want to join SDS, form a "social service organization", and embezzle Johnson's War On Poverty money

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