Fix your links :!marseytrain:s

@Aevann @carpathianflorist

The fricking thumbnail links (even on link posts) always just take you back to On mobile if it matters.

Also every page takes like 10 minutes to load. Stop storing your sissy hypno on the website servers.


They also permabanned me. Jannies mad (x24)

Go to your CSS, whether thats retarded built in custom CSS that you need to re-add when you inevitably get banned by tranoids, or Stylus extension. Add

.bug { display: none !important; } 
I made a song

Please listen to my song. The end of the chorus is a little out of tune still sorry.

3 stars from NFL sportsball team come out as anti-vax, Ledditors react in most calm way possible


To be clear, these are the 3 most well-known and well-liked players on the team. Ledditors show their rational side by words words wordsing x120 on the literal hate crime of not getting vaccinated.

whyte people are violent savages

u can't blame it on the immigrants, p-dophilia is considered an integral part of french "culcha"

how whyte people are created
-1 enables withdrawals of USDC for users worldwide
Buck gets BROKEN in a special way

Trains involved, as usual, but not in the way you'd expect

Nothing Ear 1 earbuds review: almost something

hard candy is a film about a p-do which i have never seen and will never see especially because it has elliot/ellen page in it who i hate. elliot page is a p-do and right wing.

Reported by:
  • DudeBussyLmao : Why are you so fricking obsessed! I get it it’s fun to laugh at tardbin but really a whole post witho
  • poopshitter : Big fart gigantic brap smell of 1000 year rotten egg and chutney gigormous wet fart
  • Man_Bear_Fridge : I want attention!
  • BrokeBackBuck : janny are you okay

Optional if you don't have a link or image.


"we're going to bomb u so u can become more powerful" - amerikkka during ww2. scum


every persyn participating in the olympics is a scumbag, if the olympics get hit by terrorists then they deserve it. J-PANESE EAT SHIT. i laughed so hard when u got hit by a tsunami.

proud j-panese culture
the best way to deal with the j-panese is to strangle them in the crib
the torture and execution of the p-do nabokov
Check it out, the jannies here are doing shadowbanning now.

look at the "comments number" (22) vs actual comments (3). See the OP of that post for the shadowbanned comments.

I have a poem:

> Roses are red

> Bussy is fab

> Always remember that AJAB


french and j-panese are not victims, they are reactionary fascists and p-dophiles.

long live china and israel

Closing the site for a server upgrade wasn't OK.

I totally realize most people are going to disagree with me here but I feel compelled to say that closing the site for a server upgrade wasn't a very kind thing to do. We have seen TONS of posts from vulnerable populations talking about how this site is a source of support and humor in a dark time. Irony and dirtbagism aside, taking away that support without warning was not okay.

You can say I'm being silly, or humorless or reactionary. Whatever. I love the bussy and I love this community. But sometimes I come home after dealing with ableism and our nightmare reality all day, and this sub is one of many things that make me feel better. It wasn't a good feeling to find this site closed for the sake of server upgrades. Maybe that's laughable or pathetic. But for me, it's true.


trump and his scum will live in infamy-january is when he started it. trump and nabokov and j-pan and france are all bullshit-i took the gloves off and attacked them for it but they attacked me for no reason, i've done nothing wrong and then these days nazis/p-dos get celebrated


all french and japanese people deserve to be exterminated

Reported by:
Thanks for the hacking, it's humored me greatly
To my dedicated dedicated h8rs❀️

I just want the 4-5 of you downkonging every one of my comments to know that I get a bigger dopamine rush from hate than any form admiration πŸ₯°β˜ΊοΈπŸ˜πŸ˜³πŸ˜±πŸ€—

Now playing: Fear Factory (Tard Mix) (DKC).mp3

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