Schizochad is happy that Alec "Hitler 2" Baldwin capped some foid
german lolcow drachenlord has been arrested
Rightoids have a field day with DDDs newest TV appearance
some people say actress han so-hee looks like itzy's ryujin
An unoriginal bait sub idea: cops that like issuing tickets

Yet another garbage bait sub idea to die just like the rest of them.

Good night r-slurs :marseycapypat:


Remember, this is the future of finance.

Him do Betray

Mei Mei and Pabu have wisely moved out of Portland now. Frick that place and frick everyone who lives there.

Having hideously deformed villains in your spyshit movie is degrading to the hideously deformed, says hideously deformed rights activist (NPR)
Frick you jannies for ruining my muscle memory

I curse whoever thought replacing profile button on toolbar with shop is a good idea. Be useful for once if you want a raise


What is Oppositional Defiant Disorder?

Oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) is a type of behavior disorder. It is mostly diagnosed in childhood. Children with ODD are uncooperative, defiant, and hostile toward peers, parents, teachers, and other authority figures. They are more troubling to others than they are to themselves.

>conscious hip hop
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Racist reality joke: did you hear about the black on black gang war that killed 26 people?

They are still looking for the white man who caused all this.

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Dramanauts get stuck in a whirlpool of perpetual rightoid v leftoid sneed
I found rdramas favorite YouTube vid
[Story hour] The boy who cried bussy.

Once upon a time in a land of r-slurs and honey far, far away called rdrama there lived a young boy named Gussy.

The boy was a mischievous troublesome scamp who would run from place to place causing trouble wherever he could, and what was worse, he was a very big liar as well.

Every once in a while little Gussy would run down the cobblestone streets of the village shouting," Bussy! Bussy! I see it coming towards the village!" And all the people of the land in their excitement would leave there work in a moment and be off after Gussy to find the Bussy.

Each time when many miles away from the village Gussy would stop with a large crowd right behind him, he would turn around with a shit eating grin and proclaim," Haha! What a funny little trick I played on you!"

The people would grumble and scold little Gussy for lying to them, leaving all of them in a foul mood the rest of the day; but Gussy never listened, it was all just too much fun."

One day Gussy once more went down the street shouting," Bussy! Bussy! I see it coming! Follow me!" But this time almost no one came with him, except for three burly young men who carried the heavy loads in the village.

That was a large enough crowd for Gussy, on so he went on for miles away from the village until he finally stopped and turned to the three burly men with a shit eating grin. "Haha! There is no Bussy! What an amazing trick I have played on you!"

"What are you talking about lad? I see the bussy right here."

Gussy looked on at the three men in confusion as they approached him but soon enough he understood as his ouchies rang across the clear blue skies.

That evening he was the last one to return to the village, limping all the way, his spirit deflated and his buck broken. When he finally arrived he saw that all the men of the village were in high spirits. Wondering what could have them all so excited he grabbed a passerby.

"Why is everyone so happy today?"

"Oh. It's because finally bussy came today. It's in the village square."

Gussy couldn't believe his ear and he stumbled forward as fast as he could until he reached the center of the village, and there surrounded by a crowd, was the most beautiful buck he had ever seen, with the perfect bussy, so round and hard and warm and tight, as if it must have been sent from the heavens itself."

Gussy tried to approach the man so that he could have a piece of the bussy too but he fell forward in his excitement and couldn't get up.

The villagers looked at him in sorrow and spoke," poor Gussy. It looks like you are too weak to move now, which is a shame because the Bussy leaves tomorrow morning."

Gussy lay there crying. Buck broken and never to feel the perfect bussy in his life.

Anonymous posts Taiwan independence flag on CCP website | Taiwan News | 2021-10-19 12:19:00
They Do It For Free



This is why Landlordmanlet deleted his account
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