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[LIVE] Small arms fire in Kyiv

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Russiacels on Suicide Watch! Redditor Drinks!

I know this post is getting alot of hate but sometimes all some of us can do is LITERALLY keep Ukraine in our thoughts and care. And making sure that we keep the attention on HOW WRONG it is for Putin to fricking do this. So, cheers, my friend. That drink looks delicious.


Darn, y’all are some savages. What the frick did you do today in solidarity? What’s really the difference between posting a picture of this drink or a picture of the Ukrainian flag? Granted, yes, a cocktail is a luxury…but at least it’s something. What did you with your access to the Internet today to help?

Slacktivism is hard!!!

It’s only feels worse when the immediate post before this was a cocktail called from Russia with love (granted from 10 days ago but still..)

Their heart’s in the right place though from the comments below. All we can do globally as we stare in absolute disgust and horror is keep the good people of Ukraine in our thoughts.

Redditor doesn't know what James bond is

Not to mention it's a morale boost for anyone directly affected to see that they have global support..

To all the people being bombed just know reddit has you in their hearts


Literally Who Podcaster showed his butt wrt Ukraine. Grovels on Twitter. :marseybluecheck: :marseyjudge: :marseyauthleft:
Masks off as subhuman Seattlites reveal how they really feel about Semites
hhhhhhhhhhhihhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhi

I bet there will be a lot of pedos who would like to join

Petition to do it again for the Ukraine


Reddit falls for anonymous meme

RT has been ddossed by script kiddies just like V would do


There was an article I read about how the various top officials in Russia love spending time outside Russia and posting on social media and all that shit. Would be a real shame if some sort of hacker collective went after these people on social media to make it clear they're not wanted there.

This would be the only time I support doxing. Make it dangerous for them to keep doing this.

In war, it's not called doxxing. It's called intelligence.

Kiwi Farms level profile crawling = high class intelligence :marseykiwi:

Get an auto clicker. go to the website. Hit refresh for as long as you have electricity

Saving Ukraine one script kiddie at a time

Guy in Ukrainian army uniform shoots another guy in Ukrainian army uniform

Either someone is a Ruskie in disguise, or somebody has some 'splainin' to do.

Features another angle of that armored vehicle pancaking some old dude's car.

seeing as the second coming of rukkkus is being killed...

rip bozo


Was mayocide in Ukraine gift to black history month ? :marseyblack:


It's an old meme, but it could be our only hope
Europoor media tweets out video game footage

DCS World.

words of no real import

except that the facts which can matter are the facts on the ground, so

share seeds carefully


the line for significant change, the threshold for successful movements, is 3.5% of the population

that's not everybody, it's not even most people.

the forces of freedom have generated this spectacular illusion of winning. where is the propaganda? it lives in javelin missiles on cnn's frontpage, and this is the power of advance planning.

America's secret superpower has always been friendship, you see. that and freedom of speech: if you cannot criticize your society your society is blind to itself and that is weakness.

this is the weakness of dictators.

and when 3.5% of the population is outside the house from which you rule, you are forced to kneel.

so we got a shot at taking down one of the boomers having a tantrum and I say we take it.

we know the nation of China watches what happens and that this line being crossed will obviously serve as precedent for Taiwan.

if your entire society is set up to maintain a lie, that lie will eventually fall apart. and when it does the forces of nature swoop into re-establish some manner of balance. war is essentially as a force of nature: witness ye the face of god.

no nation can fight a war without the support of its citizens.

the boomers are a problem, we all know this. they're still fighting the last war, the only war they know. we are living in a society stuck in the stasis of the boomer ideological rut. and now a russian boomer has continued the mad boomer brain disease unto actual war when climate change breathes hot on the neck behind us. this is stupid. this is plain utter stupidity because the boomers didn't get out of government in time.

if we had a dictator to depose we ourselves might be up in arms, but we do not: we only have offices to win, which is manifestly more achievable and less messy than war or revolution anyhow. have you read up on your congressional sessions? I'm going to point you to the one after all the traitors left to begin the civil war, when the obstructionists were out. the people in charge got things done. this collective assembly governed by a few individuals to play as public puppets to tell the story of the nation is still the most powerful form of government for the simple reason that the people are disposable.

put another way, we successfully swapped our boomer out before things got too bad! if we put another boomer in to keep the boomers quiet that's a drawback but we all know 2024's up to us.

point is, we're working on ridding ourselves of the boomer menace but the Russians have got a shot at taking one down right now.

if they're not shithead cowards about it.

because the point of history, and of honest history, of telling the story of the people who stood against slavery, is reminding you that you have the option. you can choose who you want to be in the scenario, or you can accept life as a background character, an npc, and believe what everyone else believes.

you can be an abolitionist.

and you can go out to the streets when you feel the call.

and you can fight the people who say, protesting doesn't change anything, because they are lying to themselves. they have, in a sense, bought the agency-robbing mythos propaganda of Big Normal, the only real conspiracy, lying in plain sight:

people are afraid to look stupid or foolish. the chilling effect is all self-applied.

nevertheless, everyone is being made inhuman with each passing day... so the only thing is to be human again.

The United States had this secret power of friendship, and that power manifested itself in so many varying ways. It manifested in a vindication of multiculturalism, for when the war began the people who played videogames with one another were angry.

there was this connection to the Ukrainians

because we are a multicultural society.

and you can do the rest


Wrath of GabeN
Truckkkers drama in PolCompMemes
Quick, where is Ukraine's toxicology report?
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