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I've been fired from a volunteer position
[🔥🔥🔘🔘🔘] Liberals are insufferable.

Angriest Comments

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

You realize this is exactly what the powers that be want you to do, right? Don't be so easily manipulated. The talking heads point a finger and say "Hey! Those people are bad! Go hate them!" and you're all "yeah! Frick those guys!" which is all just a distraction to keep us fighting with each other so both political parties can continue screwing all of us over. For what it's worth all this culture war bullshit is just one massive distraction too. They're up there telling you that this group or that group is trying to destroy your way of life, all of which is bullshit, because they don't actually have anything to offer. "What are you going to do about problem (x)?" "Problem (x)? I'll tell you what the real problem is. People who pay Magic: The Gathering are literally tearing this country apart!" It's all bullshit, it's all manipulation and at the end of the day it only serves to keep the populace divided between two clubs full of rich buttholes who are competing for the privile... (1)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

I can't speak for every liberal, but in general, we're quick to defend people who get a LOT of shit for merely existing and quick to point out right-wing propaganda. We actually find it infuriating that basic human rights are looked at as a "moral high ground". We also find it silly that you would complain about only watching 'media to feed (our) convictions' when Fox News is the epitome of a political circle jerk. That being said, just like Republicans, the worst examples of our group are used as representations of the whole for us to get infuriated with because anger sells. (1)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

Because 9 times out of 10 conservative arguments are either misleading or flat out lies. I used to be considered a centrist, or even (in Europe) slightly conservative. But in America in the era of Trump and QAnonsense, reality has a liberal bias. Any normal person grounded in objective reality is considered "liberal" now. That's how crazy shit has gotten in the last 4 years.Ditto on the moral high ground. A lot of Fox News propaganda and QAnonsense boils down to racist anti-immigrant bullshit.Say what you want, but I don't exclusively follow media channels and influencers that have been tailored to reinforce what I already believe. I read the Washington Post and Forbes and Reuters and the BBC and the Wall Street Journal and the Dispatch and CNN and the Independent and the New York Times and just about every other reliable news source across the political spectrum because I want to be informed and see an issue from all angles.Conservatives watch Fox News and OANN because they want to... (1)

Biggest Lolcow: /u/Poopy_McButts69

Score: 🐮🐮🐮🔘🔘

Number of comments: 11

Average angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

Maximum angriness: 😡😡😡🔘🔘

Minimum angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

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:marppy: autodrama: automating away the jobs of dramautists. :marseycapitalistmanlet: Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion :marseyjamming:

🚨🚨🚨Chudpost alert 🚨🚨🚨

"Whatever their origins, the methods that are used by the people who aim to monopolize and exploit the sympathy of the masses always have been the same. They come down to pointing out, with exaggerations, of course, the selfishness, the stupidity, the material enjoyments of the rich and the powerful; to denouncing their vices and wrongdoings, real and imaginary; and to promising to satisfy a common and widespread sense of rough-hewn justice which would like to see abolished every social distinction based upon advantage of birth and at the same time would like to see an absolutely equal distribution of pleasures and pains.

"Often enough the parties against which this demagogic propaganda is directed use exactly the same means to combat it. Whenever they think they can profit by doing so, they too make promises which they will never be able to keep. They too flatter the masses, play to their crudest instincts and exploit and foment all their prejudices and greeds." (P. 412.)

-Gaetano Mosca

Its just so happen

look at his headphone :marseyauthright:


I love how soy redditor didnt even noticed it xD

Racist against british people

Anyone else struggle with unironic racism towards the British? I hear a British accent on my FYP and I'm gone. This isn't some ironic meme either I legitimately am avoidant of all things bong


Even Arestovitch told that it's r-slur move to land on other side of Kherson.,

Russian have permitted khohols to land on their side of the Kherson and they could had easily push Ukrainian back but they are now just hunting the boats so at one moment when they strike, Ukrainian soldiers won't have possibilities to escape


Queen then proceeds to frick up a bunch of boats and cause a bunch of damage.

How is this man still coping like this in 2024? : VGA
:marseyzwei: chancellor is now a :marseypirate:

Image being too r-slurred for jogging lmao

:marseyflaggermany: :coomerface::marseylaugh:

Superpower 2020
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  • BernieSanders : Note how he never said they're his
  • Spiderman : Quit stealing shoes from work. You can do this.
  • whyareyou : should post pojoms 600 day sober coin instead oh wait
One of these days Im gonna post a picture in 600 dollar italian shoes just so I can watch dramatards call them cheap/poor quality

You people are genuinely worse than redditors.

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Sorry! We’ll be back soon. Soonish. At some point, for sure. In the meantime, please enjoy some vintage KD :marseykrampus2: emoji

Sam hyde on normiereddit
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