
Quick, observe before chadmins y'all the sub! Massive amounts of schizoposting!

Flipping Rude

I may be a racist but I am NOT a rightoid.



They targeted g*mers. G*mers.

Redditors are literally mental pt 2



NTA. I don't understand how anyone can insist on how someone else names their child. She's not entitled to that privilege.

NTA, my sibling was named after a character from Super Punch-Out.

If you are going to name your son after a video game character, you should name him Garrus Vakarian. Otherwise, NTA.

NTA. The second you cave on something, even something innocuous (which... a child's name is, frankly, not), you've lost... because the demands will never stop. Every parenting decision you make will be questioned, criticized, and then steamrolled. Set your boundaries, stick to them, and if she wants to write herself out of your child's life because she didn't get her way and threw a temper tantrum... that's her choice.

What a sad fricking existence this tard has

My sister was named after the song that was playing on the way to the hospital (Carrie Anne. They were told she was for sure going to be a boy and didn't have a girl's name picked out... lol!). Names don't need to have some deep, profound origin or familial connection to be meaningful to the parents. As long as you like it (and it won't make your child need therapy in 20 years), go for it.

NTA I named my daughter after a character in zelda ! Your child your choice dont let anyone else sway your decision :)

NTA and if I ever have a son his name will be Garrus... perhaps with the middle name Archangel

NTA- you are the parents it’s your decision. My niece is named after a DC character.

My kid middle name is my wow character from years ago. She's 7 now.

NTA: Sincerely, a guy who isn't joking about his username.

His name is gandalf btw

She is out of line. Go NC unless she says sorry.

She will be the loser here not you, if you keep her away for a while she might learn not to cross boundries and your wife will get a MIL free pregnancy . Win Win

Not associating with a g*mer is winning, actually

NTA, and Arthur Morgan is a fantastic name for a young boah ;) It also makes zero sense to name your child after someone you have little to no memory of. What kind of memorialization is that?

My wife told me that while she's in labor, if I so much as think of saying "You're alright, gurl" or "Eaaaassy, gurl" she will strangle me with the umbilical cord.

I literally hate g*mers so fricking much

Redditors are literally mental


Highlights: (will be added) (Posted in all seriousness)

NTA. If your sister broke her arm doing something stupid would your mom wake you up holding a hammer asking you to break yours as well? Ridiculous parenting.

Exactly. You don't mutilate one child to make another feel better about having injured herself. If 14 had jumped off the roof and broke her arm would the parents expect OP to have her arm broken as well?

NTA Also remember to sleep with your door locked and don’t you dare let your mum talk you out of pressing charges if your sister decides to take matters into her own hands in the middle of the night.

Omg please do not cut your hair. That is so toxic for your mom to even suggest. NTA

NTA - your sister was stupid, now she has to eat the meal she cooked. Also, LOCK YOUR DOOR

Someone tries to bring up poolitics

Dear girl, that other girl nor your mother have any right to force you to do that. Your sister is partaking in something called socialism, that means that because you have something that she doesn't, she doesn't want you to have it either. This is going to be a reoccuring theme through your life. Do not under any circumstances feel a shred of guilt for having something that she does not. She did have it, and she didn't take proper care of it and now she has nothing and wants you to have nothing also. You have no moral obligation whatsoever to make less of yourself to make someone else feel better. An eye for an eye. I'm a bit disgusted that anyone would even ask you to do that. My stepson had lice, should I have shaved his sisters head too? Think about the course of events that actually made your sister feel bad. She had hair, she didn't like it, she destroyed it, now she has none. Now you must also have none so she doesn't feel bad about the consequences of her decisions? EXample: You and sissy are sitting at the dinner table, your mother comes by and gives you each a plate with identical helpings of meatloaf and mashed potatoes. Sissy takes one bite of hers and then throws it on the floor. Would it be right for her to take yours and eat it??

This is not socialism you far right white supremacist neo nazi conservative troll.

Sort by controversial

The absolute STATE of redditors to seriously be asking this


I'm feared by nazis, that's the truth.


WTF? I can make no sense of this submission. I can usually understand what they are pissed about, but not this time.

It Never Even Began for Sneedcels

(I know it’s fake - frick you)

Askreddit takes the 🐕💊
The gecko doctor is live everyone get in here

How do rightoids write this stuff while thinking they're the good guys?

  • 5 Points - Spit at a 🤴🏿
  • 10 points - Punch a 🤴🏿
  • 25 points - Steal a 🤴🏿's clothes
  • 50 points - Drive into a 🤴🏿
  • 75 points - Buck Breaking (2021)
  • 100 points - Break into a 🤴🏿's house
  • 500 points - Lynch a 🤴🏿
That one time when I got the gigajannie to serious long post and edemucate


All hail the lord of nerd bussy

There was a funny now deleted tweet where he gets doxxed but responds akin to:

Did you just doxx me with my own house address? I know where I live idiot

Sucks how arrrDrama has 10x the exposure this place does

This is still pretty good for a month old site but still :/

I’d spam it but that’s hard to do from a ten inch phone

R-slur misinterprets e girl self harm as bdsm, starts fight over it

Go to the red pfp egirls account if you want to see some “beans” (yummy exposed arm fat)

edit: HOLY frick that account is horrifying. Don’t go to the red account unless you have a cold dead heart

FDS discovers "bros before hoes"

DISCUSSIONMost men these days are homiesexual

They will prioritize their male friends over u I feel like the only reason they even get girlfriends is to prove to their male friends their not gay because if they came out then no more bonding over hating on women and free emotional labor.

Props to FDS for "homiesexual" that shit is hilarious I'm gonna start calling myself that

Some highlights:

True heterosexual men are rare. A lot of men find women repulsive. They are repulsed by womanly things like cellulite, stretch marks, "mom bods', sagging boobs, pubic hair, eye wrinkles, wisdom, intuition, feminine strength (the list goes on). The are only attracted to GIRLS. I don't think these pedosexuals are this way by nature, they've been conditioned by porn and media to be this way. But when you meet an actual heterosexual man who is into WOMEN there's a big difference.

Bussy pill 😳

Related Tik Tok:

mods plz make a way to shorten links

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