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EFFORTPOST [EFFORTPOST] Marco's Tales From Anthrocon, Part 1: The Zoophile Pulling the Strings?

Hello my lovelies!

Sorry for my relative lack of posting as of late, I've been SUPER duper busy these past few months and only really had enough time for lurking and occasionally making snide comments here and there. I recently went on a whacky drama-filled furry adventure though which coincides with a lot of juicy internet drama happening at the same time which you might all appreciate. I'll be making this a multi-part thing since so much took place in such a short amount of time - so put on your strap-ons and strap in! :marseykink:

And just to be crystal clear, all of the following events genuinely happened, this isn't some long-form shitpost or whatever. Because it certainly reads like one at times.

The Encounter

Set the scene: it's last Wednesday, I'm scheduled to be in the lovely city of Philadelphia for a week, primarily for boring work reasons - I was meeting with some nerd at UPenn who wanted to collaborate on a psych paper or some shit. Upon meeting this guy at the airport though, alarm bells started going off in my head right from the jump - his car was full to the brim with weird furry garbage, fox decorations, animal plushes, and not only that, there was some horrible furry/brony music playing on the radio as the cherry on top. Being the avid anti-furry researcher I am, I knew instantly what kind of situation I was in - this guy I had arranged to meet was an unironic raging homosexual furtwink. :marseyaaatremble:

I did my best to ignore this incredibly uncomfortable fact at first, as we drove through the historic streets of Philly and had a brief look at the Liberty Bell and all the obligatory touristy stuff. Eventually though, I had to address the elephant in the room (or car), and my suspicions were confirmed - this guy was indeed a massive gay furry, particularly the kind that fantasizes about tribal muscular wolfmen. :marseyyikes: Not only that, but he had plans to set off the next day to Anthrocon, the world's largest furry convention, which just happened to be taking place that weekend in Pittsburgh about 300 miles away. He even has the gall to suggest that I could come with him to experience IRL furry culture for myself, since it wouldn't interfere with either of our schedules. I of course think that this is a fricking terrible idea, even as I'm assured that Anthrocon is supposedly a "tame and family friendly furcon" compared to the hives of degeneracy that other conventions typically tend to be. But then, I thought - this could actually be a fantastic opportunity to be a dramatard in the field, to gather first-hand evidence of furry degeneracy right behind enemy lines where they think normies won't be watching, and possibly even get up to some mischief myself. So I begrudgingly accept his offer, and thus, that's how Marco ended up on his way to a major furry convention.

The Infiltration

After a long 7 hour drive to Pittsburgh under the smoky orange backdrop of the Canadian wildfires and the furtwink accompanying me rambling on about supreme court hearings or some shit for most of the journey, we made it to the hotel. Everything seemed eeriely normal at first, even as we checked in and made it to the room with a couple of other furtwinks that my potential research collaborator had been planning to meet there. At some point after I was putting the tallest one in a chokehold (I was already having a fight-or-flight reaction from being in a room with 3 furtwinks), cue another knock on the door - upon opening it up, we were jumpscared by a dude in one of those goofy horse masks that were all the rage a few years ago. :marseypony: Turns out this was our very own resident horsefricker @Publiq, who also happened to be attending and heard word that Marco was on the premises. From that point onward, he was officially part of our growing ragtag group of weirdos.

As we then made our way to the convention center (and my eyes were assaulted by a wide array of rainbow vomit fursuits filling the streets on the way), our first big problem arose - the con security were dutifully checking for con tickets and badges at the entrance, and obviously, one of us had come empty-handed. We were in a big group by now though, so we just sort of... huddled close together while everyone else flashed their badges, and while the security guy gave us the biggest stink-eye and even turned around and kept staring at us for several seconds after we squeezed through, the line was too busy for him to come chasing after us and I was officially in. :marseyhacker:

So what did I witness on my first day at this "family friendly" all-ages convention? Let's make a brief list:

>fat uggos walking around in gimp masks, harnesses and other assorted fetish gear

>neurodivergent Deviantart fetish shit being displayed out in the open (vore autism, footcute twinkry)

>NSFW furry body pillows, their privates barely covered by post-it notes to make things kid-friendly apparently :marseydisagree:

>a section aptly called the "hole in the wall", where it was life-sized artwork of furry bussies lined up side-by-side (again, with the holes/balls barely covered by post-it notes)

>a "musk candle" stall, selling candles that are apparently meant to smell like unwashed hairy gussy and butthole :marseydisgust:

>fursuiters grinding on and groping one another right in front of everyone

>mass public vandalism

>this bimbo horse thing

>and to top it off, a cub/p-do fur stall, with an orange cat mascot called Marci!? :marseyscream:

To call an event like this kid-friendly and let children roam around the stalls is at best profoundly r-slurred and at worst genuinely dangerous and sickening. I mean, holy shit, this was supposed to be the most tame of the big furry conventions, the one that the furfilth defense force can point leftoid media toward so they can say "ummm we're not all degenerate dogfrickers, see?" The other cons allegedly have uglies openly fricking in the hotel lobbies, throwing used diapers around and other nonsense that you're probably familiar with by now from other first-hand tales that went viral - I don't intend to check those ones out for myself.

These people genuinely deserve all the hate that they get, and don't let anyone convince you otherwise. :marseydoomer:

The Puppeteer

Pivoting away from my own personal experience to cover a juicy happening that transpired; a large attraction for this year's largely neurodivergent attendees was supposedly this dumb puppet thing, that I'm not sure how you could be entertained by if you're over the age of eight. Seriously, if you do a quick twitter search for "anthrocon", half the posts are just videos or shitty art of this thing.

Lets take a look at the puppet's creator and puppeteer, why don't we?

...Oh boy.

To unpack, this individual is a 35 year old non-binary therian with E/Em/Eir pronouns to boot - meaning that unlike most furries whom just enjoy pretending to be animals, this person genuinely actually believes that eir're a real life animal and no longer identify as a human being, basically what FOX news and other rightoid boomers think furries are. With an audience of eir size taking em completely seriously on this, trans-species rights is sure to be the next culture war struggle and I'm all for it. :marseyslipperyslope:

Hearth also has a null fetish NSFW account, which for the uninitiated is having a kink for a complete lack of genitalia - imagine just a smooth featureless crotch down there. While irrelevant to the rest of the post, I thought it'd be funny to include this to help paint a full picture of our main character's mental state.

A common disturbing trend with these therians however, is making the logical conclusion that since they identify as animals and not humans, then surely it can't be considered bestiality when they go frick the family dog. And that kind of drama is exactly what gets kicked off here. :marseydisgust: During the height of eir 15 minutes of furry fame, our pal Hearth really puts eir paw in it and decides to tweet in defense of eir zoophile friend's illustrated animal porn stash.

"Feral" porn for those unaware, as opposed to regular furry porn that involves cartoon animal-people fricking, is just straight up artwork of four-legged animals mating, or in simpler terms basically drawn bestiality. Despite what many furries like to say, this type of smut is very popular with furries behind closed doors (or stables). The masses of naive clueless children and spergs who followed Hearth over the last couple days because "yay cute puppet :3" immediately run for the hills.

Direct replies:

Notable QRTs:

...And a ton of other furries feeling betrayed that their newfound fuzzy friend says yes to zoo rights. Who would've thought that a community that revolves around fetishizing animal features would turn out to be full of zoophiles. :marseyshrug:

There's a few lolipedos and fellow therian zoophiles playing defense for Hearth in the replies too, but they're outnumbered for the most part. Some solid advice from all this: if you see a non-greek person using weird greek symbols in their twitter name/bio, keep your pets far away from them.

The Meltdown

Distraught that eir moment in the spotlight had been cut short by opening their dumb fat mouth, Hearth being the lolcow e is reacts predictably by immediately trying to play the victim and deflect the blame. Clearly this was an organized harassment campaign by those darn Kiwifarmers all along! How do they keep getting away with it? :marseynull:


The typical furry behavior of suicide baiting for sympathy when caught out:

There's nothing wrong with masturbating to lion cubs voiced by children, let people enjoy things!

Chasing the White Rabbit

Still desperate to pin their downfall on someone else, Hearth digs up this random joke tweet by some dude with like a tenth of the followers e does while furry Twitter was still being flooded with the puppet thing.

E concludes that this guy's tweet must be the true source of all the harassment e's getting, and it's all a big conspiracy to bring em down! E promptly lunges out, fangs bared, demanding a full apology for the immense harm caused.

Someone didn't get the memo that jokes aren't real anymore. :marseydisagree:

APOLOGIZE NOW! :marseyrage:

And just like anyone here could've predicted, actually an apology isn't enough chud.

They're still sperging to this day, so I highly suggest keeping track of them yourself to see if their InkBunny account eventually ends up being discovered or something. This ended up kinda being two posts messily stitched together, but if you're in the 2% of non-illiterate dramatards who made it this far, then cool! :marseyexcited: I did in fact see the weird puppet r-slur in person though last week, and my verdict is that e is fat and I would not have s*x with em. Thanks for reading, and always remember to respect people's pronouns even if you heavily disagree with them! :marseyjam:

Part 2 soon, which sadly includes an IRL case of actual child grooming at the Anthrocon plushfur furpile. :marseydoomer:


Alright rdrama, you see someone with the animated avatar below (she also has an high-pitched anime girl voice)

They stream on twitch and talk to chat about whatever, idrk. What do you think this person looks like irl? If you guessed

Congratulations! :marseyparty: It turns out she's a furry too and married to a furry that groomed her in her teens (simps BTFO as always). Here's her fur suit

I post this not to gloat, but reinforce the theme that everyone should know by now. If you see a V-tuber, know that they are ugly, probably smell, and are some type of degenerate every time. If any of you ugly, smelly degenerates are thinking of exploiting zoomer's love of twitch streamers as a v-tuber, know that absolute psychos will go to great lengths to dox you for some reason.

Stay safe on the Internet, friends.

Oh yeah, new Chris Chan letter dropped for my fellow Christorians; They had to restrain him up in the loony bin.

Reported by:
  • X : test :marseygeisha:
  • carpathianhotep : Black Lives Matter
  • Sneed : Comment to upmarsey ratio is bad. This means its controversial and aevann should delete this post
  • russy : hai
  • piranha : ily aevann maybe i can be as codecel as you :capyautism: i need to make more capy emojis but im slow
:!marseycapywalking: megathread for bugs and suggestions :marseycapywalking:

pls don't just say something is broken, explain HOW its broken

example of useless bug reports:

- by @Ninjjer - didn't explain shit

- by @S - didn't explain shit

- by @boogiecat - didn't explain shit

- by @L - didn't explain shit

- by @Horned_waifus_shill - didn't explain shit

also pls tell me ur browser and device and include screenshots/recording if u can

Reported by:
EFFORTPOST rDrama Featureset [last revision 8MAY23]

Hello! Welcome to rDrama! What follows is a brief rundown of key features and mechanics of the site to help ease users into their time here. Whether a dry, enormous wall of text is the best method of providing that is debatable, but at the very least it should serve as a handy reference material for some parties. There are no jokes or wit to be found on this page: this is strictly dry documentation.


The economy of the platform, built on a pair of proprietary fiat currencies. This economy is the foundation of the platform, and virtually all user actions are taken out of a desire for personal enrichment.


  • Dramacoin (dc) - The primary currency, somewhat analogous to karma. One (1) dramacoin is awarded to a user for every vote they get on a post or comment. Upvotes and downvotes both pay 1dc, except during "double xp" events which are exactly what they sound like. Other methods of amassing dramacoin include, but are not limited to, Marsey submissions, the casino, the lottershe, hat commissions, betting threads, user exchanges, treasure chests.

  • Marseybux (mb) - The premium currency. Marseybux spend exactly the same as dramacoin, with the only exceptions being the Grass Award. Marseybux are given out in tiered monthly stipends to paypigs (among other benefits) of rDrama's Gumroad. Marseybux are also the usual currency for payouts of site contests, events, and coding bounties.

The Shops

rDrama has two shops, which will be discussed in this section.

  • Award Shop - The Award Shop is divided into three aisles: Graphical, Status Effect, and Profile Upgrade.
    Graphical awards make obnoxious graphics appear on posts. Each item includes a description of its effect, but, for example, the Wholesome award will make the Marsey variant of the Reddit Wholesome Seal (Tene) float around the screen and bounce off the walls. Applying more Wholesome awards to that thread will add more wholesome seals. All graphical awards stack (with the exception of Confetti), usually up to 5. Graphical awards also pay the recipient (unless self-awarded) 10% of the award's cost.
    Status Effects apply a status to the recipient for a set duration of time, also explained in the item description. The Ban award bans the recipient for 24 hours, the Pizzashill award requires the recipient to make their comments a minimum of 280 characters for 24 hours in honor of our long-time incel longposter @pizzashill, the Marsey award only lets the recipient type in Marsey emojis for 24 hours, and so on. Each House also has 1 House-specific award at the time of this writing, though that number will increase in the future.
    And, finally, Profile Upgrades are expensive, high-end items that will permanently improve the recipient's site experience and give them an animated profile badge related to the upgrade. This ranges from admin-tier powers such as permanent Unblockable status, the inability for people to unfollow the recipient, an unmuteable profile anthem, the ability to see users' alts, to view private profiles, and more. All dramacoin spent in the Award Shop is recorded and at certain intervals, profile badges are awarded and each tier grants the user a permanent 2% discount at the Award Shop.

  • Hat Shop - The Hat Shop is an inconveniently large collection of user-submitted, Carp-approved hats that users can buy to wear on their avatar. Static hats are 500dc/mb each, animated ones are 1000dc/mb each. Hats are equipped after being purchased by pressing the "Equip" button, and an unlimited number of hats can be worn. It will cycle through them at random with each pageload. Hat designers receive 10% of the sale price for each sale of one of their designs. Purchasing hats also drives up the hat collection tally on the buyer's profile, and at certain intervals (capping at 250), users are automatically granted hat collector profile badges.

The Casino

Marsey's Palace, rDrama's very own digital casino, has four games at the time of this writing. Total winnings (or losses) are tracked on users' profiles, and daily as well as all-time leaderboards are found on each game's page. There are plans for more in the near-ish future, including Marsey racing, peer-to-peer poker, and craps, as well as an in-casino shop that will allow for unique skins for slot machines, custom decks of cards, and more.

  • Roulette - Users bet on a variety of outcomes upon which the roulette wheel can stop, with variable payouts based on odds. Unlimited bets can be placed. Results come in every five minutes and are constant across the site.

  • Blackjack - Get closer to 21 than the dealer without going over. Dealer stands on 17. This is not pure RNG; we use four decks and they are literally shuffled. It is not rigged and it does not learn from you. It is pure math.

  • Slots - Slot machines don't require an explanation as far as I'm concerned. Odds are fixed and each spin is entirely random based on those odds, with a variety of possible combinations and payouts. A jackpot feature will be added.

  • Lottershe - The lottery. Buy tickets, make the jackpot increase. One lucky user will be awarded the entire thing every 10 days, along with a profile badge indicating their immense skill.

Miscellaneous Economy

  • Every comment a user makes has a 1:100 chance of generating a treasure chest or a mimic. Treasure awards the user 1-1000 dramacoin, mimics will steal 1-500.

  • Every approved Marsey submission pays 250 dramacoin to the artist. Marseys are discussed later in this document.

  • Administrators will occasionally host betting threads for sporting events, spree shooter racial identities and victim counts, election results, and drunken whims. Bets are a flat 200dc each, and all users who voted for the winning choice receive the total amount bet divided equally among them.

  • Every profile has a "Send Dramacoin" and "Send Marseybux" button and users frequently solicit goods and services in exchange for currency.

  • There are, somewhat obviously, other minor ways in which currency is earned and spent, but those are relative edge cases and will be mentioned as necessary throughout this document.

User Experience


Users have robust customization options, for both their chosen outward "aesthetic" and for their own personal site experience. This section deals with the first tab of the Settings Page.

  • Theme - Users can select from a number of starkly different and visually pleasing themes, from the retro Win98, to the retrofuture Tron, to the simple yet elegant Coffee and Dramblr to 4chan and beyond.

  • Background - Users have the option to set a background to fill the whitespace should they so choose, either one of many preset backgrounds, or, for paypigs, the ability to upload their own. These can be either static or animated.

  • House - Users have the option of joining one of four rDrama Houses, which will be discussed later in this document.

  • Profile Picture - The user's avatar or "pfp" - self-explanatory. This can be animated or static.

  • Banner - Also self-explanatory. The banner at the top of a user's profile and the popout module when their name is clicked. Static or animated.

  • Username - Users have the ability to change their username at any time and at no cost. The original username is always reserved to them. The next field allows for customizing the color of one's username.

  • Pronouns - In the interest of maximum inclusivity, rDrama allows for users to set any pronouns they desire in this field. Pronouns cap at 5 characters each, but if one has a specific neopronoun that is longer, administrative exceptions can be made.

  • Flair - A short message that appears beside your name, maximum of 100 characters. Site emojis and regular emojis are allowed and encouraged. The next flair allows for choosing the color of one's flair.

  • Profile Anthem - A song that autoplays on a user's profile. This can be done by simply inputting a YouTube URL, or via direct MP3 upload.

  • Bio - Self-explanatory. Tell the website about yourself, or insult them.

  • Friends and Enemies - Perhaps even more self-explanatory. Tell the world who you love and hate. Users are notified if they are listed as a friend or an enemy.

  • Signature - A paypig-only feature, and a throwback to the forums of yesteryear.

  • Private Mode - Hide your post history from both search engines and other users. Users with the All-Seeing Eye profile upgrade can see through this.

  • Spider - A friendly spider will crawl across your screen when you are browsing rDrama.

  • Filters - Users can disable both slurs and profanity should they so choose. rDrama shibboleths will also automatically replace a number of words and terms with the Slur Filter enabled. Both are enabled by default and disabling them is discouraged so as not to take the internet so seriously.

In-Depth Experience

  • Advanced Settings - Users also have access to a number of customization options for browsing and off-site links via the Advanced Settings Page, such as Reddit and Twitter replacers (i.e. reveddit, unddit, nitter, etc.), the number of threads per page, the ability to disable the flashier graphical effects here for lower-end hardware, and so on. Each option is explained in full on the Advanced Settings Page and will not be repeated here.

  • Custom CSS - From the CSS Page, users can add custom CSS to both their profile for all users to truly make it their own, and edit the site's CSS itself for their local viewing experience.


rDrama users have a particular fondness for collecting Profile Badges - small graphics indicating an achievement, contributing art to the site, highly visible bait, being featured in news articles, participation in an event, an admin's lust for them, and other such things. A full list of badges can be found here. New badges are issued relatively often and displayed at all times on the popout profile module, and user profiles themselves.


The Leaderboards can be accessed via the Trophy icon in the topnav on desktop, or bottomnav on mobile. Users can see where they stack up against their digital peers in a growing number of categories. There is currently no benefit to Leaderboard placement beyond bragging rights, but this is planned to change in the future.


Users have a number of options to visually spruce up their posts as well as adding interesting mechanics to them. These can be found under any comment or thread entry field by clicking "Formatting help". This document will provide an overview of common actions. Users familiar with Reddit markdown will be aware of a number of these already.

  • Bold/Italics - Surrounding text with ** on each side will make it bold, and * on each side will italicize it. For example: **bold** *italics* would show as bold italics.

  • Linebreaks - Users can add extra linebreaks to post with standard HTML by typing <BR>. Pressing the Enter/Return key will only result in a single linebreak.

  • Hyperlinks - Links can be added to a thread or comment via HTML, or with markdown like this: [This will link to Google]( will appear as This will link to Google.

  • Media - Pictures and videos can be included in threads and comments as well, in two different ways. The simplest way is to just upload the media directly to the post via the Photo icon underneath the text entry field. Third-party media can be embedded with markdown as follows: Note the exclamation point in the beginning, the empty brackets, and the image hotlink in the parentheses. YouTube URLs and Imgur URLs will automatically embed the media without any markdown, however.

  • Patting - Users have the option of giving a reassuring fondling to their peers. For example, if one wishes to pat the writer of this documentation, one would simply type :@carpathianfloristpat:. It is always just colon, at sign, username, with pat at the end, followed by another colon. This will appear as :@carpathianfloristpat:.

  • Polls - Users can include polls in their threads and comments by surrounding poll options, each on their own line, with either && or $$. The ampersand is single-choice, the dollar sign is multiple choice. Poll option formatting would be $$Choice A$$ and so on to allow for users to choose "Choice A" along with other choices, or &&Choice A&& to restrict users to only one choice.

  • Headers - Users can include headers or large text of varying sizes by including one or several hashtags/number signs at the beginning of the line, followed by a space. Sizes range from 1-6, with 1 being the largest, 6 being the smallest. So for a very large header, one would put the following text on its own line: # Large header whereas for a smaller header, one could do ### Smaller header or ##### Even smaller header.

  • Spoilers - Spoilers can be hidden by surrounding text with two absolute value signs on each side. The author of this document was going to include an example, but codeblock markdown doesn't play nicely with spoiler markdown.

  • Pings - Users can ping one another in the expected manner, by simply typing @username which will notify the user as well as link to their profile.

  • Ping Groups - Ping Groups are groups of users who can be pinged by typing !pinggroupname to notify everyone in that Ping Group. Existing Ping Groups can be joined or browsed from the sidebar, or by clicking here. So, for example, to ping every member of the Chuds Ping Groups, one would simply type !chuds which will appear as !chuds and notify every member that they have been mentioned. Pinging Ping Groups which one is not a member of costs 5dc per recipient and pays it to them in order to minimize spam.

  • RNG features - rDrama has taken and improved 4chan's greentext and #fortune commands, while also adding #roll and #factcheck. Users can get their fortune, roll a four-digit number, or factcheck a post by adding the requisite command anywhere in their thread or comment.


Holes are rDrama's equivalent of subreddits, and the author of this document has a tremendously low opinion of them.

  • Cost - Holes cost 50,000dc to create.

  • Expiration - If a Hole has no new posts in any 7-day period, it is automatically deleted. There are no refunds. The creator is, however, granted the rare Hole Neglecter badge.

  • Subscribing - In order to subscribe to a Hole, users must navigate to the Hole itself (/h/toomanyxchromosomes, for example) and click "Follow Hole" at the top of the page. This will notify the user when a new thread is posted there. One can then unsubscribe by pressing the Unsubscribe button that it will change to.

  • Restricted Holes - Some Holes are restricted by default, meaning one must opt into them (above) for their posts to be visible. All Hole owners have the option to restrict their Holes, though some such as /h/chudrama, are both restricted and gated behind a 1488 Truescore (total votes received) requirement.

  • Aesthetics - Hole moderators and owners can change everything about their Hole, from the CSS for all users, to the Marsey at the top of the page, to the sidebar image, and more. A battery of custom @Snappy quotes is available on request.

  • Moderation - As would be expected, Hole owners can appoint moderators, and these moderators can exile people from the Hole. Un-Holed posts can be moved to the Hole by reporting them with /h/HOLENAME, and posts can be removed from a hole by a moderator reporting the post with /h/.

Holigays & Events

rDrama has events, both recurring and one-off, which change the site in varying ways. These include, but are not limited to, double XP (2x coins per vote received), event-specific banners, forced themes and soundtracks, limited time cosmetic awards, a badge for all existing users commemorating the event, and more. A list of some rDrama Holigays follows.

  • Homoween - rDrama's first ever Holigay, runs throughout the month of October. Homoween is a big deal. A sitewide playlist plays on every page, the layout is completely redone with a dynamic banner that changes as the big day draws near, there are around a dozen seasonal awards, new badges are everywhere, and as of Homoween '22 there is the beloved ZIPOCalypse game in which Zombies battle the Vaxxmaxxed.

  • Fistmas - Christmas! Another big one, similar to Homoween in terms of temporary features, although Christmas-themed instead of horror-themed. Runs throughout December.

  • New Queers - Immediately following Fistmas is the New Queers bash. User-submitted yearly banners, double XP, and discounts on celebratory graphic awards.

  • Donkey Kong December - Runs every year from April 2nd to May 9th. Browse rDrama with a custom Donkey Kong playlist, special awards, DK-specific art and more.

  • Black History Month - Users who aren't confirmed Black are required to buy an N-Word Pass from the Item Shop in order to be able to say nigger. N-Word Pass proceeds are paid to confirmed Black users at the end of the month as reparations. POC-themed banners also replace the usual roster.

  • rDrama's Birthgay Bash - Every year in May, rDrama celebrates its birthday. New, permanent celebratory awards are released, a commemorative badge is issued to all users, and Double XP coupled with shop discounts ensures visual chaos.

  • The Gaythering of the Juggalos - rDrama proudly stands with los and lettes around the world and is down with the clown until we are six feet in the ground, ninja. Expect Double XP, Dark Carnival-themed usernames, and clown banners.

  • Future - Future Holigays are planned to be added to the roster as available man hours dictate. These include, but are not limited to: a week celebrating /u/Bardfinn's birthday, Ramadan (Ramranchadan), Thanksgiving (Spanksgiving), May Day (May Gay, an LGBT-themed communist event), and an unnamed Fourth of July event.

Art As A Feature

The full rDrama experience is built on user-submitted art in three primary categories. This section will address that content.

Marseys - Marsey is that adorable orange-and-white cat you have surely noticed all over the place by now. There are over 2,000 variants of Marsey in emoji form usable across the site, and countless hundreds of others in our banners and sidebar images. Artistically inclined users are strongly encouraged to create their own Marseys and submit them via the Marsey Submission Form with a name and tags (in order to be easily found when using the Emoji Picker). Marsey Artists get a profile badge for their first, tenth, and hundredth approved Marsey. Holigay-themed Marseys during their respective events also earn a unique badge for that event that year.

Banners - The long, horizontal image at the top of every page announcing where on the internet the viewer is: Users are encouraged to create and submit their own banners by uploading them here. Note that banner artists receive a profile badge for their first approved banner, and rDrama routinely hosts events soliciting banners around particular themes in which users can earn a limited time badge and/or Marseybux payouts.

Sidebar - Each page also has a fun image in the sidebar. As with the above two items, sidebar images are user-generated and submit here. A successful sidebar submission earns the Sidebar Artist profile badge.


rDrama, while a self-proclaimed “fun speech” rather than “free speech” platform does seek to allow established members to express whatever legal opinions they desire. Upon reaching 100 truescore, /h/chudrama is accessible and can be added to a user's main feed and notifications via the Unblock button at the top of the page. In Chudrama, any opinion goes. The slur filter is disabled, the Chud Award and admin-imposed Chud status effect both do not apply and users cannot be labeled chuds via content in Chudrama. Viewer discretion is advised.


As with the Wizarding World of Harry Potter, rDrama users have the chance to join one of four unique Houses. These are, in no particular order: Vampire, Furry, Racist, and Femboy. At the time of this writing, House functionality is fairly limited although there are plans to significantly expand it. Current features and a few upcoming ones are detailed below.

  • House Icon - Members of each House have a small icon beside their username indicating their allegiance. Founders of each House (i.e. all of the original members at inception) have the same icon but with a crown above it. Changing Houses removes the crown.

  • House-Specific Awards - Each House currently has access to one (1) award unique to that house which will cause a thematically appropriate status effect to the recipient for a period of time. More House-specific awards are planned, but ihatecodersihatecodersihatecodersihatecodersihatecoders development is on hold due to a temporary manpower shortage.

  • House Cup - Borrowing further from the Wizarding World, the rDrama Houses will soon be locked into a fierce competition for seasonal supremacy. Details to be announced as development time permits.

  • Sorting Ceremony - A Sorting Hat-style quiz is in the works for users upon account creation which will automatically sort them into the most fitting house.


rDrama has a native chat feature in development and currently in a usable, though user-neglected state. Chat is accessed via the chat icon (topnav on desktop, bottomnav on mobile), or by visiting Occasionally, during big real-world events such as sports championships and high profile court cases, chat will be converted into an Orgy in which the event in question is streamed and as users watch and comment together on events as they play out. Contrasted to regular chat, Orgies typically see triple-digit turnout. New features are in the works for chat as a whole, although at present, this requires a dev proficient in React, which rDrama lacks.


While rDrama is by no means a free speech platform, it does strive to eradicate the contemporary internet-wide problem of incompetent and abusive moderators.

  • Modlog - All moderator actions are logged and publicly visible to all members, accessible at Users can sort by moderator, by action, and by action taken by a specific moderator. rDrama prides itself on holding unpaid internet janitors accountable for their actions.

  • Banned Users - A full list of banned users can also be accessed from that page, including username, date of ban, duration of ban, and the moderator responsible. Unban Awards from the shop lower the duration of both user- and moderator-imposed bans by 24 hours each.


A record of all historical posts in some of rDrama's subreddits pre-migration can be accessed at Currently, this consists of /r/drama, /r/deuxrama, /r/dosrama, /r/zweirama and /r/dtama along with the full logs of the 2021 NNN Reddit powermod Discord server that rDrama compromised and leaked. Additional subs can be added provided there is sufficient interest.


rDrama is free and open source and a staunch supporter of open source software in general. After being banned from GitHub, the repo was moved to rDrama's own Gitea instance at Users are welcome and encouraged to submit their own changes and to peruse the source at their leisure.


It is recommended that users visit /h/changelog and press the bell button at the top to follow it, as substantial updates and changes are logged there for user visibility and as a means of soliciting feedback from the community.
As of 25 April 2023, changelog entries are now recorded in this thread, to which users can subscribe for realtime updates. Less substantial changes are logged here, contrasted to the former /h/changelog Hole in which only fairly large updates were posted.

Mass Casualty Event Events

rDrama leans heavily into coping with the incomprehensibly tragic absurdity of modernity by making sport of it whenever possible. Mass casualty events—typically spree shootings and their inevitable rapid politicization—are thus the subject of routine administrator-hosted betting threads as to the identity and/or motive of the perpetrator, allowing for users to profit from the tragedy while chronicling and later ridiculing the wild speculation across social media and the American news cycle in the immediate, chaotic aftermath of the event. The default template of options and a brief explanation of the rules can be accessed here, for reference.

This is to be considered a living document and will be added to and updated as needed.

v1.06 | documented the changelog restructuring, corrected event dates, updated Marseybux limitations to only be Grass Awards; minor formatting changes

Reported by:
  • smolchickentenders : Stop posting nsfw in nonmarked threads r-slurs
  • bussylover1488 : I actually have no problem with this post I just want you strags to tell me why you shadowbanned me
  • skonghunt42 : put me in the screenshot
Í didn't realize Stable Diffusion has a folder where it saves all outputs you generate :marseyraging: :marseyraging: :marseyraging:

So Í've been running SD via the Automatic1111 WebUI on my research institute's HPC cluster. If the state of Texas is going to spend millions of taxpayer dollars on creating a massive system for ML for bioinformatics and computational biology, Í was intending to make good use of it. The lure of 320GB of GPU on an individually dedicated node was too much, and soon enough Í was using it to produce loads of high-quality fetish wank-bait.

That all has come crashing down like the Hindenburg. Í thought Í was smart, saving the outputs that were good to a personal device. What Í neglected to realize was that this program automatically saves all outputs to another folder with my name on it, one that's sitting in my research lab's shared directory. Some busybody noticed that it was taking up a disproportionate amount of the lab's allocated cloud storage.

They opened it up and found around 8TB of high quality and absurdly degenerate smut. In addition, there's numerous Dreamcloud models and Loras just sitting there, each directly named for the porn star they were trained on, as well as ones designed to reinforce learning for the appearance of specific fetishes.

As of this afternoon, Í have been informed that access to all cloud and HPC services have been suspended, and Í need to be watching Outlook for an in-person meetings with PI, department chair, head of IT, and HR that will be scheduled for Monday.

Í'm a great employee otherwise, and have contributed to multiple papers that have been published in the top echelon of journals in the past year. Í have a flawless output record. Most importantly, Í never messed around with SD when working, so it's not like Í committed wage theft or anything.

Anyway, what's the verdict?

trans lives matter

Reported by:
  • NotBoo : hate speech: implies you could be a rightoid agendaposter and not get banned or agendathemed
  • HeyMoon : why did my reports get cleared :marseycry:
  • russy : Bruh how would we know :bruh:
  • Sneed : @aevann would you know why these reports were wiped?
  • ateu : agendapinning
  • oppie : I have a very SMALL peepee
  • platyposting : Incredibly homosexual
  • DickButtKiss : Rules are gay. I will unironically rightoid post whenever I want. Cute twink
  • JimJones : Take this BIPOC cute twink to the pound and have him put to sleep
  • GigaVaccinator : worst post in rdrama history

Recently I keep getting told how I used to be a rightoid agendaposter but I'm much better now that I've reformed and assimilated so I thought I would write a quick guide on how I managed to fool people and how you too can be a rightoid agendaposter without getting themed and banned and make your very own way to the near bottom of the rdrama leaderboard.

These all work because rdrama is a little leftist but mostly just doesn't want you to be incredibly boring

1. Be funny

Nobody wants to read seriousposting. Post shit that's going to be entertaining to people instead of just boringly shilling your worldview. Tell some kind of fricking joke somehow. Smile. Laugh.

2. Lie

If you try #1 but your idea of "funny" is "haha BIPOCs are stupid" because you sincerely believe BIPOCs are stupid it'll just come across as seriousposting. Instead pretend that BIPOCs are actually very smart well enough to make people laugh at the fact that you're really calling them stupid. If you want to post your own view exaggerate it or warp it somehow to make it a joke. Embrace irony.

3. Play characters

Feel free to be whoever makes a post work. Instead of writing "OMG these SJWs want to trans our children" write something like "I'm a bisexual trans woman and I want to trans some children", that's funnier.

4. Make fun of r-slurs on your own side

Nobody's side is perfect, you can take an occasional shot at embarrassing rightoids. Sure :!marseytrain:s are cartoonish but we can still laugh at the guy who literally wants to murder them. You have an advantage here since lots of leftoid dramautists can't tolerate .win sites long enough to find the good shit, but you can.

5. Unironically support the mayocide

The mayocide is not a joke.

6. Claim to be a Black transwoman as often as possible

This is like having a royal flush in poker, the mods aren't that leftist but they're leftist enough that if you even might be this they can literally never ban you.

So that's my quick handful of tips on this topic since literally nobody asked, I hope you don't enjoy this and every word makes you cringe to the point of feeling real pain. None of this will work if you're an r-slur, except #6.


Because Kiwi Farms is down, here is an archive:

Wonder who could be behind the attack on Kiwifarms 🤔:

Edit: As it turns out kiwifarms could be down for days:

Edit2: Kiwifarms is back!!!!!


what i said

The Dramafugee Guide to Assimilation


Reported by:
  • Sneed : (changelog) carpathianflorist is a b-word butt neighbor
  • THOMAS : mypoc <3
  • british : change: dont ban for spam (dramaphobic). Let bans be appealled (let me ping you pls). Bardfinn.
  • carpathianhotep : Hotep wuz here and we wuz kangz
changelog megathread :marseynotes:

a lot of days, I make a shitton of changes in successsion, and I don't wanna make the whole frontpage my changelog posts, so I don't post about them

this thread solves that, so from now on instead of making changelog posts, I'll make changelog comments here

click subscribe on this thread to get notified of changes :wolfnoticeme:

on desktop:

on mobile:

Edit: I'm still not gonna post about bugfixes tho, theres way too many

AI generated greentext

Taken from

There are quite a few good ones, everything in green is written by the AI, pretty impressed

Another with the same prompt :marseylaugh:



I was looking to see what they were saying about Roe v Wade but I found this more amusing.


All Zoomers Are Bastards All Boomers Are Bastards

:marseynullbipolar: Attorney General's Office of Washington accepts :marseynull:'s complaints!! Hurricane Electric upgrades its ban on :marseynull:!! Who will prevail? :marseyhmmm:

The Attorney General's Office of Washington has accepted the complaints of my ISPs. The AGO agrees it jurisdiction over this matter and will investigate it. I intend to file my own complaint via representation in the state this week.

Hurricane Electric has upgraded its ban on my IP range. I discovered I was unable to announce other /48s through them. I am assigned a /32 from ARIN, which means my network may be further subdivided into 65,536 smaller networks that are called /48s. These /48s may themselves be divided into 65,536 smaller assignments. These /64s have 18,446,744,073,709,551,616 usable addresses each. This is such a massive amount of IP addresses that 1776 Hosting could assign every gram of the entire planet Earth 74 IP addresses each.

Hurricane Electric has banned every single one of them. This is probably the first time in history an entire ISP's /32 assignment has been blocked by a T1 Internet provider.

Hurricane Electric has done this specifically to stop Internet traffic, including/especially our wonderful users from the proud state of Washington, from accessing a single website: the Kiwi Farms.

rdrama gets fact checked by Reuters :marseytrain: :marseytrain: :marseytrain: :marseyxd:
Reported by:

Now that reddit and twitter have mostly totally banned rightoids from their platforms and the few rightoids left on either are on their best behavior at all times it's easy to post nothing but insane leftoid seethe, cope, and insanity, which is a trap that could lead users down a spiral of thinking only leftoids seethe and cope and from there into becoming an unironic rightoid agendaposter.

For the good of your fellow dramanauts, it's imperative that you go to the shitholes that rightoids have escaped to like or gab or even poal and to find the completely insane things nazis are saying right now.

I'm doing my part - are you?

Reported by:
Normies dogpiling on a hardworking moderator for removing hate symbol off r/place

Its over. Normies got hold of the evidence of what happened to marsey and a certain :marseyjanny: is facing the serious consequences of ANGRY REDDITORS. All because a popular post calling this out got yalled

Now marsey is in the collective minds of a lot of people. Streisand who? I dont know her

Note that since posting this, ive added a lot of posts that snappy couldnt catch, so just remember to put unddit instead of reddit in the url or whatever snappy is using nowadays in any link that has removed comments

Honestly too lazy to handpick dramatic highlights. Just see for yourself

They even made an entire subreddit!

But its now banned lol. Banned around 13:35EST

Worry not! More people want to restore the "PlaceCat" :marseyxoxo:

Non rplace subs

Ive gotta highlight this one

In this one a gigajannie is accusing a guy who legit wants transparency of being "in on it" and pretending to not know the orange cat was """hate speech""":

It got yalled,

There has to be a lot more but I'll leave it at that. Now I have to actually be productive instead of searching keywords in reddit for an entire hour

I will update it every once in a while when i find more posts. Feel free to point any big ones so I'll add them



and I get another shoutout :marseylove:

Reuters responded to my request for correction but isn't keen on fixing the story, so I might write a whingepost about them later. But hey, The Independent got things right!

Reported by:
  • Communist_spez : Newstrags beware. The age of men is over. The time of the dramanaut has come!
  • Rap_God : If you're from pleddit and clicked the report button to see what would happen follow my account rn
  • SIMPSONIANTHIELITEDOOMER : follow me or i will unironically ban you
  • SubredditDrama : I'm in the server but I'm not in any of the leaked screenshots.
  • USCENTCOM : ( ͡°( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°( ͡👁️ ͜ʖ ͡👁️) ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ͡°)
  • nothanks : 🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀
  • Need4Sneed : I'm already following you. Where's my perma ban?
  • rippimpc : unpin this yakubian nonsense right NOW
  • Dramamine : I WANT EVERYTHING ABout my house OFF THE INTERNET
✨updated✨ [BREAKING] Big haps tomorrow, leaks from powerjannie cabalcord

About halfway down through the screenshots, you get to the meat of what they're doing:

They're upset about the /r/NoNewNormal quarantine and they're going to shutter half the default subs tomorrow in protest! Isn't that cool? Powerjannies are doing unpaid labor in favor of bringing Reddit back to its roots of letting people disc... Oh wait lol no, they're mad that NNN was only quarantined and not banned outright, so they're shuttering everything to protest to get it banned so people can't discuss the downsides of compulsory experimental gene therapy on children.

Note how the unpaid internet janitor with the liberal arts AA from xir local community college talks about "playing to their psychology." These are the people dictating the direction of what words a multibillion dollar corporation allows people to use on a straggy orange messageboard. Undersocialized, uneducated r-slurs who think they're smarter than you but they can't even keep their shitty Groomercord server secure.

Isn't that funny?
I think it's pretty funny!

And hey, if you're visiting here from another site (our URL is blocked by Reddit, so good job whoever got you here!), maybe stick around and visit some of our other fun threads. We have lots of great features, wholly unique to this platform, and we'd love to have you with us :kiss:

I love you.

xoxo Carp

:marseylove: :marseylove: :marseylove:

Update: Here’s the message they intend to send to the (paid) janitors:

(click to expand if you’re new)

edit D-DAY T-5:30: they’ve now restricted heaps of channels in their cord and are going a bit nuts trying to find out who the “leaker” is. Will this delay today’s scheduled imaginary powertrip? I don’t think so, personally. They’d need to find something else to do midday Wednesday if they did.

Patron Saint of House Racist is at it again.

Post your suggestions and jannoids will decide which ones to add. Thank you.


Reported by:

I have news. Someone went to the courthouse in Dallas and got all of the divorce papers and I received them in the post. Someone spent a lot of money to do that. I am figuring out how best to get the paper copies online. I don't know whether it's cheaper to buy a scanner or take them to be scanned. It might be more cost effective to just buy a scanner.

Yes...I've read them. His wife alleges years of abuse of her and the kids. She wanted sole custody and for him to agree to not take drugs or drink for sufficient hours before visitation and wanted that visitation supervised by others. She did not get that. There seems to be many attempts to get him to pay child maintenance. There are even arrest warrants, because Steven could not be arsed to come to court at all...but they seem to get canceled. One of the appearances has a note on the bottom that Steven is to present evidence of progress in getting Social Security Disability. I'm not sure if the papers say that Texas is entirely going to fail to pursue child maintenance from Steven, in the end or if it is simply a continuance of events.

My professional opinion: lol

lmao I know this is one of you, but I want this to be his wife so badly

EDIT: link to bardfinn's divorce docs

Reported by:
EFFORTPOST Justice4Darrell subreddit mentioned in Darrell Brooks trial

As part of the record...

News Articles - tweet from Law & Crime Network producer - brief mention here

rDrama threads - recap [in 10/25 stream it's around the 2:05 mark iirc] - @HeyMoon's perspective

Chronological Updates

2022-10-25 7:21 PM CT: 35,000 users on the subreddit now


7:45 CT: the pinned post now links to

Edit 8:17 PM:

The subreddit has now been banned for violating the mod code of conduct


Edit 8:45 PM:

Producer from Law & Crime Network shouts out

Edit 8:59 PM: /r/SubredditDrama post:

Edit 9:11 PM:

Video from Law & Crime Network

Edit 9:58

holy shit there are so many notifications


Edit 10:03 PM: a /pol/ thread (archive:

Edit 10:37 PM: OutOfTheLoop post:

Edit 10:43 PM: LegalAdviceOffTopic post:

Edit 11:09 PM: post:

Edit 2022-10-26 12:30 AM: /h/museumofrdrama post from @SlackerNews:

Edit 12:49 AM: reformatting to clean up

Edit 2:14 AM: WebSleuths forum post: (and add Fox and Daily Caller article)

Edit 9:03 AM: Darrell Brooks asks for mistrial because of reddit post, is denied

Edit 9:52 AM: Following this event, user @weev has verifiably joined the site

Edit 10:32 AM: added a link

Edit 11:50 AM: added a couple more links to news articles

Edit 10/27 2:29 PM: added Insider article

Edit 2:53 PM: added Vice article

Edit 6:19 PM: added post talking from @HeyMoon's perspective

Edit 6:21 PM: formatting adjustments, move rdrama threads to own section, etc

Edit 6:30 PM: add newsweek and mashable articles

Reported by:
  • Pavement : Brandon Sanderson did an acceptable job, god darn it
Amazon's "Wheel of Time" adaptation is the worst thing ever commit to film

Good morning and thank you for clicking my longpost about a swordshit show allegedly based on a work I've been reading, rereading, analyzing and discussing since the late 90s! I'm not going to waste time with more than a quick preamble for the uninitiated, so buckle up. Things are about to get very soy very quickly.

In 1990, a decorated Vietnam veteran (Distinguished Flying Cross with oak leaf cluster, the Bronze Star with “V”, two Vietnamese Crosses of Gallantry with Palm) named James Oliver Rigney (pen name Robert Jordan) published the first book in what would turn out to be the longest narrative written in the English language of all time. This was The Eye of the World in the Wheel of Time saga. At 4,400,000 million words and 2,782 named characters over the course of 14 main books and one prequel, WoT is far and away the most intricate story ever told. The author died in 2007, and the final three books were ultimately finished (fairly poorly) in 2012 by Brandon Sanderson, with the consent of Jordan's wife and editor, Harriet. In 2018, Amazon bought the rights to the work for a television adaptation, intending to capitalize on Game of Thrones' success. Three years later, we now have the first season, with a staggering $10,000,000-per-episode budget. And it is far and away the worst thing ever commit to film, including actual snuff films.

The end result is not an adaptation in any sense of the word; the only similarities Rafe Judkins' Wheel of Time bears to the books on which it is based are some of the names. It tells an entirely different story, about entirely different people, doing entirely different things for entirely different reasons. A film about an immigrant named Jesus buying a motorcycle and joining the Hells Angels is closer to an adaptation of the Bible than this is to an adaptation of Wheel of Time, and this is in no way hyperbolic.

:star: Here's where the intro ends and I start prattling on about things specific to the work itself, that's all the context you get :star:

The (filmed) series opens with a voiceover inexplicably by Moiraine, and wastes absolutely no time in preemptively retconning some of the foundational principles of the series. Lews Therin might be reborn as a woman. Which can't happen, and Aes Sedai of all people should know this, and that isn't even touching on the saidin/saidar mess this would lead to. But showrunner Rafe Judkins and his crew spent the last few years on Twitter openly disparaging the source material and repeatedly expressing desires to dismantle it and tell an entirely unrelated story as a vehicle to push tired identity politics. And Moiraine has somehow heard rumors of four ta'veren in BFE Two Rivers. How does that work? Since when is Egwene ta'veren? Who is spreading these rumors? What do they entail? What indication is there that there are ta'veren in the Two Rivers? How did these rumors get out when the place is lucky to see a peddler or two pass through every year? There are no answers!

So that's what we start with. By the four minute mark, Liandrin & co have already summarily gentled a random male channeler - a massive no-no by Tar Valon standards, something which is repeatedly hammered home by Thom and Moiraine's seething about Owyn. Moiraine and Lan casually watch this literal, actual, significant crime, make a quip about it, and leave. But not before we're treated to Liandrin invalidating even more of the lore as she explains to the poor sap before gentling him that saidin was tainted by "filthy men" (this is a quote) touching it, even though everyone - Aes Sedai of all people - know that the taint was Shai'tan's counterstroke to the Hundred Companions. So from this scene alone, we're hit with a few possibilities:

  1. Liandrin lied, meaning she's Black Ajah. Which she is, of course, but the viewer doesn't know that. Neither does Moiraine. And Black Ajah cells are three people, and she has a much larger posse than three, so the possibility of all those Reds being Black is out. Moiraine also doesn't react to this lie, so it's presumably off the table.

  2. Saidin really was tainted by filthy m*n touching it in Rafe's fatherless childization of the work, which retcons absolutely everything about the world.

  3. Most likely, it's just garbage writing to illustrate that Liandrin (and Reds) hate men and male channelers, and the writers don't give a shit about the Three Oaths except when it's necessary to for the threadbare plot.

And then after this completely unnecessary scene and subsequent traveling montage, we arrive in the Two Rivers. Egwene (who is now Indian) gets to braid her hair! Which is now apparently just for members of the Women's Circle. Which is now some New Age hippie hyperfeminist ritualistic woo cult thing, because the viewer is treated to a bizarre ceremony on a rock overlooking a river, which Egwene is senselessly pushed into as part of...a test? initiation? hazing? it's not explained, but she's told to float down the river and then that's the sum of the explanation and the last time any of this is referenced or relevant.

Some observations about Two Rivers characters in no particular order:

  • Everyone's favorite softboi Perrin is married now (and black!), to an imaginary character named Laila. She's a strong blacksmith. He proceeds to kill her with axe on Winternight.

  • Mat, the incredibly selfless and good-natured rogue, is now a shameless thief. He steals some girl's bracelet and sells it to Fain (who is now black - and British - as well).

  • Rand and Egwene are a thing now. And they're very openly banging. Two Rivers customs and culture and propriety no longer exists, because any society that normalizes intercourse within a marriage is problematic.

  • Nynaeve (now extremely black) scrubs a sacred rock. Why is it sacred? Why is she scrubbing it? Why is it in a cave? Stop asking questions, they don't have answers.

  • The extremely respectable and respected Abell Cauthon is now a domestic abusing drunkard who his wife and children are terrified of.

  • The Mountains of Mist are now in someone's back yard, and Rand goes to brood there after nailing Egwene again, and talk about his deep, CW-tier thoughts, which he says he does a lot. Gone is the innocent, naïve sheepherder and dedicated son.

During a series of unremarkable scenes in and around the Winespring Inn, we're treated to a huge number of absolutely shameless shots of people of every race and ethnicity under the sun - the Two Rivers is no longer an isolated, podunk village in the bum end of nowhere. Rand being visibly different than everyone else was a major narrative aspect of the books, but now everyone is different. There's a huge number of blacks, Indians, latinx, Asians, Pacific Islanders - you name it, the Two Rivers has it. No one even bats an eye at Moiraine and Lan's arrival aside from the rudeness of it. Fain showing up is ignored by everyone but a few kids, and Mat who needs to unload his stolen jewelry.

It's pretty hard to frick up Winternight. Like that's one of the most memorable scenes in the entire series - it's powerful, it's tense, it's gripping, it's definitive, and it's very plainly laid out what happens. Instead, Rafe Judkins treats us to a Winternight that isn't about Rand's desperate, terrified flight back to the village with his mortally wounded father. There are no worldshaking maybe-revelations-maybe-fever-dreams about his ancestry. There hadn't even been a Myrddraal that anyone saw. Rand and Tam are just eating dinner when a Trolloc knocks the door down. Tam gets out his heron mark blade (also looking exactly nothing like it was painstakingly described) and proceeds to get his bum handed to him by a single Trolloc. Rand saves him by stabbing it in the back, and then we're back to town!

The attack on the village consists briefly of Mat running away, some randoms dying, Daise Congar and a heap of other farm women taunting Trollocs (who don't even bother to fight back) and then having no problem at all handling them, because they're strong women. Moiraine seems gimped as heck and relies on throwing rocks at the invaders. At one point she destroys the Winespring Inn for more rocks. Completely levels the building. Oh, Egwene and Nynaeve use little DIY melee weapons to take down some Trollocs too, but Nynaeve gets kidnapped.

And then it's done.

You've likely noticed that I forgot to mention Thom through all of this. I actually didn't! Thom isn't there! He doesn't appear until the third episode. And he doesn't have a flute and harp anymore, he has a guitar. And he's much younger. And his giant mustaches are gone. Did I mention he has a guitar? Because Thom has a guitar now. But we're still on episode 1, 3 comes later.


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