Another Soviet Propaganda Film: Sergei Eisenstein's Alexander Nevsky

Following the Mongol withdrawal from Russia, German knights of the Teutonic Order invade the Republic of Novgorod. Prince Alexander Nevsky (Nikolai Cherkasov, who looks like a man on Xannax) must rally his people to resist the formidable force after the Teutonic soldiers threatened the Russian city. Alexander stages his last stand at Peipus, where a major battle is fought on the ice of frozen Lake Chudskoe. While Alexander leads his outnumbered troops, two of their number, Vasili (Nikolai Okhlopkov) and Gavrilo (Andrei Abrikosov), begin a contest of bravery to win the hand of a local maiden.

The film is hugely influential and it's battle scenes have been the catalyst for movie-makers such as Stanley Kubrick (Paths of Glory, Spartacus), Mel Gibson (Braveheart) and Peter Jackson (Lord of the Rings).

It was banned shortly after it's completion as the Molotov/Ribbentrop non-agression pact between the USSR and Third Reich came into effect, but was resurected as a wartime propaganda piece in 1941.


The dance party right after putting the ussr flag on the Reichstag was pretty kino ngl. Also the Nazis are actual German prisoners of war


The story of a kiwi special forces commando team sent on a mission to a nazi occupied channel isle where there's some occult shenanigans going on.

It's an indy film with a small set and a small cast, but it those are really the only bad things I can say about the movie. The acting is surprisingly good and the atmosphere throughout the film is very tense.

Give this one a shot, it's a real hidden gem.

THE SANDLOT (incel) Pool Scene (1993)



Bonus content:

Is Shaun of The Dead the best zombie movie?
Repo! The Genetic Opera

I've got Paul Sorvino on the mind (Watched Goodfellas last night. Pretty good) so I'm going to shill one of my all time favorite movies: Repo! The Genetic Opera. Think Saw meets Rocky Horror. Falls firmly into "so bad it's good" or maybe it's just camp and I'm neurodivergent.

It's hard to recommend because every aspect of it is bad. The effects, the writing, the singing, the audio mixing. Everything is awful. But once you get past the "holy shit this is r-slurred" it morphs into "holy shit this is awesome"

All star cast. All star musicians. Paris Hilton is in it. Paul Sorvino obviously. The girl frow Spy Kids. Seriously cannot recommend it enough.

Emoji Movie General Thread

5 years ago today, the emoji movie was released. I actually followed John's channel and saw that video the day it came out, which was fun. It went on for a long time, like 3 months before the actual movie was released. He actually grifted quite a bit of money too by selling merch for a movie that no one cared about.

There was also the IHE video which had high production value for a YouTube video. He recorded himself IRL up until the movie started, and cared enough to see the movie in the theater. Also, he actually predicted that there was going to be an emoji movie!


Look at the trailer's amazing like/dislike ratio! Drama - Drumpf Destroyed by Emoji Movie Review Drama - Emoji movie outed as liberal indoctrination on our youth! :sad: !


Ravenous (1999)

Event Horizon (Warhammer 40K prequel kinda)

Predestination (Time travel done well)

The Lighthouse (Kino)

Top 3 Christian Kinos

1 - Kingdom of Heaven - Directors Cut (2005)

2 - Passion of Christ (2004)

3 - For Greater Glory (2012)

Do you agree? What is your top 3 biblical/christian kinos?

Baby Driver (2017): Kevin Spacy admires the balls on a kid.

Literal yikes moment.


First it's explicitly anti-g*mer, second it has completely sfw shots of young Jude Law putting his tongue into a bussy-like cavity.


Didn't watch this as a kid, watched it recently because it was a friends childhood movie. it's pretty good for a kids movie.



Netflix retconned Stranger Things

Blockchain would fix this

UWE BVLL's absolute kino film postal

its unironically my favorite comedy

Favorite arnie movie

For me it's commando,


Recommending Ambulance (2022)

Non-Blockbuster Michael Bay is a completely unique and engaging director. This and Pain and Gain are movies where every single decision seems to be made to answer the question of "How can I make this more obnoxious?". While Pain and Gain answered the question with twisted plot, disgusting characters, constant dutch angles and saturation Ambulance has a new tool. Drone shots. Like Netflix nature documentary amount of them. There was not moment in movie where someone not shouting, engine roaring, camera moving whether by weird angle shaky cam or drone. The dialogue has the stalest, cringiest, and crudest cultural references delivered as Marvel style quips and frequent dumb explanations to the audience of what they are doing. The characters are exceptionally brutish and stupid. The plot starts very focused and straight forward but then has weird diversion into LA Mexican gang that pays off with action setpieces. Highly recommended.


My favorite line is heterosexual s*x for a white man was a necessary evil and that homosexual s*x for pleasure was preferred. Also admitting that the arabs are white and that they brought homosexuality to Africa.

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