

Starting July 13, Valorant will begin listening and recording in-game voice communication with the goal of training a language model to help it identify toxic chat. This system will only work in North American/English-only servers. The goal is to launch the language model later this year in an effort to clamp down on toxicity in the first-person shooter.

Like in any first person shooter that lets players talk to each other, the voice chat in Riot Games’ Valorant can be toxic. It’s also incredibly hard to moderate. When someone drops a racial slur in text chat, a clear log is maintained that mods can look through later. But the processing and storage power required to do the same for voice chat just isn’t possible. “Voice chat abuse is significantly harder to detect compared to text (and often involves a more manual process),” Riot Games said in a February 2022 blog post.

Riot first indicated it would do something about abusive voice chat in February 2022. “Last year Riot updated its Privacy Notice and Terms of Service to allow us to record and evaluate voice comms when a report for disruptive behavior is submitted, starting with Valorant,” it said at the time. “Please note that this will be an initial attempt at piloting a new idea leveraging brand new tech that is being developed, so the feature may take some time to bake and become an effective tool to use in our arsenal. We’ll update you with concrete plans about how it’ll work well before we start collecting voice data in any form.”

Now we know what that brand-new tech is: some kind of language model that automatically detects toxic voice chat and stores it for later evaluation. The updated terms of service applied to all of Riot’s games, but it said its current plan was to use Valorant to test the software solution before rolling it out to other games.

The ability to detect keywords from live conversations is not new, however. Federal and state governments have been using similar systems to monitor phone calls from prisons and jails for at least several years—sometimes with the ability to automatically disconnect and report calls when certain words or phrases are detected.

Riot Games did not share details of the language model and did not immediately respond to Motherboard’s request for comment. According to a post announcing the training of the language model, this is all part of “a larger effort to combat disruptive behavior,” that will allow Riot Games to “record and evaluate in-game voice communications when a report for that type of behavior is submitted.”

The updated terms of service had some more specifics. “When a player submits a report for disruptive or offensive behavior in voice comms, the relevant audio data will be stored in your account’s registered region and evaluated to see if our behavior agreement was violated,” the TOS said. “If a violation is detected, we’ll take action. After the data has been made available to the player in violation (and is no longer needed for reviews) the data will be deleted, similar to how we currently handle text-based chat reports. If no violation is detected, or if no report is filed in a timely manner, the data will be deleted.”

Riot Games said it would only “monitor” voice chats if a report had been submitted. “We won’t actively monitor your live game comms. We’ll only potentially listen to and review voice logs when disruptive voice behavior is reported,” it said in a Q&A about the changes. That is still monitoring, though, even if it’s not active. What this probably means is that a human won’t listen to it unless there’s a report—but that doesn’t mean a computer isn’t always listening.

The only way to avoid this, Riot Games said, was to not use its in-game voice chat systems. Monitoring starts on July 13. “Voice evaluation during this period will not be used for disruptive behavior reports,” Riot Games said in the post announcing the project. “This is brand new tech and there will for sure be growing pains. But the promise of a safer and more inclusive environment for everyone who chooses to play is worth it.”


Potential drama? We all know GME apes still hold a grudge against Robinhood.


Orange site discuss:

Random Brazil sub:

Reddit is dead.

At least artistically and creatively speaking.

What started as a bastion of independent thought, Reddit has slowly devolved into a den of groupthink, censorship, and corporate greed.

“It’s true, both the government and private companies can censor stuff. But private companies are a little bit scarier because they have no constitution to answer to, they’re not elected really — all the protections we’ve built up against government tyranny don’t exist for corporate tyranny.

— Aaron Swartz, co-Founder of Reddit

There are three fundamental problems with Reddit:

1. Censorship

2. Moderator Abuse

3. Corporate Greed

But first, you should understand that the history of Reddit doomed it from the start.

The Secret History of Reddit

Reddit was launched in June 2005 by two 22-year-old graduates from the University of Virginia, Steve Huffman and Alexis Ohanian. The site was so small that the two co-founders had to spam links just to make Reddit seem active.

Later that year the Reddit team made arguably the most important decision of their lives: they hired a new co-founder, Aaron Swartz.

If you don’t know who Aaron Swartz was, he was a young prodigy and computer genius who, among other things, helped create RSS.

He was also an outspoken activist for free speech and open information, which made him a lot of enemies in high places.

Eventually, Aaron left Reddit after they were bought by Conde Nast (owner of Wired Magazine), but this is when he became a complete revolutionary.

Aaron became something of a Wiki Leaks-style journ*list leaking high-level secrets against corporate power. He released countless documents including the most damaging that law professors at Stanford were receiving lobbying money from oil companies such as Exxon Mobile.

Shortly after, the FBI began monitoring Aaron Swartz and he was arrested for downloading academic journals from MIT in an attempt to make them freely available online.

They threw the book at Aaron by fining him over a million dollars, charging him with 13 felonies, and giving him a 35-year prison sentence. This was seen as an act of pure revenge by the government and because of it, Aaron Swartz took his own life at the age of 26.

“I don’t want to be happy. I just want to change the world.” — Aaron Swartz

And you know what Reddit did? They scrubbed Aaron Swartz’s name from their history. If you go to the “about” page on Reddit, it makes no mention of him whatsoever.

Aaron Swartz should be a martyr, instead, he’s been erased.

It Got Worse: Censorship

After the death of Aaron Swartz, things only got worse for Reddit.

Newly appointed CEO Ellen Pao made an announcement, and I quote, that “Reddit is not a platform for free speech.”

This was the first step in what would be mass censorship on the platform.

In the years that followed Reddit banned over 7000 subreddits left and right in a never-ending stream of censorship. But the most controversial censorship occurred after the Orlando nightclub shooting.

After the shooting, the subreddit /r/news became a hub for people to discuss the event and share news articles. However, the mods of /r/news had a very different idea.

They began mass-deleting any posts that criticized Islam or mentioned the shooter’s motive of radical Islamic terrorism. They also banned anyone who spoke out against this censorship. Mods became power-hungry dictators, erasing anyone who dared to challenge them.

Reddit’s Mods Are Mall Cops Slowly Killing the Platform

Moderators on Reddit are like hall monitors who bust you for being late two seconds after the bell rang. They are the kids that ask for more homework They’re petty, they’re annoying, and they have too much power.

The mod system is completely volunteer-based which means that anyone can become a mod without any qualifications.

One of my favorite posts on Reddit had this to say about moderators:

“Mods are basically unpaid mall cops for reddit… except even mall cops know they are a joke. I think Reddit counts on the fact there are enough lonely losers out there who will moderate the site for free in exchange for the illusion of authority. These are shameful, powerless, and deeply troubled people looking to exert a measure of power anyway they can — the same kind of people who would become abusive police officers and border agents if they weren’t already so monstrously overweight.”

And because moderators are volunteer-based, they can be bribed. In fact, there have been numerous cases of mods being bribed by companies to censor certain topics or ban competing subreddits.

(Bribery taking place here, here, and here

Here is a short list of the worst most corruptable mods on Reddit:

  • /u/awkwardtheturtle (mod of multiple subreddits) was caught pinning his own posts to the top of subreddits for popularity and called all critics against him incels for no apparent reason.

  • /u/gallowboob (mod of /r/ relationship advice) would shill his friend’s marketing companies on the front page and would ban any account criticizing him.

And Finally, Corporate Greed

I only recently found out that Ghislaine Maxwell, wife to Jeffery Epstein, ran one of the most powerful Reddit accounts on the website. In fact, it was the eighth-most popular account by karma on Reddit.

I won’t get into the implications of that — as it could be an article on its own — but it's only one case of elites having massive power on Reddit.

The bigger issue is that Reddit has several competing corporate interests.

One of them is a Chinese tech giant called Tencent which made a $150 million investment in Reddit. Tencent is the world’s biggest video game company and is notorious for selling its user’s information.

Another big investor is Sequoia Capital who was found earlier this year to be [investing in corrupt companies responsible for fraudulent practices]( Capital broke the silence,The allegations are deeply disturbing.").

All of these investments have one thing in common: they’ve made the website worse for users. Now — just as I wrote about YouTube — Reddit is tailored for a better corporate experience, not a better user experience.

Final Thoughts

Reddit was the first social media platform I fell in love with. It’s where I found my start as a writer and it’s helped me procrastinate many late-night essays.

But it’s time to go.

It’s become a shell of its former self and something that Aaron Swartz would not be proud of. And even though Reddit is pretty much a corporate propaganda machine the users still think it’s a secret club for intellectual dynamos that “fricking love science.”

No matter what you believe in, wisdom isn’t achieved living inside a bubble of utopian ideals.

Although some of my favorite online communities are on Reddit like /r/FoodNYC or /r/OnePunchMan, for the most part, I think it’s time to move on.


:marseyjapanese: :marseylaugh:

Microsoft said farewell to Internet Explorer on June 16, stirring a sense of panic among many businesses and government agencies in Japan that waited to update their websites until the last minute.

Since April, Tokyo-based software developer Computer Engineering & Consulting (CEC) has been inundated with requests for help.

Those customers are mostly government agencies, financial institutions and manufacturing and logistics companies that operate websites that are only compatible with Internet Explorer.

“Could you please do something so we won’t have any problems?” one customer pleaded.

“They have known [about the phaseout] for a long time, but they must have postponed taking actions,” said a CEC official, who expects the chaos among the procrastinated customers to last for “a few months”.

Microsoft officially halted support for Internet Explorer on June 15 after 27 years of service. Many users are transitioning to Google Chrome.

A March survey by information technology resource provider Keyman’s Net revealed a large number of organisations in Japan relied on Internet Explorer, with 49 per cent of respondents saying they used the browser for work.

They said the browser was used for employee attendance management, expenses settlement and other internal cowtools. In some cases, they had no choice but to use Internet Explorer because of clients’ systems used to handle orders. More than 20 per cent of these respondents did not know or had not figured out how to transition to other browsers after Internet Explorer’s retirement.

Government agencies are particularly slow to respond. The portal site for information on government procurement and bidding switched its recommended browsers to Microsoft’s new Edge and Google Chrome on June 16. But for Japan Pension Service, notices concerning online applications must be viewed in Edge’s Internet Explorer mode. The website of a government-backed mutual aid corporation for private schools still listed Internet Explorer as its only recommended browser.

The Information Technology Promotion Agency has been urging Internet Explorer users to transition to other browsers and revise content promptly.

Released in 1995, Internet Explorer became the global standard after beating Netscape in the browser wars and enjoyed a 65 per cent market share as recently as January 2009. But its share began to steadily slide in the late 2000s, plummeting to less than 1 per cent recently, according to web analytics company StatCounter.

One reason for the decline is that Internet Explorer did not follow the international standards for web technologies.

“It didn’t work well with JavaScript and other programming languages that are necessary for creating interactive websites,” said Yota Egusa, chief information security officer at computing service provider Sakura Internet.

The demise of Internet Explorer coincided with Chrome’s rapid rise. Launched in 2008 with Google’s open-source project as its base, Chrome attracted users with applications such as maps and email that run on the web and dominates the market today with a 65 per cent share.

Chrome “is fast, and its frequent software updates mean security holes and bugs are addressed quickly”, said Masato Saito of ExaWizards, a developer of AI-enabled services.

White frogs can't jump

Frogs that are too small to have working vestibular systems but jump anyway, results as expected.


Orange site discussion

Two types of privacy
Cheer up!

Holy frick i am wheezing.

In this video, he starts of by typing semi-legitimate code and then goes to straight up nonsense. None of this is real Javascript and hes just typing nothing.

The entire youtube channel is like this, sir jeets does it for views and monetization

At the end of the videos, he shows off someone elses website; in this case,

All the github repos are completely empty lmao

nekobitttt signing out :marseyneko: :marseytinfoil2:




HN discussion

Once again, open source proves more secure than closed source.
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