Why bitcoin is up by almost 150% this year

bit scared to open the "Truth" folder.

What was it someone was saying the other day about every one of these having a 911/covid vax folder?

Looks like the typical conspiracy theory stuff

awh jeez

The peasants are revolting against Harvard

Summary for those just joining us:

Advent of Code is an annual Christmas themed coding challenge that runs from December 1st until christmas. Each day the coding problems get progressively harder. We have a leaderboard and pretty good turnout, so feel free to hop in at any time and show your stuff!

Whether you have a single line monstrosity or a beautiful phone book sized stack of OOP code, you can export it in a nice little image for sharing at

What did you think about today's problem?

Our Code is 2416137-393b284c (No need to share your profile, you have the option to join anonymously if you don't want us to see your github)

This is it, we're at the end now. Did you finish it all?

A nerd joke for you all on Christmas Eve
rDrama Advent of Code Day 24: z3 Edition

Summary for those just joining us:

Advent of Code is an annual Christmas themed coding challenge that runs from December 1st until christmas. Each day the coding problems get progressively harder. We have a leaderboard and pretty good turnout, so feel free to hop in at any time and show your stuff!

Whether you have a single line monstrosity or a beautiful phone book sized stack of OOP code, you can export it in a nice little image for sharing at

What did you think about today's problem?

Our Code is 2416137-393b284c (No need to share your profile, you have the option to join anonymously if you don't want us to see your github)


1111 claim in this article


Summary for those just joining us:

Advent of Code is an annual Christmas themed coding challenge that runs from December 1st until christmas. Each day the coding problems get progressively harder. We have a leaderboard and pretty good turnout, so feel free to hop in at any time and show your stuff!

Whether you have a single line monstrosity or a beautiful phone book sized stack of OOP code, you can export it in a nice little image for sharing at

What did you think about today's problem?

Our Code is 2416137-393b284c (No need to share your profile, you have the option to join anonymously if you don't want us to see your github)

Historic Tale Construction Kit - Bayeux



I thought this was some kind of joke. £29.48 for two 0GB RGB sticks when you can get the 2x8GB version for £50. What kind of r-slur has £30 to spend on fake RAM but not £50 to spend on actual RAM?

The reviews confirm that these are only bought by literal :marseygigaretard: and it doesn't even get good reviews...

Honestly when I first seen this I thought it was a sleeve to install over an existing stick of RAM so I was a little disappointed to find out it's an empty stick of RAM with RGB on it but that's my own fault for misunderstanding the product, for what it is it looks lovely, the software ICUE is easy enough to use the reason it's not managed more stars is due to the price of them for what it is

This dude thinks he bought actual RAM lmao

My machine is not faster but I had no issues installing.

I don't know how it works but my fps in game has consistently been 10 frame over usual. Someone told me it's because of the way the real RAM is taking power. I dunno I don't really care. Looks cracked AF.

They actually decrease this guy's performance:

Right let's start with saying these look great, But there's one issue I've managed to now solve. I could not get my 16gb set of ram to work at the correct speed of 3200mhz. I tried everything I could think of to get them to work and they never would. Turns out it was this kit, as soon as I took it out and applied the xmp profile it worked straight away, put the kit back in and it wouldn't boot. To sum it up if you want to run your ram at the correct speed then don't get this kit, but if you're all about looks over performance than by all means get it.

Easy to install, didn't even have to go into my bios or anything they just worked straight away.

Isn't it amazing that fake RAM works without any BIOS tweaks?

As the title says, one stick takes ages to light, I've tried in various slots but to no avail. Once lite it performs fine. It's only for a light show, but I think it should be better quality for the price.

Just satisfying seeing all ram slots filled. Worth it. Plug and play. Synced with the iCue software right away

lmao RGBcels reaping and sowing.

One of the most annoying thing about this RGB ram is the RGB stays on when you PC is in sleep mode! I couldn't find anyway to turn it off! So it forces you to shut down your PC because they are so bright especially if you have a PC in a bedroom!

Glass case PC-cels are the worst. I hate the /r/battlestations trend where the PC tower sits on the desk throwing an RGB lightshow all over the monitors.



WTF is this unicode combo ???

I was trying to html-ify some page I getted and randomly noticed weird ass character (reddit titles) and then I got it down to a list of mostly stupid emojies.

Basically HTML was rendering those fancy quotation marks weirdly so I was just gonna regex replace the most frequent ones.

Then I found this character that just looks like a space.

I tried asking od -X what it was but

printf "___   ___"

was turning into

printf "__ ___"

and it would just glitch out the characters so I just put it in a file and asked it that way..



(i clicked post on the post too early not done yet...)

So then I opened up the file where I have this "character(s)" in and WTF is this and more importantly how does this end up in a reddit title lmfao??

So I opened the file and wrote

The quick brown fox (deleted 3 to change fox to marsey) marsey (newline)
jumped over the slow carp

what is this black magic

rDrama Advent of Code Day 22: Baby It's Cold Outside Edition

Summary for those just joining us:

Advent of Code is an annual Christmas themed coding challenge that runs from December 1st until christmas. Each day the coding problems get progressively harder. We have a leaderboard and pretty good turnout, so feel free to hop in at any time and show your stuff!

Whether you have a single line monstrosity or a beautiful phone book sized stack of OOP code, you can export it in a nice little image for sharing at

What did you think about today's problem?

Our Code is 2416137-393b284c (No need to share your profile, you have the option to join anonymously if you don't want us to see your github)


There is a world where we dig tunnels under federal highways, and stick freight trucks down there. They'd run on a monorail, at 120+ mph. Surface vehicles would be dramatically limited in terms of height, width, and length. Maybe people buses could go down there?

In my imagination these tunnels are, like, 200' down. Like mole people.



(I'm sure it will be fine when the government uses it in airports to track everyone traveling)

Rite Aid has been banned from using facial recognition software for five years, after the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) found that the U.S. drugstore giant's “reckless use of facial surveillance systems” left customers humiliated and put their “sensitive information at risk.”

A Reuters report from 2020 detailed how the drugstore chain had secretly introduced facial recognition systems across some 200 U.S. stores over an eight-year period starting in 2012, with “largely lower-income, non-white neighborhoods” serving as the technology testbed.

With the FTC's increasing focus on the misuse of biometric surveillance, Rite Aid fell firmly in the government agency's crosshairs. Among its allegations are that Rite Aid — in partnership with two contracted companies — created a “watchlist database” containing images of customers that the company said had engaged in criminal activity at one of its stores. These images, which were often poor quality, were captured from CCTV or employees' mobile phone cameras.

When a customer entered a store who supposedly matched an existing image on its database, employees would receive an automatic alert instructing them to take action — and the majority of the time this instruction was to “approach and identify,” meaning verifying the customer's identity and asking them to leave. Often, these “matches” were false positives that led to employees incorrectly accusing customers of wrongdoing, creating “embarrassment, harassment, and other harm,” according to the FTC.

Someone think of the thievorinos!

rDrama Advent of Code Day 21: Home stretch Edition

Summary for those just joining us:

Advent of Code is an annual Christmas themed coding challenge that runs from December 1st until christmas. Each day the coding problems get progressively harder. We have a leaderboard and pretty good turnout, so feel free to hop in at any time and show your stuff!

Whether you have a single line monstrosity or a beautiful phone book sized stack of OOP code, you can export it in a nice little image for sharing at

What did you think about today's problem?

Our Code is 2416137-393b284c (No need to share your profile, you have the option to join anonymously if you don't want us to see your github)

I Work at Micro C - 1985 (Money for Nothing Spoof)
Reported by:
A beginner could not make this. An advanced prompter could not make this. You can actually apply experience and skill to AI art if you want.
rDrama Advent of Code Day 20: Fashionably Late Edition

Summary for those just joining us:

Advent of Code is an annual Christmas themed coding challenge that runs from December 1st until christmas. Each day the coding problems get progressively harder. We have a leaderboard and pretty good turnout, so feel free to hop in at any time and show your stuff!

Whether you have a single line monstrosity or a beautiful phone book sized stack of OOP code, you can export it in a nice little image for sharing at

What did you think about today's problem?

Our Code is 2416137-393b284c (No need to share your profile, you have the option to join anonymously if you don't want us to see your github)

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