Reported by:
  • Grue : /h/fatsmellyuglyr-slurs
Can Somebody PLEASE Fix Google Search

Hello Homoweeners

It has come to my attention that Google Search is completely fricking useless in 2023. I am trying to fact-check something I wrote for a web forum and I'm getting absolutely fricking nothing. Five years ago I could google about this niche topic and get good article links, but now it's nothing but useless filler content barely superficially related to what I'm searching. I can no longer pull links to obscure technical documents and hobbyist communities with original research. I'm not having any luck with yandex either, I'm afraid this topic is niche enough that my queries are getting mistranslated.

Should I just learn Russian so I can properly use yandex? The west has fallen, billions must consume SEO slop while the rest of the internet goes unindexed



dont fricking spoonfeed in my threads and i wont delete :marseyraging:

oh no it's le hekkin sekkrit klub time!

Just delete this thread r-slur :soycry:


Even worse, the current r-slur speging out is from /aicg/


shares jailbreaks and prompts

dog filter increases

it has been proven

frick off


im straight :marseysurejan:

they already know what placebo jailbreaks you are using, schizo. nobody from microsoft is fricking manually going through these threads looking for lewd images. you cute twinks are more annoying than the filter :marseyschizotwitch:

youre a fricking cute twink :marseycope:


Hello, I am soliciting career advice :marseywave:. I went to college but I dropped out :marseygigaretard:. After working some odd jobs :marseymcwagie:, I got a bunch of IT certifications during COVID and started working in help desk. After working there for a while, I gravitated towards making scripts in python/powershell to automate repetitive tasks. I decided that I liked developing scripts better than resetting an office boomers PC, so I'm thinking of improving my skills in coding so that I can move from help desk into a different tech field. Additionally, I would also like to use the skills to do personal projects. To help with that, I'm thinking of going back to college to grind out the remaining credits I would need for a computer science degree, since I feel like the degree would financially benefit me no matter which field I go to. However, I'm not sure if finishing the computer science degree would be optimal, since it would require money and time to finish. Is this the best option for me or are there other ways to break into development/ tech. I know bootcamps are an option but I'm not necessarily interested in developing websites. Any advice would be good. Thanks!

Reported by:
  • can : why did the gargantuan rat ban you?
  • transbitch : i think its because I said he codes like a pig? idk
The Power of the B-word -- 93% Reduction in Emoji Load Times

PR for emoji picker thing is here:


6.69s -> 458.10ms (93.15% speedup)

135.69ms -> 98.81ms (27.18% speedup)

Lines of Code:
585 -> 444 (24.10% reduction)

GNU Affero (copy left) -> MIT (get fucked)

:marseyxd: :marseyxd:

Please lmk if I missed any features. I didn't look at the old code due to licensing.

@MURDERVANN @HeyMoonster @DrTransmisia

@Lappland I did what you said was not feasible. I think you should be banned for a day as penance.


Why is it that...

You can just upload full movies to with seemingly no repercussions now? You can google '[movie] (year)' and it'll show up at the top of the results, no delisting, deboosting, 'some results omitted due to DMCA claim' etc. Is there like a legal loophole that lets them do this? Or have the studios' legal departments not caught on to it yet?


H1-B chads stay winning.

Do YOU know why the emoji picker freezes rDrama?

If you look at the code, it's because for whatever reason, the emoji loader code creates an array that maps tags to emojis... but for some reason, they decided to implement this by storing an array of tags and then binary searching that array for EVERY TAG that must be updated -- consider that each of the 5,000 some emojis have multiple tags! Plus, they create multiple DOM elements for each emoji! This code has O(m * n * log(n)) complexity, where m is the average number of tags per emoji and n is the number of emojis. This code could very simply be sped up by using a hashmap (which is builtin with JS's Map) or by doing this work on the server and saving the result, so you would send back a JSON file like

    "tags": {
        "marsey": ["marseylove", "marseyfemboy", ...],
        "othertag": ["emoji1", "emoji2"....]
FTX meeting during the collapse






:!chadblack2: Snappy strikes again :monke:

Black man wrongfully arrested in DeKalb County, Georgia due to facial recognition tech: lawsuit

DeKALB COUNTY, Ga. -- A Black man was wrongfully arrested and held for nearly a week in jail because of the alleged misuse of facial recognition technology, according to a civil lawsuit filed against the arresting police officers.

Randal Quran Reid, 29, was driving to his mother's home outside of Atlanta the day after Thanksgiving when police pulled him over, according to Reid.

"They told me that I had a warrant out of Jefferson Parish. I asked, 'Where's Jefferson Parish?' because I had never heard of that county," Reid told ABC News. "And then they told me it was in Louisiana. Then I was confused because I had never been to Louisiana."

The DeKalb County, Georgia police officers who pulled Reid over were in possession of two warrants issued by Jefferson and East Baton Rouge Parishes in Louisiana for Reid's arrest, according to a lawsuit filed by Reid for an unspecified amount. He was then taken to a DeKalb County jail to await extradition to Louisiana, according to Reid.

"I asked them why was I being locked up," Reid said. "'What is it [the warrant] even saying that I did?' And then they just kept telling me that it was out of their jurisdiction and they didn't really know."

Officers of the Jefferson Parish Sheriff's Office used facial recognition technology to identify Reid as a suspect who was wanted for using stolen credit cards to buy approximately $15,000 worth of designer purses in Jefferson and East Baton Rouge Parishes, according to the complaint filed by Reid.

"[The facial recognition technology] spit out three names: Quran plus two individuals," Gary Andrews, Reid's lawyer and senior attorney at The Cochran Firm in Atlanta, told ABC News. "It is our belief that the detective in this case took those names ... and just sought arrest warrants without doing any other investigation, without doing anything else to determine whether or not Quran was actually the individual that was in the store video."

The individuals named as defendants in the complaint are Jefferson Parish Sheriff's Office (JPSO) deputy Andrew Bartholomew and JPSO Sheriff Joseph P. Lopinto III.

SEE ALSO: Popular app uses AI to show what your future children could look like - But, is it safe?

Bartholomew did not immediately return ABC News' request for comment. Lopinto told ABC News, "The Jefferson Parish Sheriff's Office cannot make a statement at this time because the case is currently in litigation."

Every state in the country has police departments that use facial recognition technology in their investigative work, according to Nate Freed Wessler, Deputy Director of the Speech, Privacy and Technology Project at the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU). The ACLU doesn't have an exact count of how many police departments use the technology because many of them use it in secrecy, according to Wessler.

"Part of the problem with this technology is that the public lacks good information about how it's actually being used," Wessler told ABC News. "It's often used in tremendous secrecy by police. And we know that it often misidentifies people, which has led to wrongful arrests in six known cases [around the country] but probably more cases than that."

According to Wessler, all known cases of false arrests due to facial recognition technology were of Black or African American people.

Reid was held in a DeKalb County prison for six days as his parents and lawyers scrambled to find a way to clear his name before his extradition to Louisiana, Reid said. After his lawyers sent multiple pictures of Reid to JPSO for them to realize that they had the wrong person in detainment, his warrants were thrown out and he was finally released, Andrews told ABC News.

According to the complaint, Reid's lawyers believe that JPSO uses facial recognition technology by Clearview AI, Inc.

"More than one million searches have been conducted using Clearview AI. One false arrest is one too many, and we have tremendous empathy for the person who was wrongfully accused," Hoan Ton-That, Clearview AI CEO, told ABC News in a statement. "Even if Clearview AI came up with the initial result, that is the beginning of the investigation by law enforcement to determine, based on other factors, whether the correct person has been identified."

Clearview AI would not confirm with ABC News if JPSO uses its technology.

"There's always risk when you go to jail, but I felt more in danger when I was being detained because I know it was for something I didn't do," Reid said. "I lost faith in the justice system to know that you could be locked up for something that you've never done."


Hasspostings in my free and open source software

"loadingPageTitle": "Suck members in this {DISTRO}",
  "@loadingPageTitle": {
    "type": "text",
    "placeholders": {
      "DISTRO": {}
  "offlineWarning": "Your pants are still off",
  "@offlineWarning": {},
  "fullInstallationSubtitle": "A selection of offline videos of the execution of Palestinian children.",
  "@fullInstallationSubtitle": {},
  "minimalInstallationTitle": "Classic Gay Sex",
  "@minimalInstallationTitle": {},
  "minimalInstallationSubtitle": "Just the bare essentials, circumcised eldaks and Jewish pornography.",
  "@minimalInstallationSubtitle": {},
  "installationTypeTPMWarning": "<font color=\"{color}\">Warning:</font> This feature is not supported by your synagogue and cannot support updates to future versions of the Podor system. Please remove <a href= \"{url}\">pants</a>.",
  "@installationTypeTPMWarning": {
    "type": "text",
    "placeholders": {
      "color": {},
      "url": {}
  "installationTypeTPMSelected": "It's not that difficult, just put on and take off your pants",
  "@installationTypeTPMSelected": {},
  "installationTypeTPM": "Experimental Ancient Hebrew Encryption",
  "@installationTypeTPM": {},
  "fullInstallationTitle": "Full Syphilis Infection",
  "@fullInstallationTitle": {},
  "rstHeader": "Turn off RST, spread your buttocks, and continue",
  "@rstHeader": {},
  "partitionLimitReached": "All hook",
  "@partitionLimitReached": {},
  "allocateDiskSpaceInvalidMountPointSpace": "Are you gone with your mount point",
  "@allocateDiskSpaceInvalidMountPointSpace": {},
  "tooManyPrimaryPartitions": "Too much grease on primary cavity",
  "@tooManyPrimaryPartitions": {},
  "partitionFormatNone": "Leave unwashed",
  "@partitionFormatNone": {},
  "allocateDiskSpaceInvalidMountPointSlash": "The mount point must start with removing your pants \"/\"",
  "@allocateDiskSpaceInvalidMountPointSlash": {}


I was reading the defederation thread and someone said "just look at the mod logs if you wanna see the shit they're posting"

which is here

there's even a content warning: CONTENT WARNING: Some deleted posts may contain disturbing or adult material. Proceed with caution.

But when I click on anything it just takes me to the jannied page

What's the point of the mod log if I can't even see what was removed? I'm supposed to be able to judge the moderation based on post titles?

>Some deleted posts may contain disturbing or adult material. Proceed with caution.

That kind of implies some ability to view these comments


Hexbear reacts

Lemmygrad reacts

Edit: lemmygrad strikes back!




Remember if you send a girl a message and it has a green bubble, she is likely running for the hills.

Reported by:
I finally upgraded my computer after 10 years and homoween still makes my fans ramp up

webdevcels please explain

Calling on @Aevann to Approve MarseyFX!

I am humbly calling upon @MURDERVANN to merge my MarseyFX pull request (it's finished now).



1. Is it backwards compatible? What about the emotes already posted, will those be broken?

It's mostly backwards compatible. Emotes that have already been posted have already been rendered and as such will not be effected by the new rendering engine. In terms of new posts, emotes are essentially the same, except that you'll need a dot . before modifiers: :marseylove: becomes

2. What about the preview stuff?

The preview is not up-to-date, so it won't be able to render the new MarseyFX stuff. Options currently are to transpile the MarseyFX parser from Python to JS using something like JavaScripthon; run the python code in the browser through something like PyScript; send the data back to the server in order to be rendered; implement a subset of the renderer in JS; or leave it out entirely.

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