American :marseyhealthy: codecels :marseywebshit: seething :marseybeanbigmad: because FAANGs now only hire Indian :marseychudindian: and Chinesecels at 80 cents :marseypiggybank: on the dollar :marseysamhyde2:

H1-B chads stay winning.

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:marseypearlclutch: I liked it when low skill third world labour stole blue collar jobs, I can't believe it happened to me too! :marseypearlclutch2:

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Who could have seen this coming except everyone who nooticed US worker quality going down but expectations going up at the same time.

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" "Dey turk our jerbs!" haha chud if you can lose your job to an illiterate Mexican then you didn't deserve it in the first place!" :soyjakanimeglasses::soysnoo::bigsmilesoyjak:

Leftcels lose jobs to AI and curryBIPOCs :soymad::soyjakhipster::soyjakferal::soyjakfront::soymario:

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is there a soy version of this?

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this, probably

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reddit dot com slash arr slash technology

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You know 100% these kids relish in calling the fent fandom lazy and saying they need to learn to code :#marseyfloyd:

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Duh. This has been said for years but libs infected the computer science field

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I remember a decade ago when Silicon Valley pointed out that 25% of tech workers were Indiancels. Now it feels :marseyfeelsgood: like 75%.

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wasn't southpark's complaint about hard-working Americans replacing hips? I guess the soycells didn't think it would happen to them

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Only a boring idiot codecel would want to work for FAAGN thinking they'll get the high pay and soul crush grind.

Get clearance, work contractor for gov, make $$$$ for nothing.

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How tough is getting into that?

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The trick with it is that you can't get the clearance until someone is already hiring you for a position. I once started a government contract, and our entire team got laid off after less than one month, and it takes about 3 months for your forms to process with OPM. They called me a month later for my background check and I said, well I got laid off, but is it ok if we just finish this anyway so I can apply for other jobs? They were like no, sorry, talk to you some other time and hung up.

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You should've lied

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They really might not have figured it out if I had.

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Helps to have some background experience prior.

In terms of clearance, its laughably easy. Absolute shit flinging r-slurs can get secret. Which might be tightening up now after we had that kid leak military docs on his groomercord lmao.

But contract companies, depending on the company can sometimes just hire and sponsor anybody because they need warm bodies to fill the contracts they won.

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Which might be tightening up now after we had that kid leak military docs on his groomercord lmao.

Nothing happened after Chelsea except intel dorks could no longer take their mass storage devices into the SCIF

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and our yearly FOUO training gets ten minutes longer.

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What's your MOS and where :marseydrama: are you stationed and your name and rank?

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I'm a contractor not a boot lol

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Starting from base with an engineering degree in a relevant field, how much time would this take, would you reckon?

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How much time for what? The clearance or getting job worthy?

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I would assume the two are related. Let's go with job.

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Somewhat, its just each have their own time delays.

As for job, I don't know what specifically in engineering you have, but im assuming involving computers. I'm also going to be assuming you just went through the uni with nothing extra.

If you have 0 work experience the contractor/gov jobs you'll have to go for will be entry level and the pay for that will be around the 60k-70k range.

To find the right job, as in, its with a company that isn't trying to grind you into dust and or are revolving doors, it will take you roughly six months depending how much job searching you do and interacting with recruiters who will all be hitting you up trying to find you a place to fulfill empty spots in their contract. Because contract companies lose money ultimately when they win a contract but dont have enough workers for all the spots.

In my old job my PM got fired because she would fill any and all slots with people who were unqualified for the job.

Now you don't have to sift through months to find the "right on" and just pick whatever job ranging from being a password reset monkey or a little better, a test engineer.

This will also depend how you've tailored your resume and sell yourself on your skills, especially going from entry to journeyman and perhaps something more serious than the entry stuff you would have been doing.

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Excellent, thank you. I have to bootstrap a career, and this was very helpful.

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Glad I could help, lemme know if you need more info :#marseyblep3:

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Not one single person is gonna read all that

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I graduated from college with a CS degree in 2001. There was no FAANG back then. The top graduates in my college wanted to work for Microsoft. We had a similar tech bloodbath going on back then, there were massive layoffs among tech startups, but most of us weren't even trying to work for silicon valley anyway. All the little companies had their own programmers back then. I was applying for every job I could find locally, and eventually ended up working in IT at my state university. I feel for the kids who thought the 250K salaries for web development were a permanent situation, and I hope they all find some place to work, but having to work your way up from the bottom is normal and any programmers who aren't outright geniuses should expect that that is how shit works in this world.

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What's FAANG?

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Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Netflix, Google

Nervous tryhards and r-slurred wanna be program managers consider these to be the holy grail of software dev jobs.

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If you add Microsoft you get STRAGMAN which is more funny.

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Acronym for the 5 companies that everyone graduating wanted a job at circa 2018, probably outdated now, but you still see the term all the time. Facebook, Apple, Amazon, Netflix, Google. They used to be the five most valuable tech companies by market cap.

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The truth is most of these people that were laid off or that are struggling to find a job suck. A lot of the people laid off were underperformers. Most companies hired like crazy when tech stocks were booming, and they hired a lot of people that are just bad at their jobs because they were lacking better candidates at the time, or at least that's what happened where I work. I won't shed a tear when they get rid of the dead weight. They cry because they can't find a job where they can get paid 200k to jerk off all day anymore.

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A lot of the people where :marseydrama: I work were RIFed and never :marseyitsover: actually :marseyakshually: in the office. It was a lot of underperformers like you said and directors with bloated salaries. I really :marseythinkorino2: should :marseynorm: just post this stuff on blind.

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Honestly seems like uni-maxxing and going to a $50k/yr school is a scam when you can get a cozy $80k/yr entry-level codecel job w/ a mid state school degree.

Making $200k/yr is sick but I'm not sure you should bet the house on it - especially if you're a white man in 2023

Follower of Christ :marseyandjesus: Tech lover, IT Admin, heckin pupper lover and occasionally troll. I hold back feelings or opinions, right or wrong because I dislike conflict.

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Here's the funny thing, it doesn't take a prestigious college to get into FAANG

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Why tf would you even bother then.

Follower of Christ :marseyandjesus: Tech lover, IT Admin, heckin pupper lover and occasionally troll. I hold back feelings or opinions, right or wrong because I dislike conflict.

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To rub elbows with all the well-connected faculty and students?

If you aren't networking, then it really doesn't matter where you go to school.

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being around smart people is developmental

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:marseyshrug: prestige? It's probably easier to get into FAANG, but I and several classmates broke into FAANGM from a pretty standard state school in the midwest. I graduated with a total debt load of $27,000 after 4 years.

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It's called STRAGMAN

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:marseysmug2: he doesn't know it's just MAGA now

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Anyone unironically going :marseysalmaid: into debt for college :marseylonghorn: is straight r-slurred. My local CC offers a bachelors in cs at 8k a year lmfao

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If you arent getting paid to attend college :marseymcwagie: then youre doing it wrong.

:!marseybarrel: :marseybarreldrunk:

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Unless you actually have a lot of experience, the $200k+ jobs are basically only for super expensive living areas like Silicon Valley anyway.

Then again you could just sleep in your car for a few years...

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@MURDERVANN paywalled article

r*pe him,,, NOW

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Just use printfriendly

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Learn to weld

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Further proof the gender pay gap doesn't fricking exist because if it did they'd be hiring women for 76 cents on the dollar

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you could start an entire company just hiring underpaid women.

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But nothing would ever get done? One spider in the office and they'd all take a mental health week.

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