I know you all kind of forgot about this but the room temperature superconductor is real and it's happening and the russian catgirl is going to release information showing zero resistance tomorrow

Proof she's based.

sci thread

Some gay-butt EE nerd posted something in there:

>I just talked to iris_IGB on twitter and I don't find her answers convincing. I am a researcher and have got a PhD in electrical engineering and magnetic materials, so I happen to know a bit about the measurement. To me, Iris is either an extremely erratic genius, or completely a troll.

>She measured the voltage across the sample ( I assume is a loop ) after a pulsing external magnetic field and said the voltage was zero. I mentioned that an easier way to measure very small resistance in a potentially superconducting loop is not to directly measure the voltage, but measure the magnetic field generated by the current, and see if it decays exponentially over time. The time constant of decay should be tau = L/R, where L is the inductance of the loop, and R is the resistance of the loop. The more conductive the ring is, the larger tau you should get. If the ring is superconducting, the tau is infinite, which means you can keep the current flow indefinitely. Although the current does not generate any significant voltage drop, it generates Oersted field. The presence of the current can be measured by a sensitive magnetic field sensor, or simply a compass, which should be readily available. And we can do a control experiment with copper loop of a similar shape to show a much smaller tau.

>However, she didn't seem to understand me and accused me of not reading her previous posts and my method only works for bulk superconductors, while LK-99 is 1D superconductor, and the shape of the conductive loop of a 1D superconductor is undefined.

>As I explained that to argue the sample contains any superconducting parts, we have to either isolate the superconducting phase and measure it, or measure the overall resistivity of the material, and it has to be much smaller than any known material at room temperature, like copper, to argue that this material is special. Otherwise, the resistivity jump people observed might just be a structural transition. At this stage, we can assume the LK-99 sample conducts uniformly within the loop and calculate the overall resistivity. If it is much smaller than copper, that should be very interesting.

>This time, she claimed this was exactly what she was doing, and gave additional comments: " I let it heat up and once magnetic field disappears - it's the point". I don't understand her point. I assume "once" means "instantaneously" but not sure. I explained that in her previous tweets she never explained this important measurement in detail, and encouraged her to upload more details of her work.

>But then she became mad and accused me of my "clown behavior" and threatened to block me.

>As a researcher, I think I have been kind and reasonable from the very beginning. Her erratic responses make me uncomfortable and also reduce her credibility as a legitimate source.


>didn't post the promised arxiv preprint

>stopped posting more pictures

>gets increasingly erratic when asked by actual experts

>a lot of extraordinary claims with barely any evidence that can be easily given in the first place

>posts way too much on twitter

What a straggot :marseylaugh: Cope about it more, b-word


Reported by:
Applebros, we got cocky :marseyitsover::marseycope::marseydead:

Title: READ ME FOR INFO ON THE BUTT WHO POSTED the "How to make Money Post"


This post was NOT posted by "Debra Corcoran@an662107" it was actually posted from Hmmm... they provide newsgroups for AOHell don't they>>??

Seems he changed the "reply to" address to one of an innocent person.

That's alot lower than the SPAM he posted was. It was a crappy pyramid scheme.

His Email: m****....@*.com AND m**....@***

His Real Name - Mike Dionis

His Home Address:

10210 Sunny Lake Place

Cockeysville, MD 21030

His Home Phone:


Call or write -

Let him know what you think!!!!!


David Nevaranta wrote:

Please do not use offensive language on the internet.


David Nevaranta wrote:

Please do not use offensive language on the internet.

james brooks


Please learn how not send multiple copies to the same group.


Billy Bob wrote:

I agree, Using un-Offensive language is MORE Important than learning how NOT to send multiple copies. Maybe they NEED to read it twice, so it will sink in that we do NOT like Potty talk on the Internet

!soren !schizomaxxxers !BIPOCs !ranchers discuss


Murdoch and Musk. They knew it wasn't about the baseball. Two of the world's most powerful men.

An off the record conversation.

This is what elites conspiring looks like, and it's a little sad and pathetic, frankly. I hope Murdoch was coaching the young idiot. I hope Murdoch referred to Musk as "son." I hope Musk had the good sense to take that affectation.

Musk is like way fricked up because he understands that the media empire is power but he doesn't know what makes a media empire powerful so he's just lurching around. He thinks he can steer american politics but he is simply yanked around by it.

Reported by:
  • Redactor0 : Worse than Storefront, I'm officially quitting rdrama

lukas mariman

20/08/1999 20:02:002 UTC

I don't know about you people, but I have had quite enough of Joe Parrington AKA "Tyrell1999" and his abusive behavior and downright intolerable rudeness.

I can personally testify for at least one newcomer to this ng who decided not to post again because of that moron. (You can quote me on that, BTW.)

Rather than wasting my energy on that dubious character, I have decided to try out my newreader's handy little "killfile" feature. This way, thankfully, I will not have to read any more of that person's "contributions to the BR community". I propose that everyone who agrees with me does the same.

Our lives will be much better... :-)

Now that I'm finished with that subject, on to Blade Runner...


Lukas Mariman



david spiro

20/08/1999 00:00:000 UTC

Sigh.........Just another beautiful day in the Usenet neighborhood............


David Spiro EMT-P

"I'm not in the business. I am the business"

Liver transplant - 8/1/97



I don't know about you people

Too true.

but I have had quite enough of Joe Parrington AKA "Tyrell1999" and his abusive behavior and downright intolerable rudeness.

Oh Lukas quit with the theatrics. There are actually REAL Blade Runner fans on this NG that get sick of self-appointed police men like yourself and your fellow thugs trying to lead the battle cry.

I can personally testify for at least one newcomer to this ng who decided not to post again because of that moron. (You can quote me on that, BTW.)

Oh wow can we? A total of 1? Would you like to back track to real fans that actually do something for BR like Gerry K. at Blade Zone that got sick of people such as yourself slamming me back in the Workprint days?

Rather than wasting my energy on that dubious character

Did you have to look up the word "dubious" or did you know it ahead of time? And you in fact are wasting your time with this post. So you make a lot of sense.

I have decided to try out my newreader's handy little "killfile" feature. This way, thankfully, I will not have to read any more of that person's "contributions"

Excellent. Some people might call it not sticking your nose where it isn'twanted, which if you had practiced in the first place you wouldn't have the problem.

I propose that everyone who agrees with me does the same. Our lives will be much better... :-)

Ah, there you go again speaking for people's lives Lukas. Worry about your own. People don't have to read a thread like mine if they don't want to and people don't have to stick their nose into other's business and cause problems in the first place.

Now that I'm finished with that subject, on to Blade Runner...

Yeah you're were finished quite some time ago. Lukas you have to a little more crediblity with people before you try to lead them somewhere or to do something. Just go sit in the corner of the NG and be quiet like a good little boy.

eberhard schefold

20/08/1999 17:20:27 UTC

I don't know about you people, but I have had quite enough of Joe

Parrington AKA "Tyrell1999" and his abusive behavior and downright

intolerable rudeness. [...]

I couldn't agree more to your description. This person has serious problems.

Rather than wasting my energy on that dubious character, I have decided to

try out my newreader's handy little "killfile" feature. This way,

thankfully, I will not have to read any more of that person's

"contributions to the BR community".

That is an appropriate suggestion. Personally, I don't use killfiles but I will ignore this person's postings just the same.

Now that I'm finished with that subject, on to Blade Runner...

Yes, let's!


22/08/1999 17:33:23 UTC

Who cares if you've had enough Lukas....its only a NG for christs sake. Who appointed you as the policeman (or the Eldon Tyrell ;-) of this group ??? I got the workprint off Tyrell so he's alright with me no matter what he does.... Lighten up Lukas.....switch the computer off or something. ITS ONLY A NG - its really not that important!!!


@ponyblaze !soren !schizomaxxxers discuss





Deep-learning language models have shown promise in various biotechnological applications, including protein design and engineering. Here we describe ProGen, a language model that can generate protein sequences with a predictable function across large protein families, akin to generating grammatically and semantically correct natural language sentences on diverse topics. The model was trained on 280 million protein sequences from >19,000 families and is augmented with control tags specifying protein properties. ProGen can be further fine-tuned to curated sequences and tags to improve controllable generation performance of proteins from families with sufficient homologous samples. Artificial proteins fine-tuned to five distinct lysozyme families showed similar catalytic efficiencies as natural lysozymes, with sequence identity to natural proteins as low as 31.4%. ProGen is readily adapted to diverse protein families, as we demonstrate with chorismate mutase and malate dehydrogenase.

That's pretty crazy and I'm not nervous at all


Bravo Jonathan


Community FOSS PCBs and prototypes :marseyshook: :marseychemist2:

Similar to thingaverse

for 3D printers and CNC. PCBway has a community platform for PCB designs and chipsets that allow you to automatically order any popular product to be manufactured at will :marsey: :marseythebuilder:

This is really cool for modding game consoles, hobby electronics, DIY or home automation without globohomo IOT data mining. Very useful :marseywave2: My relative is an electrician and raves about it being an amazing company.

Just wanted to make sure people here were aware of these resources for any fellow hobbyist :marseylove:

!chuds !nonchuds APPLY YOURSELVES :marseyannoyed:

HashiCorp adopts Business Source License; Seethe abounds (for good reason) :marseybeanangry:

Between August 23, 1999, and October 27, 1999, James committed a series of intrusions into various systems, including those of BellSouth and the Miami-Dade school system.[4] What brought him to the attention of federal authorities, however, was his intrusion into the computers of the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA), a division of the United States Department of Defense, the primary function of which is to analyze potential threats to the United States of America, both at home and abroad. James later admitted to authorities that he had installed an unauthorized backdoor in a computer server in Dulles, Virginia, which he used to install a sniffer that allowed him to intercept over three thousand messages passing to and from DTRA employees, along with numerous usernames and passwords of other DTRA employees, including at least 10 on official military computers.[1]

It was later revealed that the precise software obtained was the International Space Station's source code controlling critical life-sustaining elements. According to NASA, "the software supported the International Space Station's physical environment, including control of the temperature and humidity within the living space."[5]

On January 17, 2008, department store chain TJX was the victim of a massive computer systems intrusion that compromised the personal and credit information of millions of customers. The same ring of hackers also committed intrusions on BJ's Wholesale Club, Boston Market, Barnes & Noble, Sports Authority, Forever 21, DSW, OfficeMax, and Dave & Buster's, and reportedly made a millionaire out of the group's ringleader, Albert Gonzalez. Though he denied having done anything, James—who was friends with some of the hackers involved—was investigated by the Secret Service, who raided James', his brother's, and his girlfriend's houses. Although they apparently discovered no connection to the intrusion, they did discover a legally owned firearm, which they did not take, and notes indicating he had considered killing himself; James' father would later say that his son had been prone to depression. The criminal complaint filed against the TJX hackers mention an additional, unnamed conspirator who was not indicted, who is identified only by the initials "J.J.". In 2004, this co-conspirator assisted one of the hackers in stealing credit card numbers, account numbers, and encrypted PINs from an OfficeMax store via Wi-Fi. These numbers were later allegedly provided to Albert Gonzalez, for whom "J.J." also opened a mail drop. James's father believes "J.J." to have been his son.[3] However, it is plausible that the initials "J.J." may in fact have been referring to "Jim Jones", a (hacker) alias believed to be used by Stephen Watt who was a close friend of computer hacker and criminal Albert Gonzalez.[8]

On May 18, 2008, Jonathan James was found dead in his shower with a self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head. His suicide was allegedly motivated by the belief that he would be prosecuted for crimes he had not committed. "I honestly, honestly had nothing to do with TJX," James wrote in his suicide note, "I have no faith in the 'justice' system. Perhaps my actions today, and this letter, will send a stronger message to the public. Either way, I have lost control over this situation, and this is my only way to regain control."[3]

People not happy about :marseytunaktunak: using chatgpt en masse



Total:marseyhacker: victory
The github-drama repo has been jannied :platyseethe:




The developer finally grew a spine and realized he didn't want to do it for free. So he added some code to his library (SponsorLink) that runs in your IDE, reads your .gitconfig, checks if your email address is registered as a sponsor, and possibly slows down your build if it's not.

Reddit reactions:

I wonder if anyone at Microsoft uses this internally 😂 Hope they get their emails harvested

The Github issue and Reddit threads on this are pretty calm. Maybe there will be more drama in the coming days/weeks, when companies forbid their employees from using this library, and code monkeys have to rewrite all their unit tests. Redditards are trying to reportmaxx SponsorLink but nothing has happened yet.

Where is kiwiflare's source code


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