

Is AI The Future of Statement Analysis w/ Mark McClish and Mark Carson?

🔍 Welcome to the future of deception detection with Deceptio.AI! In this exclusive interview, join us as we delve into the revolutionary AI-powered Statement Analyzer developed by Mark McClish and Mark Carson. Discover how this cutting-edge tool is transforming truth verification and deception detection beyond law enforcement applications.

🧠 Deceptio.AI takes language analysis to new heights, utilizing state-of-the-art AI to identify potential deception and suggest follow-up questions for deeper insights. Early feedback indicates its potential in revolutionizing investigations across industries.

💼 Unlocking New Possibilities: Deceptio.AI extends to the hiring process, where recruiters can evaluate candidates' trustworthiness and suitability. The tool aids in analyzing written content, uncovering deception signs and streamlining recruitment for sensitive positions.

🔎 In-Depth Interview Analysis: Learn how Deceptio.AI serves as a powerful post-interview analysis tool, identifying crossed-off words, deception points, and guiding follow-up questioning.

🌟 A User-Friendly Experience: Access the Statement Analyzer on Deceptio.AI's website and receive a probability score for statement truthfulness. Key deceptive keywords are highlighted with relevant explanations.

🗣 Beyond Words: Delve into the power of Deceptio.AI's language analysis, identifying inconsistencies in pronoun use, time-related expressions, and deceptive number preferences.

💡 Unravel The Truth: Discover how follow-up questions play a crucial role in detecting potential deception and unearthing valuable undisclosed information.

🔄 Continuously Evolving: Deceptio.AI is continuously refined based on user feedback, ensuring constant improvement. Experience the tool's capabilities with a free trial period on the official website.

🕵️‍♂️ Don't miss this game-changing conversation! Explore the future of deception detection with Deceptio.AI and its diverse applications in investigations and truth verification.

:marseyhacker: :marseyhacker2::marsey4chan::capyhacker::marseyanon::marseygreytide::marseywebshit::carphacker:


more seethe


Fricking magnets :marseyjuggalo:

Reported by:
Pause Random Superconductor Experiments: An Open Letter

This is your daily LK-99 update. Basically this letter is making fun of AI regulators etcetc

Also there have been some more developments in LK-99. Basically more and more people are replicating it :marseysleep: The existence of overbros confuses me at this point, :marseyconfused: like take the L lol


!codecels !jannies !commies !schizomaxxxers @A @HeyMoon discuss


!codecels I've been pushed to the point of fed posting by jewoogle deciding what notifications I can and can't disable but also can't be bothered to fire up adb every time I want to dismiss a "security" notification.

I have root access running android 12.

Imaginary Property Is The Mark Of A Dysfunctional Society

The Intellectual Property Laws we live under must be regarded as a blight upon the nation. It r-slurs our spiritual progression.

Schizocel gets groomed :marseygroomer2: by a Linux :marseypenguin: janny :marseyjanny:

>be schizocel

>be 10 years old

>acquire schizocomputer

>decide Windows XP no longer does the needful

>install (((Ubuntu)))

>install hundreds of random games from their App Store, click install on every game I see

>play this game idk the name and forget what it was about all I remember is it had a chat and usernames and shit and u could talk to people

>see this neighbor named "server admin", join game he is hosting

>do not rlly understand computers, know serving is a tennis thing but do not know what admin is

>remember someone at school talking about administrative staff so conclude that admin is a type of teacher and a server admin is a tennis coach

>converse with server admin, talk to him about tennis

>ask if he plays with Legos

>he says no, he is 19, too old for legos

>have conversation about other shit I don't remember

>plan to converse with him again at specified time after school the next schizoday

>next schizoday, mention to schizoparents I plan to converse with stranger on internet after school

>schizoparents find this to be unneedful, suspect that the tennis coach is a groomer, say I am not allowed to talk to strangers on the internet

>schizodad goes through all my games on computer tryna find chat log, cannot find the needful as I had hundreds of schizogames

True story, happened schizodecade ago

!soren !schizomaxxxers !codecels @gsa @grizzly @RitalinRx @gaslighter discuss

Nerd cries because Musk stole his Twitter username

@A You broke links to Orange Site as well


if you fall for this you should be killed.


(Daily Mail) Janitor pulls the plug on storage freezer in New York lab to stop incessant beep - but also destroys DECADES worth of science research worth $1million

  • An unnamed custodian allegedly unplugged a freezer containing cell cultures, samples and other elements to further analyze photosynthesis

  • The sudden temperature change 'compromised, destroyed and rendered unsalvageable' the majority of the specimens

  • Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute is seeking an unspecified amount of damages from the third-party contractor

A janitor - apparently fed up with a constant beeping coming from a freezer at a New York lab - allegedly shut it down for some peace and quiet but in the process also destroyed $1million worth of research.

The unnamed custodian from Daigle Cleaning Services was working at the Cogswell Building at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy, New York, on the night of September 17, 2020, when he said he heard 'annoying alarms'.

He opened an electrical box and shut off the circuit breaker, a lawsuit filed in Rensselaer County court claims, sending the temperatures inside the freezer to jump from negative 112 degrees Fahrenheit to negative 25.6 degrees Fahrenheit.

The move caused damages believed to be at least $1million, but the university is seeking an unspecified amount of money in the lawsuit against the janitor's third-party contractor.

'A majority of specimens were compromised, destroyed and rendered unsalvageable, demolishing more than 20 years of research,' the lawsuit says.

The freezer alarm had been triggered by a mechanical malfunction that stopped the unit from maintaining a constant temperature, according to the lawsuit,

Repairs for the freezer — which held cell cultures, samples and other elements to further analyze photosynthesis to improve solar panel development — had been scheduled for September 21.

In the meantime, the suit argued, a letter hung on the freezer explaining the source of the alarm, with instructions on how to silence it.

'This freezer is beeping as it is under repairs,' the sign reportedly said in all capital letters. 'Please do not move or unplug it.

'No cleaning required in this area,' the letter continued. 'You can press the alarm/test mute button for five to 10 seconds if you would like to mute the sound.'

But the cleaner has claimed to public safety officers on campus that he thought he was flipping the circuit breaker on.

'People's behavior and negligence caused all this,' RPI's attorney Michael Ginsberg told the Albany Times Union. 'Unfortunately, they wiped out 25 years worth of research.'

Ginsberg added it would cost an estimated $1million to replicate the work under Professor KV Lakshmi, a professor of chemistry and chemical biology.

Daigle Cleaning Services, meanwhile, had a $1.4million contract with the school to clean facilities during the fall 2020 semester.


Of course they did. Powerjannies have no backbone except to powertrip on the only thing they have in their pathetic little lives, Reddit.

Also lmao Reddit won a phyrric victory at best


Orange Site



edit: thread theme:

Can one of the admins add me on the rdrama git?




[dead] Most men live lives of quiet desperation, but I'm not one of them

1 point by davix55 28 minutes ago | flag | unvouch | hide | past | favorite

There's a lot of ways to give meaning to life. You can get married, have pets, get the job of your dreams, you fill your time with cheap dopamine, you can have many acquaintances you call friends who are just as average as you - that should feel familiar enough to know you are enough.

But to find true meaning you have to know the real you. I have many traits, many masks. The mask of fear, the one of smarts, the mask of joy, but in the rare glimpses where I can be the real me, I am a dreamer, I can build realities in my head and believe in them with all my heart without ever knowing if they will be real. I can imagine worlds and even see them, I can live 1000 lives in my head, and I have, but how can the real me in a dream world? Conventional wisdom doesn't interest me, nor conventional pathways in life. I always believed I was a teenager rebelling against his parents, a poor boy trying to be rich or at least make enough money to buy new shoes, never knowing that that's the real me. I don't quit. I don't give up. When I set my mind to it, I make it happen. What I haven't realized is that the power of the universe is infinite and all anyone has to do is feel, understand and dream. That and work your butt off. There's a famous saying: millionaires don't believe in astrology, only billionaires do. I want to be me more than I want to be rich, because once that happens, peace will follow.

I have a very important interview tomorrow and I practiced with a friend, asked around, prepared, I did prepare. I prepared more than I usually do, that's how I know I'll get it. But something was missing. When talking about the team I automatically thought that I have no achievements and my employees do. So I put some phases in CHATGPT to see what it comes up with. It was pretty good, but the word that kept repeating was “nonconventional”.

And I am. After a lot of preparation, thinking about the go to market and whatnot I almost forgot the most important: be me. I'm a maverick, a square peg in a round hole, I'll never fit in, and why would I? The moment I'm close to fitting in I get bored because I'm an infinite learner fascinated by human behavior. At every party I have fun because I observe people, it's like a TV show. I look through the eyes of my persona and see how people see me, but when I look into the eyes of my persona it is hard to understand my achievements because all that matters is the next one and while biggest one hasn't happened yet: being myself.

Funny that I said "every party". I don't go to parties because I'm not invited. I'm not invited because I don't answer people when they call, I don't text back or when I do text I just say "ok".

Is a person defined by the actions they take, the feelings they feel, the words they say, the lives they live, personality traits? The problem with finding the real me is what makes up a "me".

For me, a person is defined by their actions so can I define myself by my actions? Most men live lives of quiet desperation, but I'm not one of them. I am chasing my dream, I prolonged the chase so I didn't reach the goal because the goal was always to be myself and there's nothing more scary. Until now. Regardless of the interview, I will be me, the real me and more than enough to succeed.

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