
>i have become unsafe, destroyer of production

Reported by:
>VMs are safe
ultra memetics

history is where the deep memes are stored

the deep memes are pulled out and wielded by the historian class

strong historian tells a strong story about a man called Oppenheimer

so that we can remember what it was like to feel the fear

that the Germans might soon have the bomb

like the film or hate it, it is a necromancy-of-the-light. so the memes become the form of the living dead. praise be to the lord.

I am here to tell a history, a recent one. I'll tell it in stages, and at intervals. Today I want to begin with


nowadays one takes for granted the anti-corporate politics. it took leftists to tell the truth which simply became known. the right would prefer not to know. even now the right lives in denial rather than purpose. this is a problem. they must be rallied.

but for those of us who grew up in the 90s, the Millennials, there was a time when people sided with corporations! serious people! who were taken seriously!

to some extent we must all be those people, because we are so aware that there are only people in those corporations. this can be true, and it can also be true that people who act on behalf of money become meat suits for that money.


Project Dartlang

It's west coast time in California as Lars Bak and Kasper Lund decide to make a name for themselves as fools and inflict the world with another programming language. These two people never seemed to adequately understand why people did not in fact want Google to embed its own vm in its browser for its own language in one of many naked attempts to grab power on the web. Many have sought to conquer the web. But the web lives on.

Lars Bak: It's just that Javascript sucks so much.

Kasper Lung: And Dart has features!

This went on for a long time. The chrome team won that political battle and the dart vm was never put into the browser. The value proposition for dart was always dubious.

This didn't stop people from falling for it. Thus was the hatred of Javascript.

Today Javascript is safely locked away. Below the surface. You can barely hear it, but it's there.



Another developer has decided that it is time to give the users what they do not want in the name of Google.


The time i met Bimothy

I met Bimothy at a coding meetup

SlimothyJash: "Hey, you're Bimothy, right?"

Bimothy: "Hi, I'm Bimothy."

SlimothyJash: "They say we make a great coding duo!"

Bimothy: "Hi, I'm Bimothy."

SlimothyJash: "Let's discuss my Node.js ideas."

Bimothy: "Hi, I'm Bimothy."

Our coding discussions blend humor and expertise, leaving an impression on everyone. And from that day on, "Hi, I'm Bimothy" becomes Bimothy's signature catchphrase.

Reported by:
:marseyitsbimothy2: [Poll] Will 2027 be the year of the OpenSolaris desktop?


cant believe elon completely btfo wayland

that is all


It's another Bong L today due to the passing of the National Security Act 2023 that requires companies to clear messaging apps with The Home Office first (presumably so they can crack/backdoor them). Those peepeepics won't steal themselves.

The act is an expansion of The Investigatory Powers Act 2016, which famously required ISPs to keep a plaintext record of all of its customers' browsing history, but not if they were Members of Parliament. Too important eh! :marseywink:

Apple says:

It would not make changes to security features specifically for one country that would weaken a product for all users.

Some changes would require issuing a software update so could not be made secretly

The proposals "constitute a serious and direct threat to data security and information privacy" that would affect people outside the UK.

!britbongs, look at us ruining it for everyone else again!

Of course, this will go :marseysal: nowhere in two weeks, nothing will happen, iMessage will stay up as it is and the UK Government won't do shit (Apple is unironically richer than them), such is life.

Reported by:


Linux vs BSD is one of the funniest and most hilarious meme fights I see these days.

Overall i think though that Linux OP was a bit of /r/lostredditors here because he came unprepared


Dumbest takes:

Compelled vaccination is against the Nuremburg code. Compelled medical experiments are crime against humanity. Have you no ethics?

The vaccine was totally like one of Mengele's experiments :soycry:

There's nothing saying the next fuhrer won't try to criminalize homosexuality, like the attacks on transgender people.

Government should not exist in case a bad person gets elected :brainletchair:

If someone is proposing forced asylums you have got to grapple with the fact that Florida legislature considers being transgender a mental disorder

Men in dresses are indistinguishable from mentally ill drug addicts :brainletchest:

Despite repeated warnings over a decade, a steady flow of email traffic continues to the .ML domain, the country identifier for Mali, as a result of people mistyping .MIL, the suffix to all US military email addresses.

The problem was first identified almost a decade ago by Johannes Zuurbier, a Dutch Internet entrepreneur who has a contract to manage Mali’s country domain.

Zuurbier has been collecting misdirected emails since January in an effort to persuade the US to take the issue seriously. He holds close to 117,000 misdirected messages—almost 1,000 arrived on Wednesday alone. In a letter he sent to the US in early July, Zuurbier wrote: “This risk is real and could be exploited by adversaries of the US.”

Funniest part of the story. They're reporting this one instance, but they have been doing this consistently FOR A DECADE.



:marseytunaktunak: seem to be on board at least

Running bark ai with pytorch 2 on a rx580 2048SP 8gb

Bark is an AI text to speech generator

WARN: You will NOT be able to run the full sized model with this card, you need 12gb of VRAM for that. You can however use the small model

Following the guide here you can get the last supported version of rocm installed

sudo echo ROC_ENABLE_PRE_VEGA=1 >> /etc/environment
sudo echo HSA_OVERRIDE_GFX_VERSION=8.0.3 >> /etc/environment
# reboot

sudo apt install ./amdgpu-install_5.4.50403-1_all.deb
sudo amdgpu-install -y --usecase=rocm,hiplibsdk,mlsdk

sudo usermod -aG video $LOGNAME
sudo usermod -aG render $LOGNAME

WARN: Do NOT use default options for amdgpu-install (run without any flags)! This will install a non-working driver and your card will bootloop until the software is uninstalled!

Then you install to install NCCL. If you have a nVidia dev account you can download the deb, if not you'll need to compile it.

git clone
cd nccl/
make -j

WARN: It took 16gb of ram and 32gb of swap for me to compile it. If you don't have enough swap run

sudo fallocate -l 32G ./swapfile
sudo chmod 600 ./swapfile
sudo mkswap ./swapfile 
sudo swapon ./swapfile

You will also need to install nvidia-cuda-dev, but this is in Ubuntu repos!

sudo apt install nvidia-cuda-dev

From there run

git clone -b v2.0.1
cd pytorch
export PATH=/opt/rocm/bin:$PATH ROCM_PATH=/opt/rocm HIP_PATH=/opt/rocm/hip
export PYTORCH_ROCM_ARCH=gfx803
python3 tools/amd_build/
USE_ROCM=1 USE_NINJA=1 python3 bdist_wheel

After compilation is finished the .whl file should be under /dist/

I strongly recommend NOT installing this system wide. Make a virtual env for the project you're going to use it in and install it there.

python -m venv venv --system-site-packages

source venv/bin/activate
pip install /path/to/pytorch-2.whl

Now you're ready to install torch audio

export BUILD_VERSION=2.0.2
git clone
cd audio
mkdir build
cd build
MAKE_CXX_COMPILER=/usr/bin/hipcc cmake -DBUILD_BENCHMARK=ON -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/home/$USER/code/bark/venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/torch  ../.
FORCE_CUDA=1 ROCM_HOME=/opt/rocm/ python3 bdist_wheel

Make sure you build version 2.0.2! It's the only version that works with pytorch 2.0.1!

From start to finish counting download (pytorch is fucking massive!) it took me a little over 8 hours to get everything working.

Cuda init error:

To bypass the cuda init check (which our GPU will crash because cuda assumes we have a nVidia named card not gfx803) open the file venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/torch/cuda/, search for def _check_capability(): and add return under it. It should end up looking like

def _check_capability():
    incorrect_binary_warn = """
    Found GPU%d %s which requires CUDA_VERSION >= %d to
     work properly, but your PyTorch was compiled
     with CUDA_VERSION %d. Please install the correct PyTorch binary
     using instructions from

    old_gpu_warn = """
    Found GPU%d %s which is of cuda capability %d.%d.
    PyTorch no longer supports this GPU because it is too old.
    The minimum cuda capability supported by this library is %d.%d.

    if torch.version.cuda is not None:  # on ROCm we don't want this check
        CUDA_VERSION = torch._C._cuda_getCompiledVersion()
        for d in range(device_count()):
            capability = get_device_capability(d)
            major = capability[0]
            minor = capability[1]
            name = get_device_name(d)
            current_arch = major * 10 + minor
            min_arch = min((int(arch.split("_")[1]) for arch in torch.cuda.get_arch_list()), default=35)
            if current_arch < min_arch:
                warnings.warn(old_gpu_warn % (d, name, major, minor, min_arch // 10, min_arch % 10))

You are now ready to test your bark install

from bark import SAMPLE_RATE, generate_audio, preload_models
from import write as write_wav
from IPython.display import Audio
import os
os.environ["SUNO_OFFLOAD_CPU"] = "True"
os.environ["SUNO_USE_SMALL_MODELS"] = "True"

# download and load all models
print("Preloading models")

# generate audio from text
text_prompt = """
     Hello, my name is Suno. And, uh — and I like pizza. [laughs] 
     But I also have other interests such as playing tic tac toe.
print("Generating text")
audio_array = generate_audio(text_prompt)

# save audio to disk
write_wav("bark_generation.wav", SAMPLE_RATE, audio_array)
# play text in notebook
Audio(audio_array, rate=SAMPLE_RATE)

Save the above to a file named and run it.


If you see a bunch of errors about missing libs you probably forgot to source your venv source /venv/bin/activate

If you get undefined symbol errors (gsm_create, gsm_destroy ect) you compiled using your systems libgsm and not the version in torchaudio. You can work around this by running export LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/

If everything's working at this point you'll see some warnings about "AMD Radeon RX 580 2048SP with CUDA capability sm_80 is not compatible with the current PyTorch installation." and "Can't initialize NVML" these are both false warnings and can be ignored.

On the first run you should see the script reach out and download a bunch of models

When finsihed you should have a file named "bark_generation.wav"



Orange site

WH press statement

7 A.I. Companies Agree to Safeguards After Pressure From the White House

Amazon, Google and Meta are among the companies that will announce the new commitments on Friday as they race to outdo each other with versions of artificial intelligence.

Seven leading A.I. companies in the United States have agreed to voluntary safeguards on the technology’s development, the White House announced on Friday, pledging to strive for safety, security and trust even as they compete over the potential of artificial intelligence.

The seven companies — Amazon, Anthropic, Google, Inflection, Meta, Microsoft and OpenAI — will formally announce their commitment to the new standards at a meeting with President Biden at the White House on Friday afternoon.

The announcement comes as the companies are racing to outdo each other with versions of A.I. that offer powerful new cowtools to create text, photos, music and video without human input. But the technological leaps have prompted fears that the cowtools will facilitate the spread of disinformation and dire warnings of a “risk of extinction” as self-aware computers evolve.

On Wednesday, Meta, the parent company of Facebook, announced its own A.I. tool called Llama 2 and said it would release the underlying code to the public. Nick Clegg, the president of global affairs at Meta, said in a statement that his company supports the safeguards developed by the White House.

“We are pleased to make these voluntary commitments alongside others in the sector,” Mr. Clegg said. “They are an important first step in ensuring responsible guardrails are established for A.I. and they create a model for other governments to follow.”

The voluntary safeguards announced on Friday are only an early step as Washington and governments across the world put in place legal and regulatory frameworks for the development of artificial intelligence. White House officials said the administration was working on an executive order that would go further than Friday’s announcement and supported the development of bipartisan legislation.

“Companies that are developing these emerging technologies have a responsibility to ensure their products are safe,” the administration said in a statement announcing the agreements. The statement said the companies must “uphold the highest standards to ensure that innovation doesn’t come at the expense of Americans’ rights and safety.”

As part of the agreement, the companies agreed to:

  • Security testing of their A.I. products, in part by independent experts and to share information about their products with governments and others who are attempting to manage the risks of the technology.

  • Ensuring that consumers are able to spot A.I.-generated material by implementing watermarks or other means of identifying generated content.

  • Publicly reporting the capabilities and limitations of their systems on a regular basis, including security risks and evidence of bias.

  • Deploying advanced artificial intelligence cowtools to tackle society’s biggest challenges, like curing cancer and combating climate change.

  • Conducting research on the risks of bias, discrimination and invasion of privacy from the spread of A.I. cowtools.

“The track record of A.I. shows the insidiousness and prevalence of these dangers, and the companies commit to rolling out A.I. that mitigates them,” the Biden administration statement said on Friday ahead of the meeting.

“The track record of A.I. shows the insidiousness and prevalence of these dangers, and the companies commit to rolling out A.I. that mitigates them,” the Biden administration statement said on Friday ahead of the meeting.

The agreement is unlikely to slow the efforts to pass legislation and impose regulation on the emerging technology. Lawmakers in Washington are racing to catch up to the fast-moving advances in artificial intelligence. And other governments are doing the same.

The European Union last month moved swiftly in consideration of the most far-reaching efforts to regulate the technology. The proposed legislation by the European Parliament would put strict limits on some uses of A.I., including for facial recognition, and would require companies to disclose more data about their products.

Rothschild :marseymerchant: sues Valve :marseyfreeman: over patent infringement of their "cloud computing"

I hate patent trolls


Random comments:

Taking down KwikFarms are not a responsibility of payment systems. It should be FBI or maybe a drone strike if they are abroad. [Flagged]

What is the Kiwi Farms?

Be happy that you do not know.

A less generous interpretation is that they coordinate harassment campaigns against transgender people and have caused at least three suicides.

That was proven to be false. [Flagged]


The TLDR pic:

Technically, that was from the start of May, but i post this now as xe has come for another model on HF.

The previous incedent thread on HF (archive, note that dramapilled-/g/ anons obviously took to posting some comments):

/g/ thread for previous incedent:


The recent sighting on HF:

/g/ thread for the ongoing one:

!codecels discuss

Just rm -rf our prod db (no backups), what could go wrong.:marseyclueless:

No drama, just thought it was a funny accident.

Reminder to always triple check in which shell you are in before running your cmds and going the nuclear option.:marseyblowkiss:

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