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Hackers discuss :marseynull: and financial censorship


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Taking down KwikFarms are not a responsibility of payment systems. It should be FBI or maybe a drone strike if they are abroad. [Flagged]

What is the Kiwi Farms?

Be happy that you do not know.

A less generous interpretation is that they coordinate harassment campaigns against transgender people and have caused at least three suicides.

That was proven to be false. [Flagged]

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I like how people hekkin love science until it's time to do your own research outside wikipedia.

"they killed 6 million trans people. it says so on Wikipedia. Don't go there yourself. It's a hive of scum and villainy:marseywookiee:" :soysnoo:

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Wikipedia has managed to turn itself into an absolute joke these past few years. I still can't tell if that's because of the partisan editors or just because the media are so much bolder in lying about subjects.

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Wikipedia pro top: If the article has a lock icon on the top right, you are reading propaganda

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Wikipedia pro tip: you are reading propaganda

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I think there's two main factors:

  • Wikipedia articles are based on the principle of reliable sources (it's not for an encyclopedia to decide that they are wrong). Most of the time people sperg out about this, Wikipedia is accurately reflecting what the reliable sources say, and it's the underlying sources that actually need correcting.

  • On disputed topics, where working with other editors is necessary, you need turbo-autism to put in enough time and effort to get changes to stick through drive-by edits, reversions, RFCs, etc. This is a small fraction of articles though ones that often get a lot of readers.

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Wikipedia articles are based on the principle of reliable sources (it's not for an encyclopedia to decide that they are wrong). Most of the time people sperg out about this, Wikipedia is accurately reflecting what the reliable sources say, and it's the underlying sources that actually need correcting.

The issue here is that which sources are "reliable" is subject to consensus, at which point mob rule takes over. For example Fox News is relentlessly reviewed with the intention of finding an excuse to ban it, whereas MSNBC apparently gets a free pass. Shockingly the only sources treated as reliable are those that back up the leftoid editors.

Similarly, the Daily Express (rightoid UK tabloid) is banned, yet the Daily Mirror (similar leftoid UK tabloid) is allowed. The partisans are relentless at trying to manipulate these internal policies.

On disputed topics, where working with other editors is necessary, you need turbo-autism to put in enough time and effort to get changes to stick through drive-by edits, reversions, RFCs, etc. This is a small fraction of articles though ones that often get a lot of readers.

Oh definitely, much of it is selective opposition. Add something negative to the Trump article and nobody will kick up a fuss, but add something positive and they'll fight tooth and nail to exclude it, calling every obscure rule under the sun.

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If it's the kind of thing only covered by either Fox News or MSNBC, it's probably not weighty enough to include at all, especially when those are usually not doing original reporting. Try throwing out WP:NOTNEWS when people try that (you aren't going to overcome the partisan bias so you have to side-step it).

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That doesn't prevent them from using the likes of MSNBC and The Independent to label anyone remotely conservative as "far right".

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It's a beautiful cycle of media lies empowering wikipedos and vice versa

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It's always been that way. "No original research" means no primary sources, and since all secondary sources bend to the will of censorship you're left with nothing to cite.

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There's no contradiction there. They hekkin' love science in the sense that they love what a mainstream newspaper told them that this or that the men in the white coats said. Reading and critically analyzing scientific papers is not part of the game.

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Mentioning p values gets you gigajannied in edits :marseygiveup:

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They were directly responsible for more than one of Keffals suicides.


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>A less generous interpretation is that they coordinate harassment campaigns against transgender people and have caused at least three suicides

Is this supposed to be a bad thing?

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Yes harassment campaings against trans people are a bad thing, you butthole cisgender tard.

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Get a load of this jokester!:marseyexcited:

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This shouldn't even be asked... noone should be harassed just because they are trans. If you're gonna have a harassment campain do it against someone who has done something very evil, that I can excuse.

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Are there people with KF threads that haven't done anything wrong? Every single one I've heard about is like someone who's a male feminist and tried covering it up by changing genders or someone who thinks it's fine to frick kids or someone who sued over a dozen salons for declining to wax his fricking balls.

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There are probably many from the less known ones.

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Surely you can link to an example then, right?

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Why would I voluntarily go to that harassment site :marseyeyeroll2:

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Do you have a name? Literally anyone who's being harassed as you claim who hasn't done anything aside from being trans.

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Correct, let my Yaniv neighbor go!

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Nope, Yaniv is disgusting p-do, it's okay to harass him :marseypuke:

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like make hormones in a bathtub to give to children without their parents knowledge?

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are :marseykeffalsdance:, :lizfongjones: or :marseycwc: "harassed" because they're trans?

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How can things that have never happened be bad? :marseyconfused:

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A less generous interpretation is that they coordinate harassment campaigns against transgender people and have caused at least three suicides

someone pleas ask "correlation does not equal causation". What is the average suicide rate on non-kiwi-targeted trans vs kiwi-targeted trans

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>How can the USA flagrantly violate sovereign airspace and jurisdiction of other countries to assassinate people with drones?


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are we pro or anti kiwi ?

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Pro KF, anti kiwis

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Are you in favor of unchecked corporate power consolidating an omnipotent authoritarian government?

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... does that government enforce for or against my ingroup?

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:marseyagree: If KF is fricking down all the fricking TERF :marseypussyhat: sites are fricking next until Marsey gets gangstalked


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the fricking birds or the fricking fruit, b-word?

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The edge award mvp :marseykingcrown:

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anti censorship

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Depends on how clogged my recommendations and search results are by youtube documentary grifters using them as a primary source and funneling more psychotic normiecattle at my content machines of choice.

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i don't like the weird obsession with """e-celebs""" but i like them for the primary sources and objective reporting when something dramatic like a mass shooting happens

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I do think it kind of sets a strange precedent that stormfront and ISIS can use Visa and Mastercard but not an neurodivergent forum dedicated to cyberbullying other neurodivergents.

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harass a github project for accepting contributions from a hardcore Christian, you get a KF thread

what kf thread is this? :marseyoperasmug:

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Did u guys know the :!marseytrain:s at wikia booted dozerfleet off their platform cos he's a chud??

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Just when the Minecraft and Zelda wikis have voted to splinter off of fandom and form their own wikis because of how fricking unusable and full of bloat that shithole of a website is? :marseypikachu2:

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Dozerfleet was a frickin gem tho, the awful site was part of the experience

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I can’t wait for that :marseytrain2: who “”killed themselves”” Near to show up again. 100% chance they aren’t dead and that Marcan guy is completely lying.

Follower of Christ :marseyandjesus: Tech lover, IT Admin, heckin pupper lover and occasionally troll. I hold back feelings or opinions, right or wrong because I dislike conflict.

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